It truly doesn't matter who is in the White House, the power is in the Senate.
If the Senate had been Democrat in 2014 then Obama's Supreme Court pick would've been confirmed.
If the Senate has been Democrat in 2016 then Trump would've been impeached in 2017.
If the Senate had flipped Democrat in 2018 then there wouldn't be over 1,000 House Resolutions piled up on the Senate Majority's desk.
Next year the Senate gets to begin redrawing Congressional Districts again. Republicans have been gerrymandering this system now for 3 decades and that has to stop!
The US Senate is the weak link in the checks and balances of the American experiment and while Trump needs to go, the White House is the wrong house to focus on.
23 Republican Senators are up for re-election this November 3rd. Moscow Mitch McConnell and Lyin' Lindsay Graham are just 2 of them.
If Biden wins the Presidential race but the Dems don't take the Senate then we've got a replay of the last 2 years of the Obama Administration where the GOP controlled Senate let over 150 judicial appointments (including a Supreme Court justice) remain vacant for almost a year just so his replacement could pack the courts and commit a bunch of high crimes and misdemeanors with impunity!