Thursday, August 29, 2019


I was in a store the other day, I know - I'm such a neanderthal going to brick-n-mortar and all - and the topic of stupidity came up in conversation (full disclosure - I steer the topic this way often ahead of elections) and I said, "Next thing you know we have Trump and Doug Ford".
The Millennial clerk replied, 'I didn't vote for them. I never vote." to which I replied, "All it takes for evil to win is for good people to do nothing."
And the Millennial clerk sighed, "yeah. True dat" Which I think means she just realized her not voting helped Doug get elected. I'm not sure, I don't speak Millennial.
Say you live in Kitchener-Conestoga (or anyplace else in Canada).
And say you want to keep the Conservatives from winning.
Go to this website (, find your Riding and if it's Conservative leaning or a Toss up then click it, find out who the viable competition is and talk them up.

Make sure EVERYONE in your riding knows it's a close race but not a foregone conclusion that the Conservatives will win it. Tell them who to support in order to strategically beat the Conservative threat.
And before letting it go remind them that of the 338 ridings in the last Canadian Federal Election only 4 were won by a margin greater than number of registered voters in that riding WHO DIDN'T VOTE.

Almost 250 Ridings this election will have a completely different result if just 10% of the people registered who don't vote actually show up. Over 100 ridings will go the other if just 4% more people vote against the leading candidate in their Riding!
Since the Conservatives are all about voter suppression it's vitally important that people who say they don't vote are then told "oh, then you support Andrew Scheer, because as sure as that's how Trump and Doug Ford won, that's what not voting does"

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


The Conflict of Interest Act only came into effect in 2006 therefore the only Prime Ministers it has ever applied to are Trudeau and Harper, so Andy Scheer's January 5th, 2018 statement (which they're continuing to repeat) that "Justin Trudeau broke the law. A first in Canadian history for any sitting Prime Minister." IS WRONG.
While there are tonnes of minor PM scandals (more than 100 for just Harper alone - see here for that full list here are the big ones in Canadian History...
The Pacific Scandal -- Allegations wealthy Montrealer Hugh Allan had been promised a contract to build a cross-country railway in exchange for more than $350,000 in political donations rocked John A MacDonald's Conservative government.  Macdonald claimed innocence, but resigned as prime minister in 1873.  He was re-elected in 1878 and continued until 1891, for a total of 9 years so this couldn't have been that bad.
Schreiber Affair -- Justice Jeffrey Oliphant's 2010 federal inquiry ruled it was inappropriate for then MP Brian Mulroney to accept cash from German-Canadian businessman Karlheinz Schreiber. Oliphant said Mulroney "failed to live up to the standard of conduct that he himself adopted in the 1985 ethics code" for ministers, parliamentary secretaries and other senior public office holders.
Shawinigate -- Jean Chretien may have used his influence to help Yvon Duhaime, owner of the Auberge Grand Mere hotel, get financing from the Federal Business Development Bank.  It's not unusual for MP's to assist constituents with government agencies, particularly for investment and job creation schemes but at the time, Chretien was part-owner of an adjacent golf course and even though he'd been trying to sell his shares in it the association led to accusations of inappropriately.
Contempt case -- In March 2011, Speaker of the House of Commons, Peter Milliken (internationally acknowledged as one of the best) chastised Stephen Harper's Conservative government for withholding the full costs of anti-crime measures, corporate tax cuts and a planned fighter jet purchase. It led to the government's defeat on a non-confidence motion declaring the government in contempt of Parliament, rapidly followed by Milliken's replacement as Speaker by what Rick Mercer called "A sack of flour with a happy face drawn on it - Andrew Scheer".

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Enemy of My Enemy is My NDP

In my 2015 - TOP SECRET CONSERVATIVE HANDBOOK, I have an article called THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY IS MY NDP.  As with everything in that book, it's written from the perspective of a Conservative Strategist, and explains why the CPC only ever attacks the Liberals, as they did even when the Official Opposition Party to Stephen Harper was Jack Layton's NDP.  
In short, it's because the NDP is irrelevant to them.  The NDP is either a nothing burger, a party that props up the Liberals in a minority or someone they can occasionally align with to stop a Liberal minority.
And despite Harper proroguing Parliament in 2008 and running around the country campaigning against the constitutionality of Coalition Governments, the fact is he formed one with both the NDP and the BLOQ in 2004, and the three offered the Governor General of the day the option of turning government over to them (led by the Conservatives, of course) instead of calling an election WHEN they defeated Paul Martin's minority Liberal government. 
The idea was rejected for the very simple reason that when more than a year passes after an election it's impossible and "conventionally" wrong for the Governor General to presume they know the "will of the people".
But the NDP has never been that will.  Layton's Official Opposition is the largest block that party has ever had, and ever will have.  And if that period taught us anything, they weren't even prepared for that reality when it came so God help us if they ever accidentally formed government!
The reality is this party is a King Maker and until they start campaigning on that reality they will remain irrelevant. Their whole approach should be that they are "the party that keeps government in check" and I predict they would get amazing results if they beat that drum because there are a lot of people who are nervous about the main two parties right now.
Instead they'll campaign under the fantasy they have even a faint chance of forming the next government despite most polls currently show them losing half their existing seats to the Conservatives.
The only time any party should discuss what they'd do if they formed the next Government is when they're riding so high in the polls that's a possibility.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


I love it when Conservatives get all uppity about Omar Khadr. They act like it was a Liberal caused problem.

Omar was pressed into service as a Child Soldier by his father when he was 10. He was returned to Canada on September 29, 2012, and released on bail in May 2015. Both of which happened under PM Harper.

Our citizenship is supposed to mean our Government acts when foreign governments detain us without trial, and torture us in contravention of law, but our nation turned a blind eye when the US designating him an "enemy combatant", and our Government was silent while they subjected him to torture, things that would not have happened had he been properly deemed a Prisoner of War.

The Harper government's response to demands we repatriate Khadr was to issue a notice to Canadians advising us not to expect assistance if we travel outside of the country and then pass a law allowing the government to revoke citizenship. Both of which were challenged in court.

Omar rightfully sued our government for violating his Constitutional rights. And because of the precedent that Harper set with his apology and $11.5 Million settlement to Maher Arar in 2007, Omar was practically guaranteed at least that much. Most lawyers believe Khadr would've likely been awarded double that amount because it happened while he was a child.

Yet, Conservatives still try to blame Trudeau for smartly settling the case for a million less than Harper paid Arar.

Create the problem, make worse the problem, hand it off to someone else and then point fingers. They do it with terrorists, they do it with payroll systems, they do it with election ads.

At least they're consistent.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019


I've long been a proponent of tracking Full-Time Equivalent (FTE). 
FTE is the only true measure of how productive a nation is. It's something governments are leery about reporting because 30,000 jobs suddenly works out to only 10,000 FTE when all those part-time hours are combined.  (Canada collects the data on a company by company basis but does not aggregate the data for release)
I've also been a proponent of taxing companies on the basis of FTE, getting rid of a payroll tax that can be manipulated by various nefarious hiring practices. Each hour would have a mean average value and the company would pay accordingly (employees would still pay the tax on the basis of their earnings - that's a separate thing).
It occurred to me very early one morning that FTE is rather like horsepower, in that it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to look at work being done by a machine and say "that has X FTE" or even services being done for Canadians by people outside the country and saying "that's equivalent to X FTE if that work was being done in Canada" at which point we can now tax machines for stealing jobs and companies that outsource services provided to Canadian customers.
There would no doubt be some qualifiers, and other solutions would be needed to replace the taxation revenue when product is outsourced (distance metered carbon transportation tariffs perhaps?) but since most of us will be replaced by automation or outsourcing, and currently those losses are simply drops in taxation revenue, it seems to me that this is a more equitable and sustainable method.
After all, if the services are being performed for people here, here should be taxing the employer for the work provided.
Just a thought...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Scheer's whole platform is "I'm not Trudeau"

It's not a bad approach.  Most of Trudeau's platform in 2015 was "I'm not Harper".  The problem with Scheer's approach though is that he's very much Harper 2.0 and we've already rejected that but could end up with that sort of "power-at-any-cost" style locked-down opaque don't-look-behind-the-curtain government again if we're not careful.
I'm not being hyperbolic when I say anyone who wants a repeat of Harperism should be locked up for treason.  Ontario has spent nearly 20 years trying to fix the damage done by Mike Harris and it's unlikely the Hydro One mess will be repaired in my lifetime.
The other problem is that most of what he's saying isn't accurate.  The entire strategy for both Republicans in the south, and those in the North (who call themselves Canadian Conservatives) isn't providing an alternative and letting that vision stand, it's attacking both sides if necessary through any means possible.
Conservative leaning voters will vote even if they believe all politicians are corrupt because they fear the alternatives. Liberal leaning voters won't vote if they don't believe their options are pure (unrealistically pure in many cases).
So even if Conservatives are just as bad as Liberals, or worse, their base will still show up and vote because the fear of a Liberal win trumps all concerns they're backing a corrupt horse.  It's at least the devil they know:
Suppression is the only way Conservatives can win and in the last 20 years has been their only road to success.  But then lacking vision what else can they do?

Liberals vs Conservatives

Gerald Butts, the Liberal campaign chair, was CEO of the World Wildlife Fund Canada.
Hamish Marshall, the Conservative campaign chair, started the racist communication platform Rebel Media.
The differences are THAT clear.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

How to deal with Conservatives - bots and idiots

While Harper obsessed over promoting oil, Canada has lost 440,000 manufacturing jobs since the Harper government took office.

Through Facebook Memories, this old bit popped up.  Since it’s highly likely Scheer’s policies aren’t any different, and since people have really short memories, it felt appropriate to share it again…  At the very least it’s a reminder that despite their claims Justin Trudeau is the source of all ill in the world, Conservatives aren’t better and their mistakes are generally more sinister.

Shortly after a friend shared it on their feed and because they have non-urban Ontario friends who are drinking Andy Scheer’s cool-aid a couple immediately piped up with the standard Conservative talking points = attacks on Trudeau, he’s not any better, he’s corrupt too, only Justin has rich friends.  The stuff is so predictable and repetitive that I’ve loaded my quill with counter point arrows ready to shoot to each, and since this exchange brought most of them out I thought I’d share it with you, because if nothing else, you should have a one stop internet shop for countering Neo-Con Talking Points.

They always start with the false equivalency (my guy is no worse than your guy).  The danger here is that Conservative voters will always vote, so all they need to do to win is to discourage Liberals from going to the polls.

PERSON X: And Justin's Liberals have done nothing but apologize to all or any group he feels can help him get re elected. He has however not apologized for any of his own mistakes. (or as some would say any of his corrupt doings).

MY RESPONSE:  Cons have made things so partisan that even the hint of apologizing for any of his own mistakes becomes and endlessly stupid parade of hole filled attack ads. Meanwhile, Harper governed for 9 years had more than 27 scandals (many that required them to shut down government), destroyed people's lives with their "cut to help the rich" economic plans, sat on their hands for 9 weeks during the Great Recession awaiting orders from America, and turned the greatest pay down of our debt into the biggest deficit ever! If anyone really believes they're worse off now than they were 4 years ago then vote someone else, but it'll be criminal if Andy Scheer becomes the next Prime Minister because it means lies work when you repeat them often enough.

[I start off by calling out the Gaslighting tactic that Conservatives use.  If you get attacked every time you say sorry and the other side always attacks you for every slight no matter how small or unproven then apologizing becomes an invitation for a partisan attack.  The Liberals have apologized many times for mistakes, but since the election they’ve more often doubled down on the commitment to ‘get it right’, which acknowledges the failing without giving their opposition the sound bite to use against them.]

PERSON X:  I get a kick out of people saying about Harper putting his rich friends ahead of the rest of Canadians. He is a Saint when compared to Trudeau and His rich friends. Harper wasn't the best PM but he was a lot better than what we have now. I am not feeling good about Scheer either.

[The fall back for a Conservative is attacking someone for success.  These are the same people who brag about their own successes.  The last bit was interesting, but since every one of Harper’s elections proved attacking Liberals only helps Conservatives I can’t let that sit unchallenged either.]

MY RESPONSE:  I've done the research on both, hell I literally wrote the book on Harper's tactics so you need to go recheck your facts before spouting Canada Proud internet lies anywhere I can see them because I can tear apart that crap without even batting an eye . The wealthiest 5% in Canada saw their taxes go down by an accumulated 15% under Harper while Federal services for the 25% neediest Canadians (including veterans) were slashed to the bone or cancelled outright.Harper's government wasted BILLIONS on municipal beautification projects in marginal constituencies to buy votes instead of delivering even a fraction of that to desperately needed infrastructure projects - almost all of which Trudeau HAS delivered on.
I also don't mind pointing out that the Conservative Party of Canada is the ONLY party ever found guilty of Election Fraud, which they then tried to cover up by slashing the budget for Elections Canada and when that didn't work they slipped a rider through an Omnibus bill that actually made it illegal for Elections Canada to educate youth on how to vote!
I don't know you but I would hope you have the ability to stop, investigate, think and then realize you're just perpetuating misinformation. I can not only stand by what I've said here, I can back it up with thousands of pages of research from decades of study.

[I call them out for regurgitating Conservative talking points from platforms like Canada Proud because an “informed electorate” doesn’t need to, while a “MisInformed Electorate” has nothing else to use.  If you’re going to repeat something that was twisted by someone else to mean something subversive and you clearly don’t understand what your using because it’s not yours then I’m going to call you on it.  I do again later too.]

MY RESPONSE (follow up):  Here's a perfect example of the misinformation campaign. Andy Scheer and his lot keep attacking Trudeau for wasteful spending, however parliamentary record clearly shows the most wasteful party leader is SCHEER, who last year alone went nearly $100,000over budget, half of which was for flying his family around with him - AND WE'RE PAYING FOR THAT!If he's this wasteful when he's just a party leader (and keep in mind that as Speaker then Opposition leader Scheer has lived in a Government paid mansion for almost a decade with a driver, car, chef and staff even though he isn't actually in charge of anything!) imagine the cost of him as Prime Minister! We can't afford him.

[Under Trudeau many government records are back to being openly available.  “Transparent” Stephen Harper’s government denied release of information if a staffer thought it could be used against the Conservatives.]

PERSON X: Gary In my opinion we just cannot afford anymore of Justin Trudeau's antics.

[Then a new one joined in. Their surprise at the facts I posted was amusingly cute.]

PERSON Z: Are you saying that Scheer did more traveling with family members' on our tax dollars than Justin Trudeau did? I find that hard to believe.

MY RESPONSE:  It's on record. They have to file this. Justin pays commercial rates back to the government for transporting for his family. Scheer has always billed the taxpayers.
And the antics referred to are almost exclusively Conservative inventions, claims and exaggerations.
Unlike Harper's 27 scandals not one of the current claims has proven legit following any independent scrutiny. 
Even the SNC one has been refuted by every former Justice Minister as JWR not being able to reconcile the political demands of her position with her interpretations of the ethical demands (and I'm sorry but I want a Prime Minister who advocates for less damaging alternative punishments like fines and admissions than simply vindictive criminal charges on major employers). The only proven mistake Trudeau made with JWR was putting someone with too limited experience in that position and every government has made that mistake with at least one portfolio.
But at least JWR wasn't a lobbyist from the industry her portfolio oversaw (17 of Harper's last ministers had been lobbyists for their portfolios prior to government and MORE THAN HALF of Scheer's current shadow cabinet have been lobbyists).
Again, the test of good or bad government is measured by whether you personally are better it worse off now than you were 5 years ago. The rest is political games.
I for one congratulate Trudeau on Senate reforms that didn't require another
Meech Lake debacle and look forward to retiring at 65 instead of 67 which Harper made it.If you still don't like JT that's fine, but this election is too important to allow partisan created falsehoods to spread unchallenged.

PERSON Z: Yes only the evil cons are guilty. Justin’s Liberals have never lied and are perfect angels. Give me a break.

MY RESPONSE:  Don't be obtuse. The first post Trudeau made after the election is that they weren't perfect and would make mistakes but they also took the gags civil servants and scientists - unlike the Cons who rewrote election laws to retroactively permit their abuses, gagged civil servants and scientists, and even classified gazebo expense overruns in order to silence their critics. 

No government could possibly operate to some people's impossible standards but there's a big difference between flawed and criminal.

PERSON Z: Exactly. No one is perfect as you put it. All the things you accuse the cons of the libs are just as guilty in a slightly different way. To make it like the world will end with either leader is incredibly ridiculous.
People need to come to the middle and hold all govs accountable.
But looks like your willing to look the other way as long as your party gets in, am i right?

["slightly different"?  Like the difference between "flawed" and "criminal". The frustration in dealing with the misinformed comes when their arguments are so predictable you counter them before they make them.  It starts to feel like you're interacting with a bot.]

MY RESPONSE:  Believe what you want. The Liberals have not been gerrymandering elections, were not found guilty by Elections Canada of fraud, have nothing on par with Harper's In & Out scandal, haven't censured scientists, and have done a much better job with the economy (no recession despite trade attacks by Trump). And if you retire at 65 you won't be penalized, whereas Harper had that pushed up to 67 – two more years you’d have to work just to get benefits from a plan you’ve paid in to.
You're untitled to your own opinion but not your own facts.

PERSON Z: Hahahahaa ok bud. Keep the partisanship up. You are part of the problem.  Cheers

[The accusation of partisanship is the last resort of person who’s lost an argument.  At no point has anyone actually provided facts to counter my claims or support theirs.  Just the vague rumours and accusations bleated repeatedly in Conservative talking points.  It was starting to feel like I was carrying on a conversation with SIRI.]

MY RESPONSE:  I feel like I'm dealing with a bot. I keep reading responses regurgitated almost directly off the Canada Proud playbook. But sure, details and facts are the problem. Right

[I’ve studied and understand Canadian Federal Elections.  It doesn’t mean I’m not often surprised, but failing to spot a pattern as it’s happening is different from not knowing the patterns that happen.  I’m not a member of the Liberal Party, never have been.  I’m a centrist.  I’m the Progressive/Red Tory in the room.  The one who says to the group, “Yeah, we can make the rich richer, but if we made the poor better off then they’d need less help and might actually pay taxes!”
Depending on my mood I’ve got two final responses for these exchanges, the most often used one is “I’m bored of this but momma always said, ‘let the asshole have the last word’ so it’s you call whether that’s you or me”.  The other option is this:]

SUMMARY:  I'd like to throw a little shade on the partisan claim above that was levied at me. Until 2004 I was a lifelong member of the Progressive Conservative Party, working with it on policy and election strategy. After it's betrayal by Peter MacKay and the reverse take over of the PC Party by the Canadian Alliance/Reform Party I went with my fellow Progressives into the splinter True Tory/Conservative “Progressive Canadian” Party (PC PARTY). 
After gross malfeasance became rampant (wiki the In & Out Scandal for starters) I was one of many who provided Elections Canada with the evidence they used to charge, fine and deliver a verdict of guilt against Harper's Conservatives (I believe this is the first and only time that's ever happened in Canadian history). All evidence shows that the NDP is 100% in collusion with the Conservatives on these schemer tactics because both parties know they only gain when the Liberals lose.  In fact, numerous past and present members of the NDP have confirmed to me privately that despite their public optimism, the NDP knows it will never form Government.  I believe they're entire approach to elections will keep that from happening.

Since leaving the Conservative Movement I've literally written the book on their tactics, again with help from insiders. I know from what I speak, both at the 'sausage making level' and beyond.
I've given lectures on gerrymandering techniques and I've shown many exactly how to break down a postal code for effective electioneering.I guarantee you no one is voting FOR Andy Scheer but anyone who doesn't vote because they won't vote Liberal will be just as guilty of electing him as those who put their X beside the name of their local Conservative candidate. 

So yes, I'm partisan, a partisan Conservative who votes for whichever party is closest to the center, which sadly right now is the Liberal Party.  I believe we have to support the center and whoever is closest to it, because the option is that the fringe groups get control of this country and that would be a disaster.  We don't have the economic engine America has to weather that sort of incompetence.
As Macleans pointed out in their article “What is wrong with the Right?”, Andy Scheer and the Conservative Party of Canada have given air to conspiracies, and that's a Pandora's box once opened, cannot be closed again. 
They’ve courted and engaged with openly racists groups like Canada Proud, Rebel Media and hideous people like Faith Goldy and Michelle Rempel. 

Despite Scheer’s statement he had zero tolerance for racists in his caucus, he has yet to stand up to Michael Cooper, the MP who quoted into Parliamentary Record the manifesto of the New Zealand shooter and has on multiple occasions made clearly racists slurs to people of colour testifying at Commons Committees.  Cooper will be on the ballot in October, clearly with Scheer's endorsement.

I will call out Harpercrits to my last breath,   until they abandon the extremes and return to the center, until they return to being a party that builds instead of tears down Canada, until they actually Stand Up For Canada and show leadership instead of just whine about the Liberals.  I will never give up, never surrender, never cede the high ground to them. 

And that is my full disclosure. 

Cheers to an informed electorate!

How you're being manipulated 101: ELITE

Conservative supporters will frequently complain about being labelled racist, for using "dog whistle terms" that are racist code when in fact all they're trying to do is state "their voice isn't being heard." I acknowledge that. Rural voters make up only 20% of Canada's population. People of rural backgrounds represent less than 40% across the country. Any democratic system that allows the majority to rule isn't going to harm the majority to benefit a spread out minority. Even taking the diversity angle out of it, the Rural voice in Canada has less impact. The Greater Toronto and Montreal areas combined have three times the population of all of Alberta. And Alberta has almost 1/10th the population of Canada. So a law that benefits only Alberta isn't going to fly. Period. And facts are used on long-term decisions. Like the one where it costs taxpayers half as much money to feed and house someone then it does to police, imprison and provide emergency medical care to them because they're living on the street. Which seems counter-intuitive to most, to anyone, unless you see the facts. But ELITE is a bad word for Conservatives to use and they need to know why: The average educational background of a Conservative supporter is High School with possibly some trade school following that. There's nothing wrong with this, I'm in that boat. But the trap of it is that real life experiences are more likely to prove a counter-intuitive idea that works is more valuable than a theory based on statistics and facts that don't seem to have any direct positive result. Because of this, lower education folk trust facts less than higher education folk do. And often lower education folk see facts being used against them. Because when you look at facts you're looking at the whole of a problem, not the isolated bits. And it's easy to convince people that someone else is getting a benefit they're not, particularly when that "benefit" is actually just trying to level the playing field but you're struggling to stay afloat. I believe if you want to understand why Trump and Doug Ford got elected this is a core to it. These people feel marginalized, they feel like their opinions are under attack, they feel like they're not allowed to express their feelings and concerns and when they do they're ignored. And no one likes to lose ground. Then along comes an idiot who is happy to be their voice and since he's far less eloquent than they are and apparently seems happy being a lightning rod for negative attention, and he pushes the bar so far that it liberates them to open up, be themselves, say the things they can only normally get away with around the kitchen table after a case of beer. Otherwise they're constantly being told their opinions are wrong, overblown and unimportant. Even when its true, no one wants to hear that. In short, white males without university degrees now feel the way every single woman, minority and immigrant has felt pretty much throughout history. Payback's a bitch. I get it. That sucks. So there's a distrust among such people of anyone with a degree or facts or words they have to look up if they could be bothered, because if you don't understand the science and process or the theory used to make a decision, and the decision seems to hurt you, even in the short term, then you're going to hate the decision and the decision maker and lets face it, the process those decisions are made with. So far, ok. However, the term ELITE is also used in reference to urban areas, it's used like it's talking about where the rich, and highly educated live. I heard the term "416 Elites" used a lot by Conservatives on their boards to slam the fact downtown Toronto doesn't vote Conservative, so doesn't share their values, so to hell with them (fun fact: oddly most conservative wonks that form policy for the party live in areas that vote Liberal and NDP. Maybe that's opposition research but it's sounds pretty "elite" to me). In reality the 416 isn't where most of the wealthy live, the first thing a person does with wealth is get away from cities. Cities are where most of the poor, lower middle class and immigrants live. It's where people who have to take transit live. It's where old people who walk to grocery stores live. It's where people who need social assistance and subsidized daycare just make rent with their low paying job live. And because the urban areas have so many seats they either control things or have a much louder voice at the table. Which has gotta suck for people not living in the 416 who have pick-up trucks and boats and cabins because they don't live in cities where most of low paying jobs are, or because they have family and savings to rely on to get ahead. But it's how a democracy works. And it's why ELITE is a dog-whistle racist word, since instead of rich it actually means poor and instead of educated entitled it's actually referring to immigrants and people who get carded by police for sitting on a bench in a park.

Torque - Violent Spin

I came across an article on CBCnews recently.  In the headline was the word "Torque" and in context it was referring to an example of severe spin of information being mishandled by Andy Scheer and his Conservative party against Trudeau. 
Spin is nothing new, but there's a gulf of difference between rebranding an estate tax as a "death tax" to get people upset about it and openly publishing and promoting misinformation to trick voters into supporting you.  The first is politics, "I don't like something because to me it's like X", the other is actively creating a pool of MisINFORMED Voters, and I believe this is what the word "torque" is being used to describe.
In physics, torque is defined as "a twisting force that tends to cause rotation".  The full definition is referring to the measure of force required to get something to turn on a pivot.  You can experiment with this easily by going to any hinged door and opening or closing it. If you push/pull from the furthest point on the door from the hinge then the effort is easy, or easier than when you move closer to the hinge. 
The more leverage you have the less effort it takes to pivot something.  Yeah, that pretty much describes what the Conservatives are doing and have done since Harper "united the right".
The risk right now is that the Conservative Party of Canada is currently collecting some $3Million a month more on than the Liberals are.  Conservative ad spending is almost 100% on attack ads targetting Trudeau, 100% TORQUE; while all they've been able to say for their plans are vague empty "we'll do better" promises.  In truth, all modern Conservatives have ever done is the opposite of what the Liberals did.  Despite their claims otherwise, USMCA (NAFTA2.0) was a win for Canada because the Americans were seeking to decimate their trade partners through almost violent protectionist measures and we didn't give them that. 
And despite being in the party throughout Harper's 9 years as Prime Minister, Andy Scheer has no experience in Government, he's never been in Cabinet, but he has a lot to lose because he's had free mansion, car and driver, housekeepers and a cozy salary since he was appointed Speaker of the House in June of 2011. Considering how quickly Harper left after the last election it's likely Andy could find himself back selling insurance if he doesn't get at least a minority government this October.
As this election heats up Liberals will point out the similarities between Doug Ford's mismanagement of Ontario and things Andy Scheer has said, some of which is conjecture but none of which isn't true, while these thoroughly Modern Conservatives will continue on their one-sided smear campaign against one person, the leader of the Liberal Party, which would be politics if they weren't so often "torquing" the facts into half lies and rumours.  

f Joseph Goebbels and Donald Trump have proven nothing else, "Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty" works.
At least it did in NAZI Germany and 2016 AMERICA