Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Daily Digest December 30, 2008

ARCHIVED at http://cdndailydigest.blogspot.com/


Put it in writing

Lowering the voting age: a useful debate
There's no guarantee it would improve the voter turnout, but it's worth exploring

Medical travel gets attention

Imperfect ceasefire better than alternative

Beneficial goal offered by feds\

Israel has no choice but to defend itself

Israel finally says: Enough

Reform needed in Parliament

A difficult 2009 is ahead of us

Here's hoping we hold it well together in 2009

Never become complacent as death toll rises

Israel justified, but at what cost?

Leave abortion alone

Responding to a provocation

What Canada is fighting

Beyond Bleak House

Flaherty should be frank with the public  

Canada, U. S. auto bailout plans come with a price

Feds have EI obligation

Consequences of bad choices like dominoes


Afghanistan's election year will be challenging: experts

Diplomat doubtful of Taliban peace bid

Pakistan suspends Afghan supplies
Pakistan has blocked a key supply route to US and Nato forces in Afghanistan in order to begin an offensive against militants, officials say. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/7804133.stm

Pakistan shuts down NATO supply line through the Khyber Pass

U.S. plans to expand its Afghan lifelines

Afghan attacks 'double' in 2008

Canada's reputation hangs between Pakistani aid and Afghanistan war

US to harness Afghan militias against Taliban

The militia mistake

Close Air Support and Civilian Casualties in Afghanistan (Full PDF Article)

Canadians honour soldiers along Highway of Heroes

Canada opposes US plan to arm Afghan militias

Derek H. Burney: Canada's place in an Obama world

Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Behind Gaza Operation, An Uneasy Triumvirate
Washington Post - 35 minutes ago
By Griff Witte JERUSALEM, Dec. 30 -- Three Israeli leaders met in secret Friday to review the plan of attack, according to a government spokesman.
[] Video: Israeli Arabs show solidarity with Gaza brothers [] Video: Israeli Arabs show solidarity with Gaza brothers
Protesters worldwide keep up pressure over Gaza AFP
Xinhua - Globe and Mail - CTV.ca - New York Times
all 27,856 news articles »

Israel, Hamas under pressure for Gaza aid truce

Israeli Ministers Weigh Gaza Truce Proposal as Strikes Continue

Israel mulls Gaza truce offer

[] Audio Slideshow: The Gaza offensive [] Q & A: The Gaza conflict [] Analysis: Hamas's options run thin as attacks persist [] Globe editorial:

Province to change tax credit for political contributions

Tiny tax savings offset by EI, CPP hikes: watchdog

Thanks, Stephen

Pay senators a part-time wage for a part-time job

Who wins on budget day?

Farewell to a most unusual year

2008 was bad for free speech--'09 promises better

Facilitating a turkey shoot

We are all Keynesians now? No

Israel is the opium of the people, and other Arab taboos

Six facts to keep in mind about Gaza

"Smashing through the amnesia" in Israel and Gaza

 Beware well-meaning hypocrisy 

2008: a bad year for the vain and venal

Des centaines de gens assistent au rapatriement des corps des soldats

Omar Khadr pourrait rentrer au pays en 2009

La coalition à Ottawa est l'événement marquant de 2008

Le débat sur l'avortement ne sera pas rouvert, dit Harper

Gaza: le Canada appelle à un cessez-le-feu

Israël est déterminé à écraser le Hamas

L'arrivée de Michael Ignatieff ne met pas en péril la coalition, selon la CSN
Ottawa rejette les comparaisons entre les conflits afghan et irakien

L'ouverture face aux talibans serait inutile, selon un diplomate

La listériose a placé la sécurité alimentaire au coeur de l'actualité de 2008



Some time during 1999 having retired from 35+ years of teaching - broken by 18 months as Member of Parliament for Niagara Falls Riding what was then called "Pick of the Day" was first put together and posted out.

My thanks to all both those who chosen to receive it over what will be a decade sometime this year and those who have been receiving the current Daily Digest for much shorter times.

Please be encouraged to do two things: share your thoughts and send links to articles you find of interest.

All things considered we are among the most fortunate people in the world and can look forward to a better new year by far than most.

        Best personal regards,

                 Joe Hueglin


From: "Jacob Rempel"
Subject:  Nobel Lecture by Harold Pinter, 2005

On the occasion of Harold Pinter's death it behoves us to read one of his most powerful works... His address to the Nobel Prize Committee on the occasion of his 2005 Nobel Prize for Literature –

Reference: ----- © THE NOBEL FOUNDATION 2005


"Political language, as used by politicians, does not venture into any of this territory since the majority of politicians, on the evidence available to us, are interested not in truth but in power and in the maintenance of that power. To maintain that power it is essential that people remain in ignorance, that they live in ignorance of the truth, even the truth of their own lives. What surrounds us therefore is a vast tapestry of lies, upon which we feed."

(Pinter refers to the USA and the UK, but there's an awful lot of this in Canada as well)

From: "John Dowson"
Subject: Re: Daily Digest December  29, 2008

The CPC Council there is not one moderate in the entire bunch. It is just the Reform party with a different name and I can only assume that if you question a policy or issue you'll be thrown out for questioning the dear leader. John Dowson

Subject: The US breaks up and Canada gets ... South Dakota?
From: "Efstratios Psarianos"

Oh, maaaaan .. You have GOT to read this :-S I've given the link:
Dammit, why can't Canada get a useful state. Like Florida for vacation, herHeavenssake :-S
P.S. Some stuff even I can't make up :-S
From: "Rebecca Gingrich"
Subject: FW: Office of the Prime Minister / Cabinet du Premier ministre

Joe--this is the email I rec'd from the 'honourable' Harper's office.  I have replied that I have already written to Mr. Cannon but that my email to Harper was discussing Harper's own words and actions, not Foreign Affairs.

Harper promises to remain staunch ally of Israel as he helps light menorah

From: "Prime Minister/Premier ministre" <pm@pm.gc.ca>
To: "Rebecca Gingrich" <r.gingrich@sympatico.ca>
CC: "Lawrence Cannon, P.C., M.P." <mina10@international.gc.ca>
Subject: Office of the Prime Minister / Cabinet du Premier ministre
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2008 15:06:45 -0500

Dear Ms. Gingrich:

On behalf of the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, I would like to thank you for your e-mail, in which you raised an issue which falls within the portfolio of the Honourable Lawrence Cannon, Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Prime Minister always appreciates receiving mail on subjects of importance to Canadians.

Please be assured that the statements you made have been carefully reviewed. I have taken the liberty of forwarding your e-mail to Minister Cannon so that he too may be made aware of your comments. I am certain that the Minister will give your views every consideration. For more information on the Government's initiatives, you may wish to visit the Prime Minister's Web site, at www.pm.gc.ca.

L.A. Lavell
Executive Correspondence Officer
Agent de correspondance
de la haute direction

Subject: The second last paragraph says it all!


From: "Rene Moreau" <rtmoreau@sympatico.ca>
Subject: Emailing: sikorsky sucker

Halifax Herald
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Dear editor;

re; Your article, by Murray Brewster of Canadian Press, December 24th, 2008, 'Sikorsky get extra 117 million, in altered deal to replace Sea Kings.' 

Mention is made of how the deal includes a 20 year, 40 million dollar maintenance contract.

Pray tell, does that mean that the Canadian taxpayer is on the hook for another 40 million bucks so that we can get a FOREIGN, AMERICAN company to maintain our helicopters? (Sikorsky)

When one buys a clothes dryer, for example, the sales staff will should always try to get some more money out of you by suggesting such a contract and, in some cases it may make sense. However to get foreigners, especially those, to con us into such a contract is a sign that our government has either been infiltrated, or lobotomized. (Frontal lobe of brain removed)

An example. One day the RCMP bought an American, foreign, Windows program. True to it's name, it contained a 'window' allowing American, foreign, American, interests to have access to the information there-in. There are those who would say this represents 'astute' business practice, and I think they would be right.

But for us to ever, ever trust them to give a sucker an even break, (an American expression) would be stupid, n'est-ce pas?

Add to that that NAFTA says we must never discriminate against foreign, American corporations, so we let our purchasing be done by foreign, American companies, and BOY, are we that dumb? It would appear so.

Rene Moreau (416-489-8347)

Subject: FW: Get The Most Explosive Political Book For 2009 Before The Next  Federal Election...
From: "Efstratios Psarianos"

Hi, Joe.
It's almost New Year's and I've decided to indulge myself in making fun of people who need to lighten up but who take themselves all too seriously. Here goes.
Well, I MUST say that my favourite front for US 'conservative' pressure groups operating in Canada is The Freedom Press. To date, Tristan Emmanuel has carried the ball with his doing his raving omega-male act.
Now, Tristan's found himself a soul-buddy in Gerry "Self-Declared Political Genius" Nicholls. I'm always amused by weasel words when I detect them: in Gerry's case, we're witness to the classic 'Top xx of ...' variant thereof. Let's face it: if he considers himself to be THE top mind, he'd say so. If he considers himself second, he'd say 'One of the top two ...'. And so on. Sure, not everyone's tuned in to this rhetorical technique, but to those of us who are, it brings endless hilarity. Case in point: 'The Green Party is one of the top five parties in Canadian federal politics'.
The picture on the book's cover suggests to me that Gerry's in his late 40s or so, and the book's description says that he served as strategist for the NCC for over twenty years. This is a good thing: it means that he's wasted only HALF his life so far. The down side is that the wasted half is the adult one ... he may be hard to turn around!
Onwards. Gerry, now '... one of (Stephen Harper's) most fierce and unrelenting critics' (again, not #1) goes about '... tracing (Stephen Harper's) evolution from hardcore conservative ideologue to partisan, pragmatic politician.' Mr. Harper repudiated: at LAST, definitive proof that he doesn't make evolution ridiculous! Talk about unintended kudos.
But everything turns out all right in the end. If. Gerry really believes that 'principled conservatives' must '... resist the corrosive influence of partisan politics and focus on what matters: winning the war of ideas', he'll deliberately marginalize himself. Gerry Nicholls: Self-Correcting Problem. You have to admire the guy ... I mean who among us would put THAT on his resume, eh?
From your blissfully unaligned picador ... MORE skewered bull (and 'ANOTHER skewered bull') for your entertainment. All served up for a Happy New Year. Have a good one, folks.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Freedom Press Canada Inc." <no-reply@ecpcentre.org>
Sent: 30/12/2008 12:36 PM
Subject: Get The Most Explosive Political Book For 2009 Before The Next Federal Election...

The Most Explosive Canadian Political Book For 2009

Loyal To The Core: Stephen Harper, Me And The NCC

For a limited time Gerry Nicholls' book is available for a special pre-release price of $26.95. Get it today. This offer will only last for three weeks before the regular price of $34.95 takes effect. Release date is set for Feb/09

Gerry Nicholls calls himself "one of the top five political minds in the country."

Lorrie Goldstein, editor of the Toronto Sun says, "Gerry Nicholls is the sort of conservative Stephen Harper use to be."
Without question, Nicholls is one of Canada's most outspoken and articulate defenders of conservatism. For more than 20 years, Nicholls served as the political and communications strategist for the conservative organization, the National Citizens Coalition. For five of those years, he worked closely with the group's president, a man who would go on to become Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Now, in his first book, Loyal to the Core, Nicholls reveals the story of how he went from being a friend and close ally of Harper's, to one of his most fierce and unrelenting critics.

Nicholls provides a frank assessment of Stephen Harper the man, and Stephen Harper the leader, tracing his evolution from hardcore conservative ideologue to partisan, pragmatic politician. It is also a story of secret political meetings, clashing personalities and the lure of power.
In addition to the candid portrait of Harper, Nicholls offers an unauthorized history of the National Citizens Coalition, Canada's largest independent, pro-free market organization. Who created this unique advocacy group and why? How did this organization, using political guerrilla warfare tactics, help change the face of Canada? We learn how the NCC fought to expose government waste and oppose arrogant politicians, how it battled both in the court of law and the court of public opinion to protect our most cherished individual freedoms.

Order here: http://www.freedompress.ca/products/loyal-to-the-core-stephen-harper-me-and-the-ncc
But most of all, Loyal to the Core is a cautionary tale for Canada's conservative movement. Principled conservatives must, says Nicholls, "resist the corrosive influence of partisan politics and focus on what matters: winning the war of ideas!"
What an exclusive interview with the author Gerry Nicholls here: http://www.freedompress.ca/blogs/news/563492-interview-with-new-freedom-press-author-gerry-nicholls

-- 30 --


Monday, December 29, 2008

Daily Digest December 29, 2008

ARCHIVED at http://cdndailydigest.blogspot.com/


High-flying resolutions Post a comment

Political dollars should buy more

Androids in our future?

The alternative just wouldn't do 

Government must end scandal of puppy-mills
Anarchists of the world unite - in cyberspace

The art of the story

Speaking in character

A good year for free speech

Unity needed to solve today's issues

John Tory's difficult decision

Hamas's suicide mission

Holidays in Afghanistan

PM must prove he is a leader 

Ignatieff is too smart to lead a coalition

Senate stacking breeds cynicism about politics

Canadians awaken from political snooze

Time for a thaw in U.S.- Cuba relations  

Internal trade

Afghan deaths a test of resolve

Time to talk is beforehand

Cooling the warming hysteria

Uncharitable thoughts

A stimulating prospect: What $30 billion can buy

Flak won't end Harper's campaign 

Harper makes headlines

School buses need seatbelts

Let consumers, not government, drive the recovery


The militia mistake

Winter offensive against the Taliban in Helmand leads to scores of British casualties

Building starts for extra US troops in Afghan south

Number of wounded Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan on the rise

Canada's deadly December in Afghanistan just bad luck: military officials

The hybrid wars heat up

Israel vows to sweep Hamas from power
Times Online - 24 minutes ago
Israel vowed today to sweep Hamas from power in Gaza, pledging "all-out" war and promising to smash every building linked to the Islamist movement.
[] Video: White House Blames Hamas for New Violence [] Video: White House Blames Hamas for New Violence
Israel says Gaza assault 'war to the bitter end' The Associated Press
AFP - International Herald Tribune - CBC.ca - ABC Online
all 19,197 news articles »

US in Vigorous Effort to Restore Gaza Cease-Fire
Voice of America - 2 hours ago
By David Gollust The Bush administration said Monday it is working vigorously to try to restore a durable and sustainable cease-fire between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza strip.
Condoleezza Rice: "I'm Not A Type A"
CBS News
Middle East peace doubtful, say IOL readers Independent Online
TIME - guardian.co.uk - GulfNews - Channel 4 News
all 277 news articles »
  Langue : Français »

Ignatieff targets Quebec in bid to rebuild party

Budget is Harper's 'last shot,' Ignatieff warns

Next year in politics: A November crisis to be played out

Question Period: Political blunders

Ottawa backtracks on penalties as maritime helicopter deadline missed

Mounties still have a long to-do list

Court ruling makes suing Ottawa easier

Banning hakapik won't calm seal hunt critics: Sealer

Canadians upbeat heading into 2009

Canadians should be 'realistic' about 2009: GG

Why Americans Should be Following Canadian Politics Right Now

The year of descent - and the great Canadian paradox

2008: a bad year for the vain and venal

New challenges ahead in 2009

Pundits show lack of skill in predictions business

Hard to be positive when officials ignore you

Remembering the Great Depression

2008:  The Year of the Bizarre

Ottawa refuse de comparer les conflits afghan et irakien

La coalition à Ottawa n'est pas en péril, selon la CSN

Israël intensifie ses frappes

Ottawa - Le caucus parlementaire pro-vie veut rouvrir le débat sur l'avortement

Afghanistan - Week-end meurtrier pour les soldats canadiens et les civils afghans

Plainte à l'Assemblée nationale - Khadir défend son geste anti-Bush

Une majorité significative de Canadiens entrevoit 2009 avec optimisme


From: John Kruithof
Subject: "Nothing undemocratic about a coalition"


Even worse than a potentially unstable coalition was PM Harper's insistence that such a venture was undemocratic, an untruth parroted by his underlings.  In contrast, The Ottawa Citizen, in its Saturday, December 27th issue, carried a prominent article by Andrew Mayeda about academics being angered by this "huge disservice to Canadians".  It can be read at

http://www.ottawacitizen.com/Nothing+undemocratic+about+coalition/1117311/story.html .  I suppose we should now expect Harper in retaliation to politically orchestrate a campaign against academics.

John Kruithof

Ottawa South

From: Larry Kazdan
To: torsun.editor@sunmedia.ca
Subject: Letter to Editor re: Federal pols completely out of touch, Editorial, December 2008

Re: Federal pols completely out of touch, Editorial, December 2008

According to your editorial, most Canadians "see themselves as falling somewhere within the mainstream of the Conservative and Liberal parties".  Another way of interpreting the data is that 62% of Canadians who voted do not want Conservative policies implemented.   If there is "an arrogance almost beyond measure" in believing they know better than the public what the public wants, the prize belongs to the Toronto Sun.

Larry Kazdan,
Vancouver, B.C.

From: "Rebecca Gingrich" <r.gingrich@sympatico.ca>
To: joe.hueglin@bellnet.ca
Subject: Gaza--no room in the morgue because of Israel's love?

 Joe--I sent this email to Cannon tonight after he stated that he supports israel's right to defend itself.

Mr. Cannon--two days ago when Mr. Harper lit the menorrah in Calgary he stated that 'israel abhors hate and violence'!  What is Mr. Harper's and your description of hate and violence?  Bombing school children on their way home from school is done with love?  Starving a whole country of food, water, medicine and other necessities of life is not hate and violence? Imprisoning men, women and children in solitary for years with no trial is democratic?  That is what is happening to the Palesinians at the hands of the loving israeli government.
It was reported on Global News tonight that you stated israel has a right to defend itself from rocket fire by Hamas--a democratically elected government in Palestine who refuses to hand over their life and land to israel.  The rockets injure no one.  They do not even leave a crater.  I am wondering if the bombs used in the past two days were also signed by israeli children as have been previous bombs used by israel?
I am ashamed of my country and my government.  We are killing and being killed in Afghanistan to 'bring them democracy and to allow children to go to school' and yet we support the genocidal state of israel?  It is our country and our government(all parties) that are schizophrenic.  You and your government do not speak for me and many many of my friends.  We despise your weak-kneed response to the financial controllers of our country.
Enjoy  reading  the article below.  It should warm your israel-loving heart.  It may even melt the stone it is made of.  It reeks of the love israel shows to Gaza.

Rebecca Gingrich
11 Church Street
Princeton, Ontario

        Christmas In Gaza : No More Room In The Morgue.

'Little Baghdad' in Gaza - Bombs, Fear and Rage

By Amira Hass, Haaretz Correspondent

December 28, 2008 "Haaretz" -- -There are many corpses and wounded, every moment another casualty is added to the list of the dead, and there is no more room in the morgue. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article21551.htm

From: "Paul Downie"
Subject: Straight No Chaser: The 12 Days of Christmas (2008 Version)

(A remarkable performance)
From: "Orville Heschuk" <oheschuk@mts.net>
To: "Craig Oliver" <coliver@ctv.ca>
Cc: "Jason Kenney" <kenney.j@parl.gc.ca>
Subject: What is Ignatieff and Coalition position in regard to Israel- Hamas flare up?

Now that I hear Ignatieff tap dance around on all the issues, I am reminded, because of the recent flare up between Israel and Hamas , of his previous statements in regards to Israel.  Canadians would like to know what his coalition of Liberal -NDP - Bloc stand is in regard to this Israel - Hamas conflict because he proposes that this coalition is an alternative to the Harper government. Do the political pundits feel assured they know where Ignatieff stands?

Ignatieff's non-apology

Rochelle Wilner - 4/20/2008

Recently the Toronto Star reported on a speech given by Michael Ignatieff at Holy Blossom Temple. "Ignatieff Apologizes for Israeli War Crime Comment" screamed the headline in the Toronto Star's April 14, 2008 edition. Being keenly interested in these matters I scanned the article for the words, "I am sorry." Oddly enough the reporter did not quote them. I was more than intrigued and secured a copy of the speech in its entirety. After reading it several times I am compelled to respond.

I found Ignatieff's speech disturbing on a number of levels and it has done nothing to make me feel better about his comments last summer - actually, it reinforces to me that his comments were an accurate reflection of the way he feels but he regrets 'getting caught.'

He states he is grateful for the opportunity to 'clear up this misunderstanding' and then tries to establish credibility and good will toward Israel by describing his father's experience and participation hoping, I think, that this will put him in a better light - ridiculous to base his own credibility on the record of his father. Particularly distasteful is his comment, "I count Israelis among my dearest and truest friends" followed by claiming that Isaiah Berlin, a Jew, had an impact on him "deeper than anyone except for my father". I am not prepared to accuse him of being antisemitic because I don't know him personally but it is common habit for those who harbour such views to claim that 'some of my best friends are Jewish' and that these Jewish friends have had a disproportionate influence on them. A poor start to a speech - a forthright admission of error and an apology would have read and been received much better.

 .                         .                 .

The last few paragraphs of this speech are in direct contradiction to his sentiments expressed in the earlier part of his speech - either he recognizes that Israel is facing formidable enemies in the north, the south and the middle and has a right to self-defense despite the potential cost of lives or he supports the canard that Israel is guilty of war crimes and the use of disproportionate force (whatever that is). It's almost as if this speech was written by two different people and they failed to consult with one another. As for me I'll stick with the consistent, ethical, moral position of Stephen Harper - who says what he means and means what he says - no interpretation necessary!

Rochelle Wilner is a Past President of B'nai Brith Canada, a long-standing human rights activist and the Conservative Party of Canada's federal candidate in York Centre.

From: alan heisey <hize@earthlink.net>
To: "joe hueglin, daily digest" <joe.hueglin@bellnet.ca>
Subject: "earthworm" 08 12 28 sunday

Publisher is Alan Heisey, 38 Avoca Avenue, L.P.H #6, Toronto, ON, 
Canada, M4T 2B9
Phone 416 923 5381, <hize@earthlink.net> Emailed from Toronto.

Party website now details new Council + 4  pix of his nibs!

Your correspondent is pleased to report that some time in the last two 
weeks the Conservative Party of Canada website listed the following 
information about the makeup of the party's National Council. (along 
with the individual email addresses for each person, which I ommitted.)

President:      Don Plett - (204) 346-4040
Vice President: Michael MacDonald
Secretary:      Victor Marciano
Regional Vice President (West): Menno Froese
Regional Vice President (Ontario):      Kara Johnson
Regional Vice President (Quebec):       Gilles Lavoie

Yukon: Michael Lauer; British Columbia: Menno Froese; Hamish Marshall; 
Alberta: Gord Elliott; Vitor Marciano; Saskatchewan: Sam Magnus; 
Manitoba:       Don Plett; Ontario:     Simon Chapelle;  Mark Dotzert; Kara 
John Walsh;  Québec: Gilles Lavoie; Christian Prevost; Judith Seidman; 
New Brunswick:  Marie-Claude Blais;              
Nova Scotia:    Michael MacDonald; PEI: Cecil Taylor; Newfoundland and 
Labrador: Liam O'Brien;
Northwest Territories: David McPherson.

 I admit to wishing that in the scheme of things in our nation's 
capital it had been possible on the party's web site to provide a 
general description of how these citizen members of the party carry 
out their responsibilities and where they fit in with the electoral 
district associations in each province. I even would like to see small 
mug shots of each of them, since they were elected by a total of 
thousands of citizen delegates at the party's November 2008 meeting in 

I'll go further. I am one who thinks that those of us who spent a 
couple of thousand dollars getting to that wonderful meeting might 
have received an informational email the day after the new officers 
and directors were announced with that information. That could also 
have gone to all paid up members of the party from coast to coast. One 
also hopes that with a new national vice president (congrats by the 
way,) Senator Michael MacDonald, the council might push for some 
occasional party email updates to the laity.

As it is one of my wry friends pointed out that our email addresses 
are available as required for regular letters from (now, congrats, 
also by the way,) Senator Gerstein and others inviting us to support 
the party with regular cheques!  And I was pleased to get a personally 
emailed Christmas greetings from the prime minister and family.
The web site's front page also does have four photos of the prime 
minister, two with his attractive family, a much restrained montage 
from the 2008 calendar sent a year ago! There is also one photo of the 
leader of the opposition but no references to him not being a leader. 
I have a feeling we aren't going to see that kind of  comment anymore!

Still far from clear: how many new MPs for Ontario?

A breathless, recent statement from premier McGuinty as good as said 
that he has prime minister Harper agreeable to 21 new federal M.P.s 
after the next census. I quote: A lengthy and often bitter fight 
between Ontario and the federal government was quietly resolved last 
week when Prime Minister Stephen Harper agreed to give the province 21 
additional seats in the House of Commons, Premier Dalton McGuinty said 
"Not so fast" is how I read comments from federal minister for 
democratic reform Stephen Fletcher the following day or two, with 
mutterings indicating additional seats to be somewhere in the mid teens.
The subject has long been of special interest to me since I see 
Ontario's muscular population about to be squeezed by a more vigorous 
senate. So I pulled out a table labeled:

Running a little arithmetic on some of the very basic numbers gets me 
to some perplexing facts:
1. Divide the population of the country by 308 current seats and get 
102,639 as the average electoral district population;
2. Divide the population of Ontario by 106 current seats and get 
114,720 as average Ontario seat population
3. Divide t.r.o.c. population, 19,452,615 by troc's 202 seats and get 
96,300, showing that ON's seats are on average 19% more populous than 
troc's! Q.E.D.!

Even less clear: where will those new seats be located?

I am totally suspicious of all politicians' motives when it comes to 
determining how X additional seats should be added to Ontario's 
present 106. Reason is that right now Kenora, the smallest population 
electoral district, has a population of only 64,291 and Brampton West, 
the largest, has a population of nearly three times that at 170,422.
For decades the federal and provincial politicians have bought into 
the idea that the poor northerners need much smaller populations and 
so the smallest ten districts are all in the north with an average 
population of 84,259! Adding insult to that injury the provincial 
Liberals promised to add back a seat which the re-districting 
commission took away from them, meaning that the Ontario legislature 
has an extra seat for the north, compared to the national parliament. 
The 96 districts in the province south of the top ten have average 
populations of 117,893, meaning the northerners average only 71.5% of 
the rest of the province and provincially only 90% of that low number!
Amazingly, John Tory could not persuade his Ontario caucus to fight 
the additional seat at all though all ten northern districts are 
solidly red or orange, but I have heard him mutter in favour of a 
total provincial redistribution!

Further south there is only one surprise: the city of Toronto council 
several years ago took a position that all districts' populations 
across the country should be within 5% plus or minus of the national 
average. The last redistricting commission, federally appointed as 
they all are, took that to apply to the city of toronto seats only. 
Thus the 23 seats almost entirely within the city's boundaries have an 
average population of 111,482, lower than  the provincial average!
However the 24 seats which I take to make up the balance of the 
Greater Toronto Area have an average population of 121,487, making it 
clear that the 905 area populations will need a big chunk of whatever 
additional seats. Don't count on McGuinty to pull for 905 with his 
record in the northern climes! (Trust me on the numbers, I have them.)

Expert on Senate planning attends 'policy lite' tomorrow!

Response to my Tri-Spa/St. Paul's invitation for tomorrow (Monday) 
evening's "policy lite soiree" has been likewise so we will be able to 
gather in my spacious living room, participants please leaving their 
overcoats and overshoes with the concierge's cupboard on the ground 

Tri-Spa president Doug Lowry will lead off discussion on item one, 
lessons from the Winnipeg meeting. Former Scarborough Southwest M.P. 
Reg Stackhouse will head up discussion of what mostly will turn on the 
Senate, for several reasons. First of all, it is all over the news and 
the question of an elected senate is surely a very live topic. We are 
favoured by the unexpected visit of Jon Watson, executive assistant to 
Senator Brown, who is heading up the planning toward an elected 
senate. Yours truly will convene the last segment, a 20-minute plus 
brainstorm on how to win more seats in 416. In that connection I 
append below a brainstorm on 416 communications for consideration, but 
will ensure other items get priority.

Our own Hansard reporter, Robert Aterman, can't be present so would 
welcome someone with a laptop prepared to take copious notes of the 
flow of conversation and hopefully three votes!

Could subway entrances be a key to promoting the CPC?

A recent, big, election win here in Ontario won very little media 
attention. That win was the defeat of the provincially introduced MMP 
referendum by a small band of all-party activists, who marshalled an 
impressive 63% opposition of all the voters across Ontario.

What fascinated me was the modest role of subway station 
pamphleteering whereby a general pamphlet was put right in the hands 
of thousands of Torontonians by simply stationing volunteers at 
assorted subway entrances.

This strikes me as a magic bullet to cover a majority of Toronto 
voters economically, regularly and personally at much less effort than 
knocking on their individual doors.

The subway entrances are all well known and used near-daily by most 
city residents.

I respectfully propose to the Conservative Party's Toronto 
constitutencies that they plan now a continuing series of monthly 
pamphlet distributions to hundreds of thousands of residents, as a 
uniquely big-city, major, between-elections information program.

To be effective the pamphlet series would have to promote the 23 
individual city ridings in every edition. I propose that one side of 
the folded, tabloid-sized newsletter should outline the boundaries and 
names of all 23 city ridings and pinpoint photos and some contact 
information for 2 or 3 senior officers of each cpc association!

The other face of the pamphlet series should feature newsy, colourful 
photos and text about the benefits of being a member and participant 
in one's local Conservative association and detail upcoming major 
events and some minor ones

It should be freshly written for each issue complete with a serrated, 
tear-out coupon which could be used to forward membership information 
and a cheque if the recipient wants to join, or discuss the idea, or 
ask a question.

My own view is that the content should be entirely about the party's 
local association activities within the 23 city ridings with scaled 
secondary attention to the federal ministers and ministries whose 
mandates are important to city-dwellers.

I think the pamphlets should be funded entirely by the 23 local 
federal Conservative associations from funds generated from their 
electoral counts in the last federal election and all 23 associations 
should enjoy similar coverage regardless of whether or not they 
participate substantially, partially, or not at all.

I love the concept of setting up a near-mass distribution so that all 
copies are delivered on the first working Monday of each month or 
somesuch, meaning that each station would need a squad of distributors 
for most of one 24 hour day. Depending on the number of stations in 
one district this could involve dozens of volunteers. This would be a 
major test of individual association's "field strength".

A much bigger problem in my opinion is putting personal faces and 
names on each district association. I think some party directors would 
prefer not to participate, whereas, hopefully, presidents and 
secretaries and past and future candidates might welcome the 
opportunity to be and stay in touch with future constituents. With 
current concerns about individual phone numbers and email addresses 
being published anywhere, associations might have to introduce neutral 
party addresses for any and all names and faces published. I think it 
crucial to have real people, active members of our local associations, 
handling enquiries,  though others might differ.

Creating a common editorial page across all 23 ridings would need a 
strong publishing committee with a contributor for each riding.

Operating any such program would surely bring the individual 
associations closer together to achieve a new level of voter 
relationships communications, impossible almost any other way.

Objective of this exercise is to gradually raise awareness of the 
party's history, current and future roles within the city of Toronto, 
build memberships and win at least half the seats!

Would welcome responses.

Tasha Woodcock confirms "earthworm" reaching h.q.

Some may recall my consternation when my "earthworm" emails addressed 
to assorted staffers at h.q., as in <conservative.ca>, were rejected 
rather uniformly. I phoned party president, Don Plett, and promptly 
thereafter got the following reassurances from his associate, Tasha 
Woodcock. (Only problem is that it shows I had not been editing my 
h.q. email addresses as well as I should have!)

Hello Mr. Heisey-

Don Plett asked me to e-mail you in reference to some e-mail problems 
you are having. I understand that your weekly message does not get 
through to some of the conservative.ca addresses you have on file.

I looked through your distribution list and noticed that many of the 
names you send it to do not work at the Party any longer, and in some 
circumstances haven't for years! As such, Mr. Plett asked me to send 
you this note.

I hope this assures you. Your message is getting through to the rest 
of us here at HQ.

All the very best,

Tasha Woodcock
Senior Political Operations Officer- Ontario
Conservative Party of Canada

Peggy Merritt's John A. "do", as 416 January get together

The hell of getting old is not only friends pushing off for other 
points, it is seeing many of them so unwell they aren't throwing the 
great parties they used to throw! That is one personal reason why I 
really miss the Annual December Brunch which our city ridings convened 
for so many years at the airport convention centre.

Why I even think that the 416 ridings should be convening a subway 
series of light drink'emups at a different watering hole in a 
different part of town near a subway station once each month.
In this centralized vacuum I suggest that we should all get on board 
one riding event each month and give it a city-wide push. Without 
question the January event should be the Sir John A Macdonald nite, 
always convened by Scarborough Southwest, with Sir John's ghostly 
apparition almost always showing up!

Feisty Peggy writes:
"Our annual John A macdonald event will be held on Friday evening, 
January 9th starting at 7pm.  Location: Condo, 757 Victoria Park, 
party room.  We have a piper,  scottish dancers, birthday cake and 
champange and it is rumored that John A. will be in attendance.  Cost 
nominal just to cover expenses.  757 Victoria Park  Condo is located 
at Victoria Park and Denton Ave across from the Victoria Park subway 
station.  Ground level parking is available .

Thanks for your help on this Al and a Happy Christmas to you and 
yours, Sincerely Peggy Merritt"


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Daily Digest December 28, 2008

ARCHIVED at http://cdndailydigest.blogspot.com/


Flunking Civics: The price of ignorance

Russia needs attention

Greed, not one's faith, the issue

Federal pols completely out of touch

Strategies for wise giving in the holidays, and all year

Cheap gas today, but 'peak oil' crisis near

Legislature raids, five years later: A dismal failure


Fourteen children among 22 killed in Afghan attacks
AFP (12/28/2008)
Kabul Baghdad, Baghdad Kabul
Al-Hayat (12/28/2008)
Laura Bush says Iraq war not a distraction from Afghanistan
The Associated Press (12/28/2008)
As Taliban nears Kabul, shadow gov't takes hold
The Associated Press (12/28/2007)
War will not bring peace
The Age (12/28/2008)
Afghans fear spiral of violence
Al Jazeera (12/28/2008)
Message to Obama: Send a surge of hope
The Oregonian (12/28/2008)
West banks on Afghanistan surge
The Economist (12/28/2008)
Criminals rewarded
PNS (12/28/2008)
Sending more troops could spill the Afghan war to Pakistan
Pajhwok (12/28/2008)
Afghan cricket team battles to become world class
Telegraph (12/28/2008)
Blasts kill 10 Afghans, two Canadian soldiers
AFP (12/28/2008)
Dogfighting Making a Comeback in Afghanistan
The New York Times (12/28/2008)
Boys killed playing with mortar shell
AFP (12/28/2008)
Stability, not hostility, key to U.S. success in Afghanistan
The Baltimore Sun (12/28/2008)
3 teen sisters killed in rocket attack on Kabul
The Associated Press (12/28/2007)
Tangled U.S. Objectives Bring Down Spy Firm
The Washington Post (12/27/2008)
Afghan maternal mortality rate high
The Washington Times (12/27/2008)
"Afghan situation has improved" - British Ambassador
BBC (12/27/2008)
A U.S. Strategy Unfolds at Kabul's Training Center
Wall Street Journal (12/27/2008)
Suicide car bombing kills five
AFP (12/27/2008)
Afghan tribal elders warn gov't of election boycott if security not assured
Xinhua (12/27/2008)
Dogs of War: Bleeding heart contractors
United Press International (12/26/2008)
Forgotten Afghan war waiting for Obama
Chicago Tribune (12/26/2008)
Study Criticizes Bush Approach to War Funding, Calls for Changes
The Washington Post (12/26/2008)
Afghanistan's mentally ill left to superstition
Chicago Tribune (12/26/2008)
Suicide bomber hits foreign forces
Reuters (12/26/2008)
An Afghan Aid Disconnect
The Washington Post (12/25/2008)
Ammunition discovered from Afghan capital suburb
Xinhua (12/25/2008)
Challenge that keeps growing despite rise in troop numbers
The Herald, UK (12/25/2008)

Roadside bomb kills two more Canadian soldiers and two Afghans

No shortage of hot spots in '09

A rational Israeli/Palestinian policy?
Aijaz Ahmad: Israel/Palestine two-state solution must include security guarantees for both states Pt8 view

UN official calls Israel 'Apartheid'
President of UN General Assembly urges Israel to be recognized as an Apartheid state

  Gaza: Beyond the blockade
Sameh Habeeb reports on the humanitarian crisis taking place inside Gaza's sealed borders view

Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Israeli troops near Gaza, air strikes continue

Israel broadens air assault
Calls grow around world for calm in Gaza
CNN International - 37 minutes ago
(CNN) -- International pressure is mounting on Israel and the Palestinians to halt violence in Gaza, with the United States, the United Nations, the European Union and other countries all calling for an immediate restoration of calm.
[] Video: Israeli air raids on the Gaza Strip continue - 28 Dec 08 [] Video: Israeli air raids on the Gaza Strip continue - 28 Dec 08
UK protest as Gaza raids continue BBC News
AFP - Xinhua - Reuters - Times Online
all 9,433 news articles »

Trudeau-era minister rejects idealistic image of health system

Williams Ready for Battle With AbitibiBowater

New chairman of pro-life Parliamentary caucus pushing to reopen abortion debate

Budget should help most vulnerable, says Ignatieff

Another Senate pig-out

Senate silliness and scorn

Introducing the Harper Crash Master


Canada, The State of the Federation 2006/07
Transitions, Fiscal and Political Federalism in an Era of Change

Historic coalition rocked, but didn't crush, Tories

Dion, Campbell felt sting of carbon tax

Economic crisis left no part of Canada unscathed

Annus horribilis

2008: a year when politics grabbed the spotlight. If only it hadn't (In Canada, at least)

Who won and who lost in the great crisis of 2008

The year in review: 2008 was a teeter-totter

Goodbye to the absurdity of 2008

Economy among year's top stories

Deux soldats canadiens tués par une bombe artisanale

Israël mobilise 6 500 réservistes


From: "The Natroses"
Subject: Re: Daily Digest December 27, 2008

Hi Joe, I think a lot of people have forgotten a few things about Canada after the war and the 1960s. This era for many ordinary workers, tradespeople and the typical middle-class, life was not a bed of roses. Even though I was just a child, I remember the nasty GM strikes. I remember children coming to school hungry. I remember houses lit only by the oil lamp, including mine at times. Electricity was to be used only when necessary. I remember the times, where I saw my father put a lock on his lunch pail when a strike was looming, or when it was over with. Why? Dead rats would appear in his lunch pail, and from what I was told, they wanted my father to stop fighting and working for better working conditions, and pay was a secondary factor. Poor working conditions, poor pay and many other safety issues were a problem everywhere, and not just at GM plants. Check out the steel mills in Hamilton, just another horror story. Lets go to the wheat silos, where workers were subjected to wheat dust on a daily basis. Most of them are long dead from lung disease. Check out the lousy conditions of what sailors had to endured, or the worker in the fishery. Now lets go to the white-collar workers - the clerks, the cashier, the bank tellers, or the lowly secretary. Teachers and nurses had to put up with a lot of crap from their superiors, besides the lousy salaries. The only people that seem to have a lot of cash in those days, were the store owners or companies, and not the typical worker.

Things did get better by the end of the 1960s, because the government step in with regulations, work standards, health insurance, to put an end to the lousy working conditions that workers found themselves in, the terrible strikes,  and life got better for everyone. The companies shifted their profit margins towards looking after the consumer and new marketing ploys. By the 1970s, this is where consumer goods become disposable. Remember the good Admiral fridges of the 40s and 50s, the Admiral television sets - products that were built to last at least 30 years. Certainly not to be dispose of every 5 years, like the cars of the 1970s. Today, the big ticket purchases you are lucky to have it last 10 years, and if one decides to get it repair - HAVE FUN trying to find parts for it. For the latest technology such as a computer printer, where replacing the printer head will cost you more or just a few dollars less, than buying a brand new printer. Computer or electronic equipment, anyone is lucky to have devices to last 5 years or longer. My monitor is going on 6 years, but I would not be surprise if it finally kicks the bucket. Perhaps my monitor was built on a day, where they ran out of cheap parts, So unlike my microwave that lasted only 2 months!

The 1960s was the golden years, where a single person could work for minimum wage, rent an apartment, and still have enough to go out for a few bottles of beer. By the 1970s, this all change at a very slow rate throughout the years; the gap between CEOs, upper management and the worker is so wide now, the government has to address this now, before the other pressing issues take over to erode the gap even further. Pressing issues such as lowering of worker's wages and benefits for the Big 3. It is just a step closer to reduce wages in other sectors. Combined this with the relaxing of regulations concerning health and safety, the lengthy waiting period a worker endures if applying for workmen's comp, and outright denial of servance pay for workers where companies have close up shop for good.

One has to see the pass for what it is, and why spending increase by the governments in the 50s and 60s. Quality of life issues was apparent and obvious to any politician. Today, I fear the politicians will ignore quality of life issues, in favour of keeping the profits high for banks, insurance companies, Big Oil and the big manufacturers.

Workers have to be seen more than a consumer in today's world. They are the most important cog in the system - for without them, how would companies sell their wares or make a profit.

Former economists of the past look through a lens of industry and workers and in they respective eras. What they did not take into account is the psychology that interplays between everyone, the education levels, the advent of the information age, the medical and health advances where people are living longer, and so many social/economic factors that are influencing the economic policies of world governments.

The old model of supply and demand, is no more in this world, when only a handful of companies control the majority of resources, and therefore control the supply and demand. The only thing that drop in price was oil in my eyes, and I saw no drop in prices on other consumer goods. My grocery bill went up once more again, in areas of plastic bags, detergents, and any product that uses oil by-products. Nor did I see a price drop in goods regarding reduced transportation costs. 

We need a new economic model, that takes into account the greed, the unethical practices and the social conscience of big business. We need a new economic model that takes into account the outward pressures that are pressing in on the workers. We need a new economic model period! 

From the Natroses

From: "Robert Ede"
To: letters@thejournal.canwest.com
Subject: misbegotten apprehensions re: "mysteries ... (at) Rideau (Hall)"

Dear Ed,
Your Editorial ( Too much Mystery on the Rideau) hit all the right points - except you've got all the points backwards.
 Don't feel bad though ... so does virtually every other Canadian.
 ..."The power of the vice-regal office has grown immensely of late..." in fact the powers always existed in BNA 1867, it just been a while since regular Canadians saw the connection between day to day events and the Vice Regal's powers.

"...we must be assured that our head of state ... acts on our behalf." In our modified-version of the British Constitutional Monarchy model, authority to use powers greater than the Queen's-in-Britain has been delegated to the GG and as Constitutional authorized 'top-dog' S/He owes no one an explanation.

Now, if the Governor General were elected .... that brings in the accountability you talk about, but no one (save me) is talking about electing the GG.

Meanwhile no one is talking about enforcing the s.21 (3)(4) & s.31(3)(5) property-ownership & net-worth qualifications /disqualifications (once they are adjusted for 140 yrs of inflation) specified for Senators ... the discussion is all about making them another body of partisan vote-buyers (and who needs more of that)

See published Ensign article Dec 5/o8 regarding what they talked about for so long

and see my blog for what should have been done that day
Robert (Rob) Ede,
Thornhill ON

From: "Rebecca Gingrich"
Subject: Harper lights menorrah but not a Christmas Tree

Sent to <harper.s@parl.gc.ca>

Mr. Harper--the article below appeared in the media three days before Canada celebrates the Birth of our Saviour.
It raises a question in my mind--who will protect Canada from the insidious encroachment of the zionists into our country?  Who will protect our right to celebrate the Birth of Christ in our country?  Who will defend us from those that were instrumental in the murder of Christ?  Obviously not you. 

You prefer to give our country and our souls to the murderous state of Israel.  As go the Palestinians so will go Canada when these people have complete control of our government.  We are not allowed to say Merry Christmas or have Christmas trees on public property.  And yet, you light a candle on the menorrah to celebrate a foreign State?

The 'jewish community will never bow to hate and violence'???

http://www.kawther.info/wpr/2008/12/25/the-rockets-of-hunger-and-israel-propaganda The jewish State IS hate and violence.  Check out how the Gazans and other Palestinians are murdered daily.  Check out how they are starved, their land confiscated, their children imprisoned, all by Israel.  Israel is responsible for most of the death and mayhem around this planet.  Even to the 'terrorist' attacks in Mumbai.  Get your facts straight before you bow to evil!

Israel murders a Canadian UN Envoy in Lebanon and you turn our other cheek? 

Is there no Canadian who deserves defending from this evil?

You are going down the path to Hell and taking our country with you.  Many many Canadians I have talked to about this article are shuddering in horror of what you stated and did.  I don't know if you have a drive to be the PM of Israel, but this action alone is ample proof that Canada is not your country to govern.  A Canadian PM must have the best interest of Canada first and foremost.  This slap in the face to Canadians, along with other statements you have made when grovelling to the money masters of the world prove that Canada's welfare is secondary to Israel.

I hope you and your family had a Merry Christmas.  For the moment we can still say Merry Christmas in private, but the time is short--Christ will be eradicated from Canada to also serve Israel.

In closing I am adding the web site for an address given by a real leader. 

President Ahmadinejad is not afraid to mention the Birth of Christ and how important that event is to our entire world.  Sadly, our 'leaders' do not have the same courage.  The mantra from the zionist poodles will be that he only said these words to anger Israel!  Why dare the truth not be spoken? http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/dec/25/ahmadinejad-christmas-message

Rebecca Gingrich
11 Church Street
Princeton, Ontario

at 22:24 on December 22, 2008, EDT.

Harper promises to remain staunch ally of Israel as he helps light menorah


CALGARY - Prime Minister Stephen Harper promised to keep close ties with Israel on Monday as he helped light a menorah in his home riding of Calgary to celebrate the Jewish festival of Hanukkah.

"Under my government, our country will remain a resolute defender of the Jewish faith, of Jewish religious freedom and our country will remain a staunch ally of the state of Israel," he told a standing room-only crowd gathered at city hall.

Harper also reflected on the deaths of a rabbi and his wife who were killed in last month's terror attacks in Mumbai, calling their deaths a lesson that evil is still very much alive in the world.

But he said the fact a new rabbi came to the region soon after shows that the Jewish community will never bow to hate and violence, and said it's Canada's job to help end oppression and intolerance around the world.

Rabbis from across the country took part in the ceremony, some flying in for only a few hours to help light the candles with the prime minister.

Harper also recalled visiting a museum set up at the site of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp last spring in Poland.

"Like all who went there, I was moved beyond words by what I saw - to revulsion, to anger, and most of all to a deep, aching sadness for the millions of innocents who perished there."

On the long plane ride home to Canada, he also felt hope, he said, reflecting on the fact that people left the horrors of the Holocaust behind "to build the thriving, modern democratic state of Israel."

"And also hope because today, most people in most civilized countries, recognize anti-Semitism for what it is: a pernicious evil that must be exposed, confronted and repudiated whenever and wherever it appears."

The event marked the 20th anniversary of the city's community menorah, said Calgary Mayor Dave Bronconnier.

Content Provided By Canadian Press.

From: "Peggy Merritt"
Subject: Re: Daily Digest December 27, 2008

Hi Joe:  We have a new computer so I don't know whether this will reach you.  Hope you had a lovely Christmas with you family and all the best in the 2009.  Just a small comment about shoe throwing.  I don't care whether or not someone dislikes the President of the USA he doesn't deserve the disrespect he gets from the so called pundits many of whom don't let facts get in the way of their political bias.  I have a deep respect for the people who assume the top political jobs in North America and little respect for those who oppose them with disrespect from their comfy armchairs.  Thank goodness we have people who will assume leadership responsibility who give up their lives 24/7 to deal with issues that would boggle the minds of most voters.  The media are not very knowledgeable on many issues and do certainly ignore many facts that would muddy up their claims.I get sick of the opinions of so called eggsperts (shades of Victor Borge) who are dragged in on various newscasts to support the stand that a so called editor has. We have negative media overload in TO and it shows in the lack of support  the current government gets nationally. Thanks for giving me this opportunity Joe.  You are doing  wonderful job keep up the good work.  Peggy Merritt

No shortage of hot spots in '09
Last Updated: 28th December 2008, 4:32am

This year certainly has been an "annus horibilis," to borrow Queen Elizabeth II's pithy term. Next year could bring even worse.

Hot spots we should be watching in 2009:

- America's $13.7-trillion bubble economy will further deteriorate. After decades of intoxication on the steroids of reckless borrowing and cheap credit, America faces rehab. The U.S. Treasury's reckless printing of billions must eventually create a firestorm of inflation. A debased U.S. currency, rising unemployment, and destroyed savings will encourage extremism and political violence around the globe. The Pentagon may not get $534 billion it wants to dominate the globe and wage wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. In spite of president-elect Barack Obama's election promises, there is no end in sight to either conflict.

- Canada must unfairly suffer America's woes in spite of having avoided Wall Street's frauds. To restore its economy, Ottawa must slash personal and corporate taxes and cut military spending.

- Russia is in a surly mood, feeling under siege by NATO. U.S. and NATO attempts to bring Ukraine and Georgia into the alliance risk igniting a truly dangerous crisis. Thanks to the kindergarten behaviour of Ukraine's feuding politicians, that wobbly nation courts possible breakup, civil war, even re-absorption into Mother Russia.

- Nuclear armed India and Pakistan, which fought three wars over divided Kashmir since 1947, are again at scimitar's drawn over the Himalayan mountain state. The Mumbai massacre last September, likely conducted by Kashmiri separatists, underlines the urgent need to settle this crisis. Kashmir remains the world's most dangerous nuclear confrontation. Between 40,000-80,000 Kashmiris have died since an anti-Indian independence struggle erupted in 1989.

- Iran continues to advance its nuclear program to the point where it could make weapons, if it so desired. Israel is pushing the U.S. to attack Iran even though U.S. intelligence says Iran has halted weapons programs. Israel may attack on its own, hoping to draw the U.S. into war against Iran. This would expose U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan to heavy attacks by Iranian special forces and possible closure of the Gulf, which supplies around 40% of the world's oil.

- Africa's worst humanitarian crisis is not in Darfur but in Somalia. Half its 10 million people face starvation. Somalia's only somewhat effective government in the past decade, a moderate Islamic movement, was overthrown by a U.S.-Ethiopia invasion two years ago, creating anarchy and the ongoing wave of Somali piracy. The U.S. and Britain may soon intervene militarily in Somalia and Zimbabwe.

- The 60-year Palestine conflict will continue, dashing hopes for peace. American supporters of Israel's right wing parties, led by Likud, have already blocked efforts by the new Obama administration to press Israel into land for peace concessions. This conflict will continue to poison America's relations with the Muslim world.

- The long rule of Egypt's 80-year old dictator, Hosni Mubarak, could end in 2009, igniting a violent power struggle. This U.S.-sustained dictatorship is ripe for Islamic or nationalist revolution, led by a later-day Gamal Abdel Nasser.

- Iraq will remain a violent, splintered wreck, run by gunmen and American troops. If large numbers of U.S. troops withdraw, its civil war may resume. Iran will tighten its grip on Iraq.

- Afghanistan will be to Obama what Iraq was to George W. Bush. Pentagon plans to double the number of U.S. troops there by spring will intensify the war and spread it ever deeper into Pakistan, which is already a smoking volcano of violence and rebellion. Canada is getting sucked in ever deeper as it reconfigures its threadbare military for colonial warfare. Expect attacks on Canada or its interests abroad.

- China's rapidly falling exports, the engine of its near 10% annual growth, are already producing mounting social unrest. If China's "social capitalism" falters, watch out for an internal explosion. Watch also for rising tensions in Thailand and Korea, where the death of dictator Kim Jong-il, followed by "unanticipated reunification," scares the wits out of Seoul and Tokyo.