Wednesday, August 21, 2019


I love it when Conservatives get all uppity about Omar Khadr. They act like it was a Liberal caused problem.

Omar was pressed into service as a Child Soldier by his father when he was 10. He was returned to Canada on September 29, 2012, and released on bail in May 2015. Both of which happened under PM Harper.

Our citizenship is supposed to mean our Government acts when foreign governments detain us without trial, and torture us in contravention of law, but our nation turned a blind eye when the US designating him an "enemy combatant", and our Government was silent while they subjected him to torture, things that would not have happened had he been properly deemed a Prisoner of War.

The Harper government's response to demands we repatriate Khadr was to issue a notice to Canadians advising us not to expect assistance if we travel outside of the country and then pass a law allowing the government to revoke citizenship. Both of which were challenged in court.

Omar rightfully sued our government for violating his Constitutional rights. And because of the precedent that Harper set with his apology and $11.5 Million settlement to Maher Arar in 2007, Omar was practically guaranteed at least that much. Most lawyers believe Khadr would've likely been awarded double that amount because it happened while he was a child.

Yet, Conservatives still try to blame Trudeau for smartly settling the case for a million less than Harper paid Arar.

Create the problem, make worse the problem, hand it off to someone else and then point fingers. They do it with terrorists, they do it with payroll systems, they do it with election ads.

At least they're consistent.

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