Saturday, August 3, 2019

Torque - Violent Spin

I came across an article on CBCnews recently.  In the headline was the word "Torque" and in context it was referring to an example of severe spin of information being mishandled by Andy Scheer and his Conservative party against Trudeau. 
Spin is nothing new, but there's a gulf of difference between rebranding an estate tax as a "death tax" to get people upset about it and openly publishing and promoting misinformation to trick voters into supporting you.  The first is politics, "I don't like something because to me it's like X", the other is actively creating a pool of MisINFORMED Voters, and I believe this is what the word "torque" is being used to describe.
In physics, torque is defined as "a twisting force that tends to cause rotation".  The full definition is referring to the measure of force required to get something to turn on a pivot.  You can experiment with this easily by going to any hinged door and opening or closing it. If you push/pull from the furthest point on the door from the hinge then the effort is easy, or easier than when you move closer to the hinge. 
The more leverage you have the less effort it takes to pivot something.  Yeah, that pretty much describes what the Conservatives are doing and have done since Harper "united the right".
The risk right now is that the Conservative Party of Canada is currently collecting some $3Million a month more on than the Liberals are.  Conservative ad spending is almost 100% on attack ads targetting Trudeau, 100% TORQUE; while all they've been able to say for their plans are vague empty "we'll do better" promises.  In truth, all modern Conservatives have ever done is the opposite of what the Liberals did.  Despite their claims otherwise, USMCA (NAFTA2.0) was a win for Canada because the Americans were seeking to decimate their trade partners through almost violent protectionist measures and we didn't give them that. 
And despite being in the party throughout Harper's 9 years as Prime Minister, Andy Scheer has no experience in Government, he's never been in Cabinet, but he has a lot to lose because he's had free mansion, car and driver, housekeepers and a cozy salary since he was appointed Speaker of the House in June of 2011. Considering how quickly Harper left after the last election it's likely Andy could find himself back selling insurance if he doesn't get at least a minority government this October.
As this election heats up Liberals will point out the similarities between Doug Ford's mismanagement of Ontario and things Andy Scheer has said, some of which is conjecture but none of which isn't true, while these thoroughly Modern Conservatives will continue on their one-sided smear campaign against one person, the leader of the Liberal Party, which would be politics if they weren't so often "torquing" the facts into half lies and rumours.  

f Joseph Goebbels and Donald Trump have proven nothing else, "Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty" works.
At least it did in NAZI Germany and 2016 AMERICA

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