Sunday, August 31, 2008

Daily Digest August 31, 2008



The bear is back and bad

Cancellation of new ships is bad news for our navy

Harper ready to snap: quick election represents his best chance to win

Give me money, I'm 'uncertain'

Panic over meat is foolish
Dealing with the cause of criminal behaviour is new court's mission

We must tackle binge drinking

Superbugs pose health-care threat

Stephen Harper's Vision for the North


Obama to push for more EU troops in Afghanistan

Five killed in al Qaeda safe house strike in South Waziristan
Two Canadian Arabs were reported killed in the attack, the third such attack in South Waziristan and eight in Pakistan's tribal areas this year.

Pipsqueak creates crisis

Georgian Conflict Reveals NATO Divides


Russia will not hold us to ransom - Brown

Russia: Moscow calls for more observers in Georgia  

Russia remains a Black Sea power

Russia threatens to supply Iran with top new missile system as 'cold war' escalates

Russia-Syria weapons deal alarms US

Steady Conservatives Lead Liberals in Canada

Federal Liberals and Conservatives gripped in a tie
Nanos Research/Sun Media Poll 29.08.08 [ PDF]

Dion to meet Harper Monday
all 1,554 news articles »

Greens claim TV debate spot

Harper ready to snap

PM slammed for 'quitting job' as Tories say election likely

  Harper must marry leadership and trust
The next election is about leadership and trust.

In Ottawa, a week of heavy jockeying

Ignoring cherished Tory values

The Canadian Parliament can Function if the Power is Tranfered to the Opposition Parties

Outlook less bleak, poll finds

Should we have been told sooner about listeria?

CRTC tells new TV porn channel to use homegrown talent

The Tories as suave internationalists? Don't bet your cowboy boots

Feds fund culture giants, while ignoring wealth of homegrown talent

Islam's reformists should give westerners hope

Politique fédérale
Si la tendance se maintient...

Une 10e victime confirmée

Le NPD prêt pour la bataille

Élections partielles: voter avant de voter



The P.M.O. ia in the process of developing a Personal Integrity Test, a "P.I.T.", for potential borrowers"

Dimitri Soudas, spokesman for the Prime Minister's Office, said in an e-mail to the Canadian Press on Saturday that "Alfonso Gagliano receiving a loan from Farm Credit Canada was disturbing."

Soudas said the Tories are in the process of tightening the guidelines that Crown corporations must take into account when loaning money.
He said that means all federal Crown corporations engaged in commercial lending will have to take into account "the personal integrity" of an individual during the review of that person's loan application.

Another test for which P.I.T. can serve as an acronym is Political Integrity Test.

Here's "un défi", a challenge: what argument(s) would you present before a body of undecided voters for and/or against Stephen Harper deserving to pass a Political Integrity Test?

The Digest is posted to 3500 + addresses directly.  How many more through it being passed on I've no idea.

Beyond doubt some reading it are among the undecided who may choose to express questions.

Any one up to thechallenge?



From: "Rebecca Gingrich" <>
Subject: [On-Guard] DD

Joe--David Bell has hit the nail on the head!  Our governments can make all
the rules they want to, it accomplishes nothing.  Governments have, over the
years, demanded more and more power over every facet of our lives. 
Incompetence always follows.  As with any organization, the organization
becomes of prime importance, and their reason for being falls by the
wayside.  We are taught to believe that our governments are all knowing, all
powerful, and all seeing.  Time and time again we see the fact that the
Emperor has no clothes, and yet the game still keeps being played.  The
taxpayer funds porn
while we are dying from contaminated food, drugs and other products.  Now
Canadians know what is important to our government!

I don't know the practice in the ROC, but in Alberta they already have
veterinarians in abattoirs.  At least they did 20 years ago in private

Words on paper are written regularily but nothing changes.  No one follows
them, but it covers the government's collective ass.  That is the only real
purpose of the rules.  We have people and products bringing disease into
Canada and no one cares.  The governments don't even follow their own rules.

  Political correctness is the ultimate law. The government will throw more
of our money at the issue, but nothing will change.   We are past the point
of no return.


My response, though granted at times far back is beyond our ken : -

Arthur Hugh Clough (1819-1861)

not the Struggle nought Availeth

             1Say not the struggle nought availeth,
           2The labour and the wounds are vain,
           3The enemy faints not nor faileth,
           4And as things have been, things remain;

           5If hopes were dupes, fears may be liars;
           6It may be, in yon smoke conceal'd,
           7Your comrades chase e'en now the fliers--
           8And, but for you, possess the field.

           9For while the tired waves vainly breaking
       10Seem here no painful inch to gain,
       11Far back, through creeks and inlets making,
       12Comes silent, flooding in, the main.

       13And not by eastern windows only,
       14When daylight comes, comes in the light,
       15In front the sun climbs slow, how slowly,
       16But westward, look! the land is bright.


Saturday, August 30, 2008

Daily Digest August 30, 2008



Performance artists

Travel for health an emerging issue

Get ready for an ugly campaign

Economy needs a boost

Harper's rush to the ballot box

Canadians need better assurance on food security

No need for election

Who'll stand on guard in Canada's Arctic?

Killing abortion debate unhealthy

Harper's Arctic vision bold and risky

Hidden apartheid or hidden apathy

The madness on our streets


Army told to switch its Afghan tactics
Un warns Nato-led coalition forces rules need to be revised after rise in civilian casualties

US to back Afghan air raid probe

Karzai fast losing his popularity
IANS (08/30/2008)
McCain failed to qualify statement about "success" in Afghanistan (08/30/2008)
Misleading tip faulted for deadly Afghan strike
The Associated Press (08/30/2008)
Afghan Civilians Killed at Checkpoint, Germany Says
Bloomberg (08/30/2008)
Pentagon Reports U.S. Airstrike Killed 5 Afghan Civilians, Not 90
The Washington Post (08/30/2008)

U.S. to help out in Kandahar's 'Wild West'
Canadian troops in Kandahar are getting a boost as 800 American soldiers move in to assume operations in Maywand district.

Enbridge, BP ink Alberta-Texas Gulf pipeline dealComment

Maple Leaf Foods' problems hard to digest

New meds aren't always 'safe and effective'

Exploited foreign workers Canada's new 'slave trade'

Green party announces its first federal member of Parliament

Harper sees no common ground with the opposition, Layton says after meeting

Canada fall election more likely, government says

Polls show Liberals, Tories tied

MP joins Greens; May now in leaders' debates?

Harper plans to go steady
PM will stress risk of Dion when he seeks electoral love

Why fix what ain't broke?

An illegal election?

Canada fails to track food illnesses, expert says

Worker says meat plant filthy
Employee at Maple Leaf factory linked to deadly outbreak claims machines improperly scrubbed

Ottawa slashes grants for new media


Harper ne montre aucune flexibilité pour travailler avec l'opposition, dit Layton

Dix décès sont maintenant attribués à l'éclosion de listériose

Le Parti vert recrute un premier député fédéral siégeant aux Communes

Alfonso Gagliano a pris possession de son vignoble en Estrie

L'aide du voisin du Sud

Patrimoine canadien
Un autre programme aboli?

L'équipe au secours du chef

Un nouveau sondage donne Harper en tête

Économie et leadership, les thèmes de la campagne conservatrice

Harper intent on triggering an election: Layton

 PM's plan for Oct. 14 vote hits snag
Canadian Jewish Congress warns Harper against calling election that would conflict with Jewish holiday.

An illegal election?

Can the G-G deny Harper his election?

Alberta confirms new Listeriosis-related death

Meat plant cut corners: Employee

Report: Gagliano purchases Quebec vineyard with federal loan

Alfonso Gagliano receives $500,000 federal loan

Liberals, Conservatives 'basically tied' in support
[] Poll shows wide swings in regional popularity

PM key to Tory strategy
Public's perception of him as decisive leader could lead to majority government: Pollster

Harper plans to go steady
PM will stress risk of Dion when he seeks electoral love

Ottawa slashes grants for new media
Telefilm loses $14.5-million fund

Pakistani lawmaker defends honor killings
Tribesmen bury five women alive for wanting to choose their own husbands

Liberals using crisis for political gain -Clement
..exploiting tragedy for political gain by linking Canada's listeriosis outbreak to the E. coli water crisis in Walkerton.

Walkerton mayor calls for public inquiry on listeria outbreak
..current outbreak  "outrageous"  noting that some of the cabinet ministers who were in the Ontario government in 2000 are now in the federal cabinet.

Man under fire
The tainted-meat crisis has put the spotlight on Michael McCain, the CEO of Maple Leaf Foods..

Five players to watch in the runup to the election

Candidates already in race suspicious of PM
..alleging he is derailing the process because his party will lose in their ridings.

'Shared concern' on economy: Flaherty
Federal finance minister tones down rhetoric about Ontario's manufacturing sector woes

Will Hargrove run against Flaherty?

Death penalty stance a likely election issue
Court review of Tories' refusal to fight for Canadians on death row scheduled for end of September

MacKay: Supply ships coming
MacKay is promising a Canadian-made solution to replace two aging navy supply ships after Ottawa sunk a $2.9 billion replacement program last week.

Tories braced for Stoffer's criticism of coast guard job

A cold calculation of prime ministerial proportions
Canadians know, after watching Stephen Harper in office for three years, that he's a control freak. He controls all his ministers, all the important files, all major communications, and all the circumstances in which he makes public.. MORE...

Why Harper decided to take control of election timing
Prime Minister Stephen Harper and several of his most powerful cabinet ministers met last week at historic Willson House, on a promontory overlooking Meech Lake in Quebec's Gatineau Park, and decided they must call a federal election before.. MORE...

Tories ignore moral issues
"Okay, it was mentioned, but I think we got away with it. Everybody discuss something else now." Which may not be precisely what the Tories said when the abortion issue came up this week, but is pretty close to the mark. Stephen Harper.. MORE...

Harper trampling all over Constitution
It looks increasingly as if Stephen Harper is taking advice from Robert Mugabe in attempting to reset the Canadian agenda. The self-declared president-for-life of Zimbabwe says he intends to form a.. MORE...

Gentlemen, start your coffins. This election's a snore ... or is it?
A forced election - "a con job," cry the critics - is upon us. A feeling of yet more disillusionment among a citizenry known for its sense of fair play accumulates because of the manipulative manner in which the government is calling it. MORE...

Dion tries to change his hue by jumping on culture bandwagon
Liberal leader is unpopular in Quebec so he's trying to recast his image. Stéphane Dion, defender of Quebec's culture and identity? It's not how French-speaking Quebecers are used to seeing the former letter-writing scourge of the.. MORE...

A flood of flyers stirs pre-election emotions
We should have known an election was in the cards. Conservatives lately have been mailing a blizzard of political flyers across the country. MORE...

Conservative ideology is in decline
Canada's next election, the one the Prime Minister plans for fall, will ask Canadians a question Americans have already answered. The arch-conservatism that came late to Ottawa in January 2006 is in spiral decline here after.. MORE...

Tough on crime can be pretty tough on children
How would Canada's criminal justice system look if conservatives fully transformed it? And more importantly, what would those changes do to Canadian society? With the Harper government pushing more tough-on-crime.. MORE...

Canada's current food-safety crisis

La Teoria Conspiratoria


From: David Bell

This headline "Food inspection agency expands self-policing Vets to assume 'oversight' role at abattoirs" coming when the full effects of the LISTERIA breakdown of quality control is at least to me a negative.  Read the article posted below.  Do you feel comfortable in supporting the policies in process or not?

Re: Listeria

The challenge for us (globally) in "regulation" extends far beyond food. It includes health, disease control, telecommunications, banking, finance, transportation etc.

Our technological/commercial capacity far outstrips our regulatory capacity. A Health Canada official said to me that if we stopped all pharmaceutical development for the next five years, the FDA (never mind Health Canada)  would be unable to catch up. Most senior regulatory officials will tell you that we would need a 10-20X increase in regulatory budgets and it will not happen.

Brave New World?


From: "Jacob Rempel"
Subject: Google Blogs Alert for: David Orchard

Is Harper Crazy?

From: "Rubie Britton"

Subject: CARP Article: Building An Emergency Plan That Works For You

From: "Rebecca Gingrich"
Subject:  Free Trade anyone?

What have we come to if the US is ''better at inspection' than we are? We
have all read horror stories coming out of the US re food safety. Now this.
Is this what is meant by free trade? We all sink to the lowest common
denominator re food safety?


Maple Leaf criticized in 2007 audit

August 30, 2008

OTTAWA -- A mousetrap plugged with discarded pieces of meat and animal fat
turned up in a May, 2007, inspection of Maple Leaf's meat plant in Brandon.

The observation wasn't made by Canadian officials, but by Alam Khan, a
senior auditor with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Mr. Khan said in a
report that the Canadian Food Inspection Agency inspector accompanying him
on the tour scooped the obstruction out of the trap.

Pest-control devices must be working properly to be approved by U.S.
auditors. The official who cited the clogged mousetrap gave the facility a
failing grade in pest control, and told his U.S. colleagues it wasn't an
isolated problem.

The auditor's report notes that Maple Leaf had been warned multiple times
about problems with the kind of trap it was using "and yet no action was
taken by the establishment to correct the problem."

Although several Canadian plants have lost the approval of the USDA to ship
to the United States because of these audits, Maple Leaf plants have not
received that sanction. Maple Leaf spokeswoman Linda Smith noted that all of
the company's plants remain in good standing with the USDA.

"They have passed their recent inspections," she said. "Minor findings are
part of the audit process and are not uncommon."

The mousetrap incident is just one of a litany of failings outlined in the
latest USDA audit of Canada's meat, poultry and egg inspection system.

All Canadian plants that are approved for exporting to the United States
must allow U.S. officials to audit their facilities.

More than two dozen on-site audits done between May 1 and June 6, 2007, were
compiled into a final report on Canada's meat, poultry and egg products
inspection system.

The report says that 19 out of 20 audited plants were not complying with
sanitation standards, while Canadian inspectors were not always aware of
their duties, "and were not well trained in the performance of their
inspection tasks."

With Canada's decision this year to stop making facility reports and
rankings by Canadian inspectors, the USDA website may be the only place
where consumers can read detailed reports of what is happening in this
country's plants.

The Globe and Mail reported this week that Canada ended its ranking system
on March 31 after the industry complained the reports were leading to
negative media coverage.

The CFIA's response to the USDA's 2007 audit report - which included the
assessment of Maple Leaf's Brandon facility - shows that Canada urged the
Americans to soften their critical language.

Dr. Bill Anderson, the CFIA's director of meat programs, wrote last year to
the head of the USDA's international audit team. In the letter posted with
the report, Dr. Anderson noted that while none of the CFIA inspectors who
accompanied USDA officials on their audits challenged the U.S. findings,
Canada didn't like their tone.

"I would however like to voice my concern over the tone of general
statements made in the draft final report," wrote Dr. Anderson, singling out
the finding that: "Nineteen of 20 slaughter and/or processing establishments
(including cold storage) had deficiencies in [sanitation performance

"We found that this statement is unnecessarily severe," Dr. Anderson
continued. He suggests that the line be changed to: "In addition, some of
the SPS requirements were not being enforced adequately in 19 of 20

Jim Laws, the executive director of the Canadian Meat Council, confirmed
this week that industry representatives had asked for the Canadian rankings
to be terminated because they were "archaic" and causing council members
grief when they became public.

A review of the U.S. audit illustrates why such information might be

While the Maple Leaf plant in Toronto identified as the source of the
current listeria outbreak was not audited in 2007, the report says that
Maple Leaf plants in Brandon and Moncton were in "non-compliance" regarding
sanitary operations. The Brandon plant also received a non-compliance
ranking for pest control.

The problems were not exclusive to large companies like Maple Leaf. A
Charlottetown company called Natural Organic Food Group received a
particularly damaging report. Among the observations was a lack of floor
drainage in an employee's work area.

"Even though this employee had a slightly raised area to stand on, he was
surrounded by water with blood in it," states one of the auditor's

Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz said yesterday that Canadian's facility
rankings had become "antiquated" and needed to be replaced. Paul Mayers of
the CFIA said new compliance reports will be introduced.

"We have a commitment to transparency," he said.

(Yup. Fired an inspector who released plans Ritz denied that were in place since March. Wasn't there something about accountability too back in 05-06?)

Friday, August 29, 2008

Daily Digest August 29, 2008



Flying pigs and rusting ships

Have a fun, safe weekend

It could happen here some day

My political intentions are PURE

Where do we stand

Pulling plug poses lots of questions

Mixed message from premier

A matter of modesty  

Looks really are deceiving  

Food inspectors needed here

Food industry faces challenge

'Dead zones' worry scientists

Listeria hysteria taking over at grocery stores

Staking Canada's Arctic claims

Buck-passing on meat

Manufacturing a crisis

The duty to inform

Six reasons Harper should call an election

Conservatives need substance to call election

A creditable response to a nightmare situation

Save Georges Bank

Take care of our soldiers

Tories' take on youth crime false

Some teens need to be scared straight

A northern vision

An election most don't want  

Government gets smart on education

Scope of web crime eludes our leaders
Food safety system failed

Election about expediency

Canada's claim of Arctic sovereignty faces hard, cold realities  

Poll a warning for B.C. Liberals  


Alaska governor signs natgas pipeline license bill

Ottawa wanted U.S. to accept more lenient meat inspection regime

Canada avoids recession

Cold War caricatures don't tell the Georgian story  

Is Georgia payback for Russia?

Mr Cheney goes to Georgia



Wealth and financial health

Walkerton mayor calls for public inquiry on listeria outbreak

Doing more than collecting pictures

Williams accused of 'fed bashing' with arts funding announcement

Harper determined to call election: Duceppe
all 1,326 news articles »

BQ says Harper wants election

PM 'absolutely' wants an election: Duceppe

Harper intent on fall election, Duceppe says

Canada's Harper still optimistic on Mackenzie gas

Harper lawyer dismisses expert opinion in Cadman case

Authoritarian" is such a loaded term: Liveblogging the Cadman injunction hearing


Conservatives lags ahead of expected election -

Dion must fix regionally unfair tax  

Senate reform sure to surface as critical issue  

PM's poll talk sounds like hypocrisy

Harper's snap election call would violate 'principle' he fought for  

Fall election? Ho hum

What dysfunction?

Harper government's child-care agenda has failed

Snap election idea just ticks everyone off

Election means long-delayed retirement for veteran MPs

Dion, Harper sparring

1 year and 256 days ago, Parliament passed the federal Conservatives' so-called government "Accountability Act", but one of the Act's 30 measures is still not in force (and the Conservatives have broken 27 of their accountability and democratic reform election promises)!


Icebreaker Replacement Deadline Looms
Despite $720 million in yesterday's federal budget, procurement for a new polar icebreaker will take eight to 10 years.

Food inspection agency expands self-policing
Vets to assume 'oversight' role at abattoirs

MacKay says Ottawa will restart process to replace aging navy ships

Almost 50 more products added to meat recall list

Water exports are 'blue gold' says think tank

The futile war on smoking

Psychologists and politicians

Giving us the oar
The federal government plans to extinguish a right that Canadians have always had-- to freely navigate our rivers

Salmonellose: un nombre inhabituellement élevé de cas est rapporté

Elections: même si l'échéance s'est rapprochée, Dion assure qu'il sera prêt

Des députés libéraux fédéraux espèrent quelques modifications au Tournant vert

Huit décès sont maintenant attribués à l'éclosion de listériose

La majorité des Canadiens estime qu'il y aura des élections cet automne

Les Canadiens semblent moins pessimistes au sujet de l'économie, révèle un sondage

Relations de travail
Climat tendu à Postes Canada

Parti libéral du Canada
La culture en campagne

Soutien fédéral aux arts
Manifestation contre les compressions

Ottawa étend sa zone d'influence

Le PC déclenche une campagne de pub

Le PC lance une vaste campagne de publicité

e NPD mettra le paquet

Harper rencontrera Duceppe vendredi

La Teoria Conspiratoria

Federal campaign will be nasty
Get set for deja vu, all over again. Only this federal election contest likely will be nastier and more personal than any in recent memory.  In the last go-round, fought over the Christmas holiday of '05-'06, Stephen Harper's Conservatives deftly.. MORE...

Snap election idea just ticks everyone off
I don't know about your TV, but Stephen Joseph Harper got on mine a couple of nights ago to announce he expects a minority government will arise out of the election he, maybe, will call, soonish. MORE...

The Tories' winning issue? Certainly not fiscal rectitude
s an election looms, the Harper government is looking increasingly vulnerable in a policy area that should reflect its greatest strength -- the economy. MORE...

Quebecers don't like Dion because he is a centralist
The Liberal leader must shake that image to make inroads in this province. Stéphane Dion won't escape it. The upcoming federal election could end up as a referendum - if you'll pardon the use of the word - on his own leadership. MORE...

Harper 'fixing' federal election date
Stephen Harper is itching for an election; and, if he wants it, he will get it. One of the perks of being prime minister is the power -- most of the time -- to recommend the dissolution of Parliament and to determine the date on which a.. MORE...

Harper's snap election call would violate 'principle' he fought for
It will take some twisted rhetoric to justify breaking with fixed election date. It now seems almost certain that Stephen Harper will visit the Governor General just after Labour Day to seek an early election. This is despite the fixed election date of.. MORE...

Riding into the political sunset
MPs awaiting retirement may soon get their wish. The last Stetson-sporting MP is fading into the Alberta sunset, the richest MP returning to much greener pastures and the prime minister of dashed expectations retreating to his Quebec farm.. MORE...

Tories' arts cuts spark ire in Quebec
The recent Conservative cuts to arts and culture have done what neither the pursuit of the unpopular Afghan war nor the demise of the Kyoto Protocol had accomplished: wake up a sleeping Quebec giant that is now gathering strength.. MORE...

Taking aim at Harper best bet for Liberals
t's about Harper, stupid. With apologies to the Clintons and Carvilles, this is – or ought to be – the rallying cry for Liberals as they soon enter the first days of a now certain fall election campaign. MORE...

Staking Canada's Arctic claims
Prime Minister Stephen Harper deserves credit for expanding Canada's claim to the Far North with his announcement this week that Ottawa will extend its jurisdiction in the Arctic Ocean. Foreign ships will be required to report.. MORE...

Doing more than collecting pictures
Are kiddie pornographers "just picture collectors" who trade or sell their wares on peer-to-peer cyber networks? Or is there much, much more to worry about here? The answer from a new study of 155 convicted cyber child pornographers.. MORE...

Tories to target drug use in prison

Judge deals Day a blow on inmate transfers

Tougher Arctic Rules For Ships Tough Sell: Pm

Tory officials seek exemption to lobbyist rule

Food inspection agency expands self-policing

Radiation touted to protect meat

Slight lead for Grits

Mounties probe Couillard link to real-estate deal

Gloves come off early as vote call expected

Liberal MPs seek changes to Green Shift plan


I'll fight a clean campaign, Dion insists

Dion, Harper already sparring

Harper uses Trudeau's name to slam Dion

PM to meet with Duceppe, Layton as vote call looms

Canadians ready for fall election, pollster finds

Protect polar bears, Tories say

Newfoundland to cover federal cuts to the arts

Brutal facts on terror and the uselessness of torture  



That new polar class icebreaker was set in motion even though it will be ten years before it is in service is a positive.  Three were promised last election but one is better than none which was the plan until now.

Anti-Russian political rhetoric is counterproductive. The following quotes speak to reality:

"In his testimony, Mr. Kessel said Canada is actually working with the Russians­as well as the Americans and Danish­to eliminate as many potential
overlaps as possible between each country's respective submission. It is expected Canada's claim will bump up against those of the other three nations.

"The scientists are very collaborative and share their data with us and we share with them. Our common objective is to avoid any perception of or real overlaps
 and reduce future arbitration needs."


Even after they hit the water, the notion that we can defend our claims of sovereignty with a stronger military presence is ludicrous.

We need a year-round capacity to patrol the arctic, but in a research, policing and rescue role, not as a military deterrent. Our only hope of
securing international agreement that we are the undisputed masters of the undersea riches adjacent to our coasts is through negotiation.


This headline "Food inspection agency expands self-policing Vets to assume 'oversight' role at abattoirs" coming when the full effects of the LISTERIA            breakdown of quality control is at least to me a negative. 

Read the article posted below.  Do you feel comfortable in supporting the policies in process or not?



From: "Rebecca Gingrich"
Subject: DD

Joe--too bad we can't blame China for this outbreak! After all, we know we
are perfect in all things and my leader can beat your leader is the only
really important issue in Canada.

The only think I can't figure out about this issue is why anyone is
surprised. Incompetence can only survive for so long before the you know
what hits the fan! Sadly, I have to say we ain't seen nothing yet.
Bacteria is more adept at survival than we are. How many other strains of
bacteria have been introduced through the foreign worker program(I know that
is not politically correct). BUT--remember the outbreak of Hep C supposedly
introduced via onions picked by foreign workers in the US? What else is on
the horizon?

The habit of throwing money at any situation is the action of government who
believes their own spin re 'protecting citizens'. They have no concept of
reality. As long as the paperwork can be made to look efficient everything
is under control. Just put more words on paper and problem solved!

I don't believe for one minute that Maple Leaf is the only problem here. If
it happens at Maple Leaf it happens everywhere. Incompetence is it's own
enemy and no one is ready to address that issue. Fire a few people, hide
the truth and spin, spin, spin! And sadly our seniors are kept in dirty
diapers and fed faux meats and we see nothing wrong with this. Why are
seniors being fed something with absolutely no food value in the first

We learned nothing from the BSE outbreak--spin and incompetence go hand in
hand. And now this may become an election issue! What the hell are we
missing here--this has gone on for years. We have just been lucky or other
governments have done a better job of hiding things. Or we could blame
someone else--like China--but the fact remains that our inspectors should be
inspecting what comes into this country also. The buck stops with the
inspectors, immigration and all other areas involved with food production.
But not to worry--this will all be forgotten just like everything else--we
will go back to sleep and nothing will change. Our governments of all
stripes will shout that they are protecting us and nothing will change. We
are just pawns in the corporate game.




Joe--I also meant to add another comment. Due to waste, incompetence and
ignorance, the inspection aspect of our 'watchdogs' are crumbling just like
the infrastructure of the country. As we are in an economic 'slowdown'
nothing will change except to get worse.

Joe--too bad we can't blame China for this outbreak! After all, we know we
are perfect in all things and my leader can beat your leader is the only
really important issue in Canada.

The only thing I can't figure out about this issue is why anyone is
surprised. Incompetence can only survive for so long before the you know
what hits the fan! Sadly, I have to say we ain't seen nothing yet.
Bacteria is more adept at survival than we are. How many other strains of
bacteria have been introduced through the foreign worker program(I know that
is not politically correct). BUT--remember the outbreak of Hep C supposedly
introduced via onions picked by foreign workers in the US? What else is on
the horizon?

The habit of throwing money at any situation is the action of government who
believes their own spin re 'protecting citizens'. They have no concept of
reality. As long as the paperwork can be made to look efficient everything
is under control. Just put more words on paper and problem solved!

I don't believe for one minute that Maple Leaf is the only problem here. If
it happens at Maple Leaf it happens everywhere. Incompetence is it's own
enemy and no one is ready to address that issue. Fire a few people, hide
the truth and spin, spin, spin! And sadly our seniors are kept in dirty
diapers and fed faux meats and we see nothing wrong with this. Why are
seniors being fed something with absolutely no food value in the first

We learned nothing from the BSE outbreak--spin and incompetence go hand in
hand. And now this may become an election issue! What the hell are we
missing here--this has gone on for years. We have just been lucky or other
governments have done a better job of hiding things. Or we could blame
someone else--like China--but the fact remains that our inspectors should be
inspecting what comes into this country also. The buck stops with the
inspectors, immigration and all other areas involved with food production.
But not to worry--this will all be forgotten just like everything else--we
will go back to sleep and nothing will change. Our governments of all
stripes will shout that they are protecting us and nothing will change. We
are just pawns in the corporate game.



From: "Suan H.Booiman"
Subject: listeria - Harper

August 20, 2008
Unfortunate that this took place and one company facing bankruptcy because of it,
yes but our country has a foundation since to 1960's of health care fear as many
new immigrants have been brought here without being presented the principles of
Canada, of which one is cleanliness. It is easy to lay the blame on a company
without knowing the source, maybe, just maybe, some of the workers find it hard
to wash their hand, as an example. No inspector will ever be able to control all
that are involved, does not many how many inspectors there are, it is the basics
that people need to learn we are so fearful to tell them. Till my teens (15) lived in
a household that had a large catering business going from home, my father's
first demand was from all that worked for him was cleanliness, hands, cloth,
the surrounding, did not matter what job one was holding, be a part of it (today's
WESTJET is one)
Have to laugh when I read the comments about Harper and his government not
being able to control the economy in Canada. How brainless. In today's world
society no one country can control the economy, they can make it better or worse,
but no able to prevent it from changing. My second major was economics (some
65 years ago) and the principle has not changed, least of all on this continent
where a powerful country is depending on the production of goods that have
no economic return *war materials, satellites to name a few". No person or company
can survive without have a return on the principle capital.  Trudeau was a master
in spending, dragging the nation to near bankruptcy because the money went to
places that produced little or no return. not even capital gain.
Look at Bombardier, where would it be without government grants and interest
free loans, where would the space industry be without federal funding, largely
used in Central Canada, the political world to concentrate industrial power.
The rising dead of the automobile industry in Canada without federal bail outs.
From: "Mark Whittle"

This latest tainted meat scandal makes one want to become a vegetarian. And it seems the Liberal regime before Harper tried to soft-soap the Americans on Listeria regulations, a file that was negotiated by the Liberals and inherited by the Conservatives.
Mark-Alan Whittle, C.E.O.
Street Advisor Consulting

(MAW - after more than two years the tune's a bit stale)

Food inspection agency expands self-policing
Vets to assume 'oversight' role at abattoirs
Sarah Schmidt, Canwest News Service
Published: Friday, August 29, 2008

After testing a new poultry inspection program -- which transferred the job of condemning sick birds from government veterinarians to company employees -- at three slaughterhouses last fall, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency is in the midst of rolling out the self-policing program to abattoirs across the country.

The new Poultry Rejection Program, under which veterinarians supervise the company's rejection of carcasses during two 20-minute periods a day, follows the end of weekly inspections in April so inspectors could give the green light for production at meat plants. These visual pre-operation inspections of the production line, sanitization protocols, drains and ventilation systems now occur monthly.

If inspectors see a problem on the line in the interim, they're now encouraged to use a new tool -- called a correction action report -- that gives the company 60 days to fix the problem rather than stopping production immediately.

Meanwhile, government veterinarians stationed at hog slaughterhouses are no longer responsible for inspecting stool samples; this responsibility has been transferred to plant staff under a program known as HIP-HOG, with vets required to check twice over an eight-hour shift to see if company employees are doing it properly.

These incremental changes to the way food inspection is done in Canada, quietly made during the past year, are being implemented as the country wrestles with a food-borne outbreak traced to the listeria bacterium at a federally regulated meat-processing plant in Toronto.

More reforms are coming on the production side if the government moves ahead with its plan to shift away from a "full-time presence" of veterinarians at abattoirs to an "oversight role," outlined in a cabinet document obtained last month by Canwest News Service.

Sylvain Charlebois, associate dean of the graduate school of business at the University of Regina and co-author of a recent report on the food-inspection system in Canada, says the government, the food industry and the public must "engage in a fundamental debate about the role of the private sector within our food-safety surveillance systems.

"And I think we need to have that discussion without panicking about listeria," he said. "The listeria outbreak offers us a great opportunity to have a sound debate about the food-safety systems in Canada."

The food inspection agency doesn't like to talk about specific incremental changes, but senior officials say the agency is modernizing the inspection process to improve the food-safety surveillance system and tweaking the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point systems, an approach introduced by the previous Liberal government.

Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz recommends a partnership with industry and emphasizes that an oversight role for inspectors is more proactive.

Food-inspection experts in Canada are split on the merits of the approach. Government inspectors and veterinarians are voicing concerns about the changes.

For example, there is "at least the appearance of conflict of interest where an unsupervised company employee rejects birds on behalf of his own employer," the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada argues in correspondence with the Chicken Farmers of Canada about the new Poultry Rejection Program. The institute represents government veterinarians stationed at slaughterhouses across the country.

Mr. Charlebois supports the current direction, but says the government is doing a "lousy job" selling it.

"It's unnatural for Canadians to believe that the private sector can be trusted when it comes to public health. But we're dealing with such a vast and big system, we have no choice. Bottom line? If Canadians think the private sector doesn't have a role right now, they've been misled."

Conrad Brunk, an expert in health risk management at the University of Victoria, says the admission by Maple Leaf Foods this week about the listeria contamination at its Toronto plant -- that the company may never definitively know the cause of the contamination -- reinforces the need for a stronger government role in the food-inspection system.

"In cases where the self-regulator has a very strong conflict of interest, then it becomes a case of the fox being put in charge of the hen house. When you do that, you have to know pretty well what's motivating the fox."

© The Ottawa Citizen 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Daily Digest August 24, 2008



Olympic absurdities

Get out of jail, and stay out

Meat scare has more meaning

'All natural' doesn't mean safe

Only an election win can save Dion

CMA head to rock health-care boat

TO OTTAWA Hand out the cash, get lost

Right to conscience for MDs is vital  

Trudeau, not mission, is wrong  

Drug testing a wise trade-off  

Daylight robbery  

Rich countries, troubled kids  


NATO-chartered helicopter crashes in Afghanistan
Reuters (08/24/2008)
Karzai fires top general, says over 89 civilians killed
AFP (08/24/2008)
Taliban win over locals at the gates of Kabul
The Observer (08/24/2008)
Afghan president decries airstrike he says killed 95
The New York Times (08/24/2008)
Afghans stage protest against civilian killings by US military
AFP (08/24/2008)
U.S. Sees Much to Fear in a Hostile Russia
The New York Times (08/23/2008)
Militants ready for Pakistan's war
Asia Times (08/23/2008)
Rockets, guile and the lessons of history: the Taleban besiege Kabul
The Times (08/23/2008)
Struggling to Find New Pakistan Ally Against Taliban
The New York Times (08/23/2008)
Pressure Mounts For Military Strategy Review In Afghanistan
AFP (08/23/2008)
Emergency hotline services facilitate common Afghans' fight against illegal activities
Xinhua (08/23/2008)
Dust storms cause health problems in west
IRIN (08/23/2008)
Strike Forged Bin Laden-Taliban Bond
The Associated Press (08/23/2008)
Brown Presses Karzai to Tackle Afghanistan Corruption
Bloomberg (08/23/2008)
The Key to Rebuilding Afghanistan
The Washington Post (08/23/2008)
Russia says NATO needs its help on Afghanistan
Reuters (08/23/2008)
Still short of equipment and facing a more confident enemy, British frustration grows
The Guardian (08/23/2008)
Brown makes surprise trip to Afghanistan as Taliban step up attacks
The Guardian (08/23/2008)
Behind the Taliban Surge
TIME (08/23/2008)
The State of Afghanistan
TIME (08/23/2008)

Peshawar, Kohat, Nowshera next targets of terrorists

Canadians complete big offensive in Afghanistan ahead of troop rotation

Canadian military claims major victory in offensive

Academics fear speaking freely in Canada

Policy expertise good for Canada

Pick poses challenges for Canada

What Obama and Dion should be talking about
Both need to break away from the Bush-Harper policies that have led to the current quagmire

Credit cards come with hefty fees

Chinese take out Mao

Russian incursion into Georgia sends strong message to the U.S.  

Kosovo and Georgia aren't the same, despite what Russia says  

In defence of fantasy:ABMs in Poland won't work against missile that doesn't exist

Look to Europe for health care model: CMA head

Why the hell not?
The federal Tories promised such an overhaul 21/2 years ago during the last federal election.
So far they've failed to deliver.

Save our jobs, Ontarians tell preem


PM sets sights on senate reform for election

Dion says he will meet with Harper to discuss a fall election

Harper returns to North to polish what could be election plank

Steve, don't pull the plug

Only an election win can save Dion

A fall election for all the marbles  

Coast guard, navy ships aren't sunk: minister

Clement's bias embarrassing Canada at home and abroad  

Will Canada's oil boom be an environmental bust?

Renewables a Mirage?

Interfaith dialogue is about respect

Battling old behaviour the new front in AIDS fight  

Affirming the difference between good and evil  

Shutting down the hucksters of false hope  

We're kicking the gasoline habit  

I predict your prediction is wrong  

Seven years after 9/11, extremists are still a problem  

Kabul's past may be Afghanistan's future 

Ethics and the search for perfection  

La volte-face sur les piqueries soulève un tollé

Pas de Julie sans Maxime

Stéphane Dion se dit prêt à se lancer dans la bataille

Aux urnes le 6 octobre?

L'équipe Obama-Biden pourrait mettre le libre-échange en veilleuse

Les médecins critiquent le projet d'Ottawa

Dion ouvert à une rencontre

Le G8 sans la Russie?

Montréal est le plus important centre de pornographie en ligne au Canada

Les conservateurs font piètre figure en environnement, selon Québec-Kyoto

La Teoria Conspiratoria



Were you a Russian would you have accepted the Georgian military moving into South Ossetia?

At the UN, Russia is under pressure to respect Georgia's sovereignty.

While Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili has drawn justified criticism for sparking the crisis, Washington and its allies still support him, intent on preventing Russia from making Georgia a client state.

The Western allies also plan to help rebuild Georgia's infrastructure and rearm it with anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons so that it can better defend itself. Pointedly, the U.S. has used military planes to send in aid.

There have been calls as well to kick Russia out of the Group of Eight club of industrial nations. And to bar Russia from the World Trade Organization. This won't boost investor confidence.

Russian incursion into Georgia sends strong message to the U.S.

Simply put, Russia has succeeded in administering a significant, albeit indecisive, blow to the United States. The official media in Russia generally makes two major comments: First, that the Russians rebuffed an attempt by the "criminal regime" of Mikheil Saakashvili, president of Georgia, to take over its recalcitrant region of South Ossetia by force and genocidal acts; and second, that Russia has demonstrated that the U.S. is incapable of protecting those states that it calls friends and, in this case, a potential member of NATO.

Particularly galling to the Russian government are statements by U.S. President George W. Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to the effect that, in the 21st century, it is not permissible for one state to violate the territorial integrity of another. This is depicted as hypocrisy by a superpower that has invaded Iraq, bombed Belgrade, and threatened to invade Iran over the past decade. Russia also believes that the U.S. is behind the "colour revolutions" that took place in Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan, removing corrupt and often unpopular administrations and replacing them with ostensibly democratic regimes.


From: Ron Thornton
Subject: Re:Daily Digest August 22, 2008

*Hi Joe:

I haven't been much involved in politics in recent years, and your comments regarding candidate selection helped remind me why I am not. I never much understood why, in a democracy, a candidate, especially one of those nice shiny "star" candidates, needed to be appointed, rather than elected by the membership.

Oh, there are reasons, but all of them are an insult to those who believe in democratic ideals or who are hoping that the exercise is to elect a "representative" government.  Mind you, while it seems that only the Conservatives are deserving of your disdain for their less than democratic ideals, we would be amiss if we did not recognize that all of these damn parties often thwart the democratic process in such a fashion.

If you wanted reform, I'm afraid that party went out of business a number of years ago. It was touted as grassroots, but in the end the powers that be used manipulated consent to get what they wanted. In that regard, they were no better, though no worse, than every other political outfit. Preston Manning led the team like a pied piper, usually offering the choice between two extremes on an issue along with a Manning inspired alternative that came down somewhere in between. Most often the membership turned to Manning's alternative, though this was not the case with the Charlottetown Accord when the membership rejected both the Accord and Manning's alternative. While it put the Reform Party on the map, it also illustrated to the leadership that they could not always trust that the membership would do as the party expected unless properly indoctrinated.  They never made that mistake again.

So, while you may be disappointed the actions of the Conservative Party in putting together a team democratically chosen by the membership, it would seem they are going by the same playbook as the rest. When I was involved with Reform, it was due to a passion for a cause.  Without such passion, or the ingredients needed to renew it, I wonder what there might be to motivate me to spend my own time for the benefit of others without any form of reward?  To be frank, I can't think of anything. It should not be surprising to anyone that the numbers of those involved in the political process, to even take the time to cast a ballot, is plummeting. Even a dog needs some positive attention once in a while to keep from straying from the farm.
The Conservatives belong to Stephen Harper, the party elite, star candidates, and those who have found some reward in being involved.  It does not belong to me. I vote Conservative, not because of passion but because I find the alternatives utterly repugnant.

Ron Thornton*

From: "John Halonen"
Subject: How will Future news be delivered

Obama`s choice to use the Internet to advise his followers of the Vice
President chosen, indicates a further errosion of support for the
Press and even TV news media.

Many individuals today appear to prefer the Internet vs the choice of
media outlets that have been around for years.

Perhaps, knowing that these outlets are being influenced by either
Government, big business and the elite is having a bearing on where
and how to get the news that they prefer to recieve without having it
interpreted by others. Could this be why our Governments are trying to
decrease or limit Internet usage.

John Halonen

From: Henry Atkinson
Subject: Fraud Alert

New Credit Card Scam says this is true. See this site -

This one is pretty slick since they provide YOU with all the information, except the one piece they want.

Note, the callers do not ask for your card number; they already have it. This information is worth reading. By understanding how the VISA & MasterCard Telephone Credit Card Scam works, you'll be better prepared to protect yourself.

One of our employees was called on Wednesday from 'VISA', and I was called on Thursday from 'Master Card'. The scam works like this: Caller: 'This is (name), and I'm calling from the Security and Fraud Department at VISA. My Badge number is 12460. Your card has been flagged for an unusual purchase pattern, and I'm calling to verify. This would be on your VISA card which was issued by (name of bank). Did you purchase an Anti-Telemarketing Device for $497.99 from a Marketing company based in Arizona ?'

When you say 'No', the caller continues with, 'Then we will be issuing a credit to your acc ount. This is a company we have been watching and the charges range from $297 to $497, just under the $500 purchase pattern that flags most cards. Before your next statement, the credit will be sent to (gives you your address), is that correct?'

You say 'yes'. The caller continues - 'I will be starting a Fraud investigation. If you have any questions, you should call the 1- 800 number listed on the back of your card (1-800-VISA) and ask for Security.'

You will need to refer to this Control Number. The caller then gives you a 6 digit number. 'Do you need me to read it again?'

Here's the IMPORTANT part on how the scam works. The caller then says, 'I need to verify you are in possession of your card'. He'll ask you to 'turn your card over and look for some numbers'. There are 7 numbers; the first 4 are part of your card number, the next 3 are the security Numbers that verify you are the possessor of the card. These are the numbers you sometimes use to make Internet purchases to prove you have the card. The caller will ask you to read the 3 numbers to him. After you tell the caller the 3 numbers, he'll say, 'That is correct, I just needed to verify that the card has not been lost or stolen, and that you still have your card. Do you have any o ther questions?' After you say No, the caller then thanks you and states, 'Don't hesitate to call back if you do, and hangs up.

You actually say very little, and they never ask for or tell you the Card number. But after we were called on Wednesday, we called back within 20 minutes to ask a question. Are we glad we did! The REAL VISA Security Department told us it was a scam and in the last 15 minutes a new purchase of $497.99 was charged to our card.

Long story - short - we made a real fraud report and closed the VISA account. VISA is reissuing us a new number. What the scammers want is the 3-digit PIN number on the back of the card Don't give it to them. Instead, tell them you'll call VISA or Master card directly for verification of their conversation. The real VISA told us that they will never ask for anything on the card as they already know the information since they issued the card! If you give the scammers your 3 Digit PIN Number, you think you're receiving a credit. However, by the time you get your statem ent you'll see charges for purchases you didn't make, and by then it's almost too late and/or more difficult to actually file a fraud report.

What makes this more remarkable is that on Thursday, I got a call from a 'Jason Richardson of Master Card' with a word-for-word repeat of the VISA scam. This time I didn't let him finish. I hung up! We filed a police report, as instructed by VISA The police said they are taking several of these reports daily! They also urged us to tell everybody we know that this scam is happening.
