Sunday, January 25, 2009

Daily Digest January 25, 2008


Budget to tackle downturn with spending, tax cuts all 24 news articles »

Human Resources and Skills Development Minister Diane Finley speaks with CTV's Question Period on Sunday, Jan. 25, 2009.
NDP Jack Layton speaks with CTV's Question Period on Sunday, Jan. 25, 2009.
Liberal Finance Critic John McCallum speaks with CTV's Question Period on Sunday, Jan. 25, 2009
Niels Veldhuis, the Fraser Institute's director of fiscal studies, speaks with CTV's Question Period on Sunday, Jan. 25, 2009.

Interest mounts in PM's big plan

Has the GST cut helped or hindered our economy?

From left to right, opinions vary on stimulus package

Will budget rescue Canada and Tories?

The $64-billion question

Social housing to get boost

Budget could offer more than $2B for social housing: report

Budget to include $1B for hard-hit workers

$160 million more for culture

Feds boost tourism fund

Cut taxes, spend or try a bit of both

Bring in a budget we can support

Federal funds set to fly

Stephen the Stimulator and macroeconomics

Employment insurance program posts nearly $150M loss to fraud

What really happens when you lose your job


After Gaza, what now?


Economic response puts glare on Harper

Ed Stelmach's plight

Harper must pony up for Alberta
Ottawa should follow Obama on native involvement

Learn from past budget mistakes

A lot rides on this budget for Harper, rivals


Obama airstrikes kill 22 in Pakistan

Karzai Wants Control Over US Ops
6 min ago Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai is demanding more control over US operations in the country after 16 civilians were reportedly killed.

Calderon Seeks to Dispel Talk of 'Failing State' -

Arabs, Kurds Take Their Fight to Polls

Iraq Election Highlights Ascendancy of Tribes

Evidence of white phosphorus in Gaza
Guardian: Footage filmed in the village of Khoza'a shows an unidentified incendiary substance

White phosphorus in Gaza: the victims
Guardian: A look at the severity of injuries caused by the use of white phospherus

Ban Ki-moon outraged at Gaza devastation
Guardian: UN secretary general visits to see aftermath in Gaza Strip and Sderot in southern Israel

Private health care on the horizon

What TV does to your brain

Government offering no economic solutions

Un premier déficit en 10 ans marquera la rentrée à Ottawa

Le ministre Moore prévoit 160 millions de plus en culture

Budget: les régions du Québec auront leur part

Budget: Les écologistes veulent des investissements "verts"

Budget Harper
Comme si l'argent tombait du ciel

La coalition devrait avoir le droit de prendre le pouvoir à Ottawa

Ottawa créera un fonds d'un milliard pour les travailleurs en difficulté


From: "Suan H.Booiman"
To: "Calgary Herald" <>,
         "Edmonton Sun" <>,
         "Hallifax Herald" <>,
         "Montreal The Gazette" <>,
         "National Post" <>,
         "Ottawa Citizen" <>,
         "Ottawa Sun" <>,
         "Peace Arch News Editor Lance Peverley" <>,
        "Star Phoenix Saskatoon" <>,
        "The Now" <>,
        "The Province Editor" <>,
         "Toronto Star Editor" <>,
         "Toronto Sun" <>,
        "VS. Editor" <>,
        "King Maurice" <>,
         "Globe and Mail Neil A Campbell Executive Editor" <>,
         "MACLEAN'S" <>
Subject: doomsday is coming
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 15:20:31 -0800

It is amazing that the left leaning Central Canadian media,
TV and Newspapers, see doomsday coming January 27.
At this stage hate to say so but where are our optimistic leaders
looking for the future, even as it will create a deficit.
Negative attitude only creates pessimism.
Suan H.Booiman

From: Ron Thornton
Subject: Re: Daily Digest January 22, 2008

Hi Joe:

Usually, the National Post seems to leave me with the impression that as a paper, its greatest value is for those with birds in a cage. However, its article about "Uninvited advice from four unsuccessful leaders" was a hoot. Four former PM's, only two of whom actually got the job through a general election, combined with just three-and-a-half years at the post, telling the present government to spend big dollars on green crap. No wonder these twits didn't last very long in office. If we are to spend huge amounts of money, we could spend it on infrastructure, on shelters for the homeless, food for the hungry, alternative forms of energy, or seeking solutions to real pollution. You know, things that might actually have a lasting impact while at the same time putting people to work. Instead, this quartet believes tossing cash in the air on a pipe dream is the way to go. In the words of Yosemite Sam, "Idjuts!"

The flavor of the month has to be new President Obama. Using great oratory, combined with charismatic charm and the novelty of his pigmentation, he rides a huge wave of popularity, even though he has accomplished very little. Hope is a wonderful thing, and after eight years of George W. Bush and after the legacy of racial discrimination against blacks, Obama's words have stirred up hope.

Ronald Regan, Martin Luther King, John Kennedy, and Franklin Roosevelt all were great orators. They were able to stir people, to give them purpose and direction, to lead. All were human, all were not perfect, all made mistakes and took some wrong turns along the way, but a gifted orator can raise people up and motivate them to begin the quest that so they might accomplish great deeds. There are no guarantees that what they seek can be achieved, or even if the course they take proves to be the right one, but it is a start.

Now, if Stephen Harper had that same ability, that same gift to stir the emotions and have others share with him his vision of the future, he would have a majority government today.  Possessing intelligence and having experience are good things, but how great it is to also have the ability to inspire. All Obama has to do now is deliver.

Ron Thornton

From: "Rebecca Gingrich"
Subject: RE: F.Y.I.: Variables in Obama's plan for Afghanistan

Joe--hope you are feeling better. Missed you!
I have two words for Obama and by extension NATO---VIET NAM


Subject: DD

Joe--Mr. Robertson might want to look at these two websites(there are many stating what I posted) and get educated about the situation?

Subject: Freedom of Religion in Canada

Joe--just sent this email to Harper.  Article posted below.

Mr. Harper--you stated in Calgary while lighting a menorah that 'you defend the jewish faith'.  Now will you extend the same actions and words to the Christian faith?  Will you intervene in this decision by a Federal agency to censure this man for 'thanking God for a beautiful day'?

Rebecca Gingrich
PO Box 2,
Princeton, Ontario

Religious phrase banned by Canada Post
Posted 1 hour ago

It was a tradition for more than 25 years for some Cornwall mail carriers to repeat a farewell phrase as they left the office to begin their routes.

"Merci Seigneur pour la belle journee," the Canada Post carriers exclaimed, to which others would often respond with the same well-wishing words.

But the phrase, which translates to "Thank you Lord for the beautiful day," has now been banned at the Cornwall office by Canada Post management after a mail carrier filed an internal human rights complaint last December.

Employees were told it was injecting religion into the workplace.

The employee who filed the complaint has not been identified.

"When do you draw the line when one person's human rights infringe on another person's human rights?" asked veteran Canada Post carrier Orvel Murphy Jr.

He and another carrier were recently disciplined by management for using the departure blessing after being instructed not to.

"It's my right to express myself," he added, saying sometimes carriers would even use the phrase sarcastically if the weather was particularly bad.

If any of the carriers thank the lord again, Murphy Jr. said they'll face suspension.

Murphy Jr., who's been with the Cornwall office for 35 years, recalled a time when area schoolchildren would paint Christmas scenes on the windows at the Canada Post office. There also used to be an office Christmas tree and a Christmas party, he said.

Not anymore.

Top officials of the local Canadian Union of Postal Workers allegedly supported the complainant in the phrase controversy, but the union's shop steward said the majority of the 45 or so carriers in the office feel the phrase ban takes political-correctness too far.

"I've said it in the past, and I didn't mean anything religious by it," said James Lepage, who's been with the local post office for 19 years.

"Most people here feel it's ridiculous. It's not preaching, and it's not pushing religious beliefs."

Tim Bourgon, the retired president of the local mail carriers' union, described the phrase as a "stress reliever" within the office.

Canada Post area manager Cavelle Lane confirmed that the phrase ban was implemented about one month ago, but noted there was more to the decision than meets the eye, citing human rights issues she could not discuss without a breach of privacy.

After checking with supervisors, another Canada Post spokesperson, Martine Lepine, said the matter was handled internally and Canada Post wouldn't comment on the details of the decision.

"An investigation was conducted, and a decision was made, which involves management and the union," Lepine said, adding that the decision is not a Canada Post-wide policy.

Murphy Jr. said the reason for the phrase ban stems from management using "kid gloves" with an employee who has a personality conflict with others in the office.

"The office walks on egg shells around him," he said. "Management is afraid of him and their jobs are on the line."

From: Rubie Britton
Subject: The Truth

Subject: FW: Never argue with a woman who reads

You think men would learn Never Argue with a Woman...

One morning the husband returns after several hours of fishing
and decides to take a nap.

Although not familiar with the lake, the wife decides to take the boat out.

She motors out a short distance, anchors, and reads her book.

Along comes a Game Warden in his boat.

He pulls up alongside the woman and says, "Good morning, Ma'am.
What are you doing?"

"Reading a book," she replies, (thinking, Isn't that obvious?)

"You're in a Restricted Fishing Area," he informs her.

"I'm sorry, officer, but I'm not fishing. I'm reading."  she answers
"Yes, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start at
any moment. I'll have to take you in and write you up." says the officer.
"If you do that, I'll have to charge you with sexual assault," says the woman.

"But I haven't even touched you," says the game warden.

"That's true, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start at any moment."
"Have a nice day ma'am," and he left.

MORAL: Never argue with a woman who reads. It's likely she can also think.

From: "Suan H.Booiman"
Subject: Re: F.Y.I.: Variables in Obama's plan for Afghanistan

Appreciate your strong view on Afghanistan and our military there. Sadly history
has shown that tribal war fare is there to stay as long as the drug trade is the
source of revenue, besides that the man made laws of depression of people,
especially females will never change as there is no alternative to it, even as
there was the tribes are willing to kill their own people to retain power. Our
military being there is only delaying the process, no different from the US being
in Iran. One of the most important issues is the oil cartel, when we, the western
world, does not depend on the middle east it will alter the trend as there will
little or no money for war materials. Unfortunate the Islamic community does
not have the courage nor the power to set aside the violence among them.
We allow the some of the Islamic leaders "Imams" to preach violence in the
western world without standing up against it. Today in some of the Western
European countries there are people pushing as change. Geert Wilder is a
member of the Dutch Parliament a driving force for change. Denmark showed
leadership in the matter before by demanding 5 years of residency, fluent in
the language and reasonable knowledge of the history. Changes that make a
difference have to come from within, till such time the Western world can not
get the support of the so-called freedom loving Imams nothing will alter.
Liberalism, is a life without directions. Obama's funding of abortions, is a
small step to the wrong directions, little to do with human rights.

From: "Grenville Rogers"
Subject: Q - OBAMA - Good for Canada?

Hello Joe  - 
Thoughts on the question: WILL OBAMA BE GOOD FOR CANADA?
Obama will be no better for Canada than was Bush, or is Harper.
Obama's appointments to all offices of power and of any significance,
prove he is completely controlled by Israel and the Israel Lobby.
So is Harper and his brand of Conservative, the CPC.
So is Michael Ignatieff, Bush's Iraq war cheerleader, and his LPC.
So is Jack Layton and the NDP.
The media, in all its forms (Newspaper, Magazine, Radio, TV, Movie)
in Canada, is controlled by Israel supporters.
The media in all its forms in the US, is controlled by Israel supporters.
The media in the UK is controlled by Israel supporters.
France is controlled by Israel supporters.
Germany is controlled by sycophants to Israel.
Australia and NZ media are under the control of Israel supporters.
The US supports Israel unconditionally. 
Israel and the Israel Lobby have Canada, the US, the UK and others,
by the throat, and are squeezing the life out of their 'host' countries.
Who  controls the Federal Reserve Bank, a private bank, in the US? 
Who controls the World Bank? 
Who controls the International Monetetary Fund? 
Who controls the Bank For International Settlements? 
There is not a politician in Canada who has the integrity and courage
to publicly identify our number one enemy, which is Israel and the
Israel (Jewish) lobby: Every single one is afraid to.
Harper, who used to say "I will stand up for Canada?", unconditionally
supports Israel. 
Harper has publicly stated that Canada will defend the Jewish religion. 
Harper is treacherous, and is a traitor to Canada. 
Unconditional support of Israel is hugging a viper to Canada's breast. 
Harper, Ignatieff, Layton -  No difference. 
Obama? A browner, thinner Bush.
Grenville Rogers

From: Ray Strachan
Subject: Re: F.Y.I.: Variables in Obama's plan for Afghanistan

Quoting Joe Hueglin <>:
Hope you are feeling better Joe....Have a question. Why are there millions of
tons of ink devoted on Afghanistan, such as why Are Americans,Canadians etc
there.    Why dont they just print the truth, and say "The destruction of
Larry Silversteins Buildings were caused by Implosions, Not explosions.
Billionhs collected in insurance, a war started where more Billions are being
made.   Wouldnt nit be simpler just to Tello The Truth..including trhat the
War On Iraq is Just Pure and Simple Murder the plans for which were drawn up
by Wolfowitz and Perle in the United States and their most Beloved Country 
Israel?.....Ray Strachan

From: Larry Kazdan

Subject: Letter to Editor re: Election gag law should make you retch,   Les Leyne,  January 24

Re:  Election gag law should make you retch,   Les Leyne, January 24
The B.C. Liberals have adopted a gag law to restrain third party advertising prior to the May provincial vote but it is instructive to know that for the 2005 election they took in $8.99 million directly in donations from business and corporations.  The NDP collected only $1.8 million from unions.  Since the Liberals have shown no interest in banning corporate and union donations, it is clear that their interest is not in creating a level playing field but in tilting the field more in their own favour.

Subject: Letter to Editor re:  This is Canadian democracy?  Garth Scott, January 24

Re:  This is Canadian democracy?   Garth Scott, January 24             

I am a resident of the Canadian West and a supporter of a united Canada.  But I take strong objection to Garth Scott's assertion that Bloc support for the coalition "bodes well for Quebec and ill for Canada".  The Bloc may indeed have a different vision of Canada, but even many federalists in Quebec still vote for that party because of its progressive social policies that would benefit people both inside and outside the province.  While Scott is entitled to his point of view, his dismissal of a large part of the electorate with which he disagrees is indeed ironic, since it comes from someone supposedly touting due democratic process. 

Subject: Afghanistan - Joe f.y.i.

Background Info on Afghanistan from Peace Operations Monitor:

Peace Operations Monitor provides an independent

source of information about the mandates, multifaceted composition, structures, performance and challenges of UN and other peace operations. It draws on publicly available data from UN, NATO, national government, media, academic, and NGO sources regarding military deployments and humanitarian, development and peacebuilding activities to reveal a more comprehensive picture of selected international peace operations.

Also of possible interest Peacebuild Forum

2. To what extent can Canada's current activities in Afghanistan be characterized as a peace operation? If this term is not appropriate, then how would you describe this operation?

Larry Kazdan , Vice-President,
World Federalist Movement Canada – Vancouver Branch

From: "Suan H.Booiman"
Subject: special status Nation within a Nation State

This is Canadian democracy?
Posted 1 day ago
QUITE AN EXPErience how we here in Canada choose our leader and then watch the election of President Barack Obama, eh? That's not to say the American system has no faults, but I think it's about as democratic as it can be.

Let's look atoursystem as it has worked this past year. First we had a prime minister chosen by a political party that went on to win a minority government. That means more Canadians did not vote for the Conservatives than did. As well, no one voted for the prime minister at large. The party elected him.

That being the case, does the prime minister represent all Canadians? Hardly. He doesn't even represent the majority.

When the economy started tanking, the prime minister issued an economic plan that, good or bad, fell short of what the opposition parties wanted, so they formed a coalition to defeat the government. But wait -was it really a coalition when the Liberals and the NDP between them didn't have enough votes to bring down the government, let alone govern, without the support of the Bloc Quebecois? The Bloc, you say? They're dedicated to Quebec separation through sovereignty, or is it sovereignty through separation? Whatever.

Now, the Bloc isn't actually part of the coalition, but it agreed to support the coalition, and you can bet its support came with a price that bodes well for Quebec and ill for Canada. Bloc leader Gilles Duceppe actually could hold up the workings of a country he is determined to break up. That's how badly the Liberals and NDP wanted power.

The prime minister asked the Governor General to prorogue Parliament, thus saving the government, while he plotted a course of action. The opposition parties took umbrage with this. The leader of the Liberals (10 points if you remember his name) thirsted to be prime minister but was unceremoniously turfed from the leadership, and a battle for his job began.

Two candidates emerged, Michael Ignatieff and Bob Rae. Ignatieff prevailed, becoming de facto Liberal leader in a not-quite-kosher process that excluded not only the Canadian people but also his own party members. Now Ignatieff hopes to become a non-elected prime minister should this coalition/non-coalition/support group/gentlemen's agreement result in the non-representational minority government falling.

The contortions in Ottawa as the government tries to accommodate the vultures can be seen in the furthest reaches of this vast country. Both sides pretend to co-operate in this fiasco, which really is all about party first, you and I second.

Democracy, eh?

¦ Garth Scott is an amateur writer who has lived in Kingston since 1941. He is a member of the Whig-Standard's Community Editorial Board.

Subject: Tim and Jim climb up Public Dent Charges hill
From: Robert Ede
Cc: "Corcoran, Terry (National Post)" <>

Quote from 2nd page 
"But as time goes on the "incremental fiscal actions will increasingly simply 'crowd out' private sector growth and cause inflation."
Great, so now we have government policy that will crowd out private investment -- the real source of any long-term economic growth and wealth creation -- and monetary and fiscal policy combining to enhance the risk of future inflation."
All the stimulus  (aka bailout/grants/loans/good-money after bad to keep up with the Joneses (even though the Joneses keep changing their mind about what they doing with their bailout money) public money will end up as public debt and public debt charges.
The only way to pay it off (or just annually service it) is with inflation. Only inflation will undermine the VALUE of the dollar amounts owed by governments (and repayable/servicable by taxpayers) to a level that can be actually paid/serviced by these same taxpayers.
Too bad the taxpayers don't have any clout in the decision making now, or in past bad decisions ... will they ever assume the responsibilities of citizens?  or just carry on as tantamount-to-serfs in our tantamount-to-feudal system.

1/22/2009 12:00:00 AM

Tim and Jim climb up deficit hill

Terence Corcoran, National Post
Published: 1/22/2009 12:00:00 AM

Government economic power brokers in Washington and Ottawa are gearing up for a few weeks of megapolicy-making, the objective being to stimulate, fix, relaunch, renew and reflate the North American economy.

read more

Copyright © 2007 CanWest Interactive, a division of CanWest MediaWorks Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.

Robert (Rob) Ede,
commentary -

"There is no shame in turning back - when you find yourself on the wrong path"


White House Web Site Lays Out National Security Agenda
A question: do you have "security concerns like Afghanistan, homeland security, and counterterrorism," such that you support the following expenditure:
Project JUSTAS, which could cost as much as $750 million and would give the Canadian military a capability that only a handful of other countries possess,

Yes, well, let's hope that it's JUSTAS good as it ought to be, or at least not JUSTAS bad. :-S
From: "Peter Robertson"
                I confess I do not understand what Ms. Gingrich is getting at.  She refers to the Armenian genocide, and says it was done by Jews.  Balderdash!  Any Armenian (including my wife) will tell you that the Armenian genocide was promulgated by the Young Turks, a movement which controlled the Ottoman government in 1915. 
Yup, take it from a Greek, 'twas the Turks. (<-- Said in jest ... I'm totally indifferent to past problems between Greece and Turkey, and I'm really Canadian anyway).
Turks, along with other despotic regimes even up to not long ago, once in a while would put 'foreign' populations to the sword if the latter seemed too sympathetic to either enemies just over the border or to independence. One particularly notorious example, the 'Bulgarian Horrors' of the 1860s-70s sometime, was carried out by the Turks, as were the Massacres of Chios and Psara (<-- my family name, 'Psarianos' means 'one from Psara' ... I likely had an ancestor who got away on one of the few fishing boats that made it out).
And heeeey .. the TURKS did all that!

From: "Suan H.Booiman"
Reading your comment about economic degrees and those
that don't have a degree. Holding a title is no proof that
one handles the subject well. Leadership often comes
without letters behind a name, carrying the weight of a
past or life directions, which is often larger than the
claimed education. Most of it depends on the person
standing in from of the student, setting the tone and
the example. That can be a parent, friend, teacher or
some one only seen once.

On the other hand, people who have degrees and who've applied themselves to understanding what it really means will likely have better insight into matters within their expertise.
I will agree, though that leadership doesn't require a degree. For straightforward things like running a flower shop or whatever, 'natural' leadership will do quite nicely. But past a certain point, leadership poorly versed in whatever field the leadership's being exercised just can't cut it.

From: "Mahmood Elahi"
To:"Letters \(ott\)" <>
Subject: Like FDr, Obama has become a transformational figure
The Editor
The Ottawa Citizen
Like FDR, Obama has become a transformational figure
And he's only been in his Daddy chair for two days. Is there NOTHING he can't do?

From: "C M"
Subject: Eggheaded Harper minister
Hi, Joe.
Re "Harper minister called 'egghead'"

Peter Kent - wasn't he the one they called the Scud Stud? (Whatever turns your crank, as my flying instructor used to say...)
From stud to studious...all it took was some IOU's.

Carmelita McQuillan

Arthur Kent was the Scud Stud. Peter Kent was a news anchor (or something like that) at the CBC (or Global? on TV, anyway
As concerns IOUs: hey, if the Liberals can put hockey players in the Senate (Frank Mahovlich), Tories can put TV folks (Mike Duffy) and journalists there. And if any of them manage to get elected fair and square, so much the better for them.

From: Robert Ede
Subject: Bob Rae on BNN -- about 3:40 into clip re: "Grand Strategy (not)" by Rt Hon S Harper
Robert (Rob) Ede,
"There is no shame in turning back - when you find yourself on the wrong path"
Natures DOES have a conscious sense of irony, I tells ya. Else how can we explain that she managed to an article that serves as a counterpoint to his one into the Globe and Mail today? Check it out ...
Isn't it time to clean up GM's pension fiasco? =
Same goes for Stelco, too!

From: "Rebecca Gingrich"
Subject: [On-Guard] Is this Canada's path?
Gordon Brown brings Britain to the edge of bankruptcy
Iain Martin ­ January 21, 2009
Zzzzzzzz ... Have a look at the web page. At the moment when I wrote this, the item immediately below the article was a text extract from ... the Book of Revelation?!?!?
9"When the kings of the earth who committed adultery with her and shared her luxury see the smoke of her burning, they will weep and mourn over her.

10Terrified at her torment, they will stand far off and cry:
" 'Woe! Woe, O great city,
O Babylon, city of power!
In one hour your doom has come!'
So much 'just the facts'.
Check out some of the other stories while you're there, too: 30 questions about the Oklahoma City bombing; corporate executives warned to stay away from Manhattan on September 11th, 2001 because some thing big would happen. Something for everyone :-S

Joe--after reading the above article I wrote to the author--this is his reply to me.
From: Peter Chamberlin <>
To: Rebecca Gingrich
Subject: Re: Israel's hands around our throat is showing
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2009 07:14:56 -0800 (PST)
Thanks for the nice note.  You are so right, it is 1939.  We must be brave enough to make our own fate, by not being afraid to name the real terrorists.  The war of terror has taken them a long time to fabricate.  The trail of evidence and desolation that they have left should be more than enough to prove that the centers of terror are in Langley, Tel Aviv and London.

Y'know, the problem with irony is that one has to understand the context within which it's being used. Now, if I were to say that one of '... the centers of terror' is in Langley (BC, I presume), I'd be ironic in saying that. When Mr. Chamberlin says it, though, who knows? He might be serious rather than supercilious.
Now, I'd go on to say that superciliousness (superlicity?) is a part of the 'pip, pip' British stereotype. But a little something's caught my attention: the fellow wrotes 'CENTERS of terror', not 'CENTRES of terror'. The former is Presidential (US) English and the latter is Queen's English (in which 'centre' is a noun and 'center' is a verb). A typo? Or another US mouth-breather with something to bellow out (and dammit, we're gonna listen!)?
--- On Tue, 1/20/09, Rebecca Gingrich
Subject: Israel's hands around our throat is showing
Date: Tuesday, January 20, 2009, 8:09 PM
Our Prime Minister has stated that 'he
defends the Jewish faith' and that 'Canada stands with Israel'.  I
find it utterly frightening that no one is even bothering to hide the control
that that illegal land occupying bunch of terrorists has over our two nations.
Soon we will all suffer the fate of the Palestinians.  Once the NWO is
instituted we will be totally under the control of those with their hands around
our neck.  How could we get such 'leaders' that are willing to dump our
countries to govern solely for a foreign terrorist group--and I don't mean
al Qaida.  They are already bringing our respective economies to our knees.
This is the same game plan as 1939.  The game plan never changes but our bowing
to our masters just keeps getting worse.
'... leaders .. willing to dump our countries ...', and 'same game plan as 1939'.
OK, I'm being pedantic, but I think that what's being referred to is Quisling's betrayal of his country, Norway, to the Germans so that he could boss his countrymen around. (<-- Pssssttt ... Irony, look, look').


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