Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Daily Digest January 6, 2008

ARCHIVED at http://cdndailydigest.blogspot.com/


Duelling interests

Another danger to watch out for

Economic crisis needs political stability  print this article

Solution requires stringent testing

ACOA's belated holiday gift

Less secrecy, more facts needed on Capt. Semrau

When thumbs do the talking

No room for U. S. deserters

Can't sit idle when finding Mideast solution

Policing the military

Measured action

The back burner

Judging Capt. Semrau

Sid Ryan's bigotry

Gun crime is never 'boring'

Poking the hornet's nest

 What do you do with your share of the wealth?

Other views: Gaza  

Tire responsibility belongs to everyone

Government 101 -- there'll be a test at the end

Project spending won't be a panacea

Are you satisfied?

The year of the consumer

Israeli incursion divides Arab world

The threat of networked anarchy

Party financing reform requires thoughtful look

Innocent victims

Looking for leadership in desperate times

Collective shake of the head required

Regime change needed for peace in Middle East

Time to turn up the heat on gangsters

Snow risks raise tough questions

Palestinians, Israelis both have grounds to be angry

Why mom's advice is beyond question

Wikipedia and democracy

Carbon offset venture is catching fire

B.C., other provinces need more Commons seats now


'State Building, Security, And Social Change In Afghanistan: Reflections On A Survey Of The Afghan People',
A collection of six essays that analyze in-depth the findings of the largest public opionon survey ever conducted in Afghanistan, http://www.asiafoundation.org/resources/pdfs/2008surveycompanionvolumefinal.pdf

Petraeus plan to defeat the Taliban to be tested in 2009

US Air-Force Denies Inflicting Civilian Casualties

National Election Likely Still Delayed

Afghanistan's continuing misery

Custody hearing set for Canadian soldier charged in Afghan killing

Semrau makes military court appearance

B.C. firm chasing $3-billion deal to modernize rescue plane

Bush 'Slush Fund,' Courtesy of Canada

Forecast: Our economic fate remains entwined with that of U.S.

U.S. to compensate B.C. fishermen under latest pact to protect Pacific salmon

Economic meltdown heightening tensions for many cash-strapped Canadians

Spend billions to boost economy: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Harper government must spend or be replaced

The money's ready now where's the plan?

New Deal for Canada's cities a good idea in difficult times

On the economy, we've gone from the subprime to the ridiculous

Trade risks in auto bailouts

Global oversight needed

What is the UN waiting for? Deploy a strong force to Gaza

World pays for avoiding hard choices

Gaza gets curiouser and curiouser

Hamas responsible for deadly Gaza attack: Canada


Al-Qaeda sniffs opportunity in Gaza

Bush plan beat obstacle to Gaza assault

Pipeline bomber targets fourth EnCana facility in northeast B.C.

Lawyers at odds over guidelines for Mulroney-Schreiber inquiry

Historical amnesia and Gaza
Phyllis Bennis: Where you decide to start the clock determines how you define the crisis Pt.1/3

Billions in aid for auto industry will 'keep lights on' for now: McGuinty

Provincial leaders loaded with power

Seat plan seen as slap to Tory

Harper steers clear of Middle East controversy

A question of basic competence

Canada says to run big budget deficit in 2009-10

The Mulroney-Schreiber Commission pre-show kicks off tomorrow!

Per-vote subsidies still provoking debate
Introduced by the Liberals in 2003 to offset a ban on corporate/union donations, is taxpayer support for political parties a good thing? http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/LAC.20090106.PARTYFINANCING06//TPStory/National

Tale Of The Tape

Dear Iggy, this is not a year for an election

Coalition? What coalition?

New Tory senator faces harassment complaint

Ignatieff's inner circle starts taking shape

Number one concern is access to credit: Flaherty

Budget will reveal plan to get out of deficit

Flaherty team to revive credit market

Finance minister meets with banks

Slowdown in lending not our fault, banks say

Flaherty says banks have set up working group to look at availability of credit

Harper under gun for apppointment of SCOC head

Promised listeriosis probe still lacks investigator

Ottawa sending delegation to lobby EU against banning Cdn seal products

A revolution in the air

Beauty of the backyard turbine

Harper versus the Constitution of Canada

The Israel rules
America's support of the Gaza attack proves once again that our mythical image of Israel has blinded us to its faults -- a myopia with devastating consequences for both countries. http://www.salon.com/opinion/kamiya/2009/01/06/gaza_war/

Early exit from Afghanistan not possible: MP

Obama aura «beaucoup à dire» sur Gaza

Gaza: situation humanitaire alarmante

Ottawa appelle a un cessez-le-feu à Gaza

Israël aurait refusé de laisser sortir des Canadiens de la bande de Gaza
Ottawa et les banques s'entendent pour faciliter le crédit

Flaherty songe à des baisses d'impôts

Comment stimuler l'économie

Ottawa devrait adopter un plan de 33 milliards $ pour créer des emplois

Enregistrement: le NPD veut des noms

Ottawa défend la chasse aux phoques devant l'UE

Accusé d'homicide, un militaire comparaît


From: alan heisey <hize@earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: Daily Digest January 5, 2008

j, yesterday it seems your columns were full of afghanistan, today gaza. great foreign affairs coverage, i guess, but i think what is going on in our own little world of politics and issues has quite escaped your view! cz

How many articles on Flaherty prepping for his revised Budget Statement do you want?
From: "Suan H.Booiman"
Subject: Canadian

The first question is "what does it mean to be Canadian", today to be
bilingual one makes a better Canadian. When you talk about being
Canadian do you mean Citizenship or just resident, the multicultural
kind? Three year passport and leave for a better life at home.
Ottawa does not know they exists, no clue where they live,
came from,what there intent is. The have some one swear them in and
loose them after. as  Identification is enough with a letter addressed to
you from  the Hydro                        What is a Canadian?
Did ask Ottawa to spell it out Heritage, Justice, Foreign Affairs,
dead silence because they don't know. In 1964 was proud to become
a Canadian, to day question the meaning as multiculturalism is protected
by the claim "don't offend". the basics that allows French racism to rise
in this country. Ask an MP and he looks at you and say "HUH?"  Why?
As a recent joke stated, one MP speaking to another:
"what are you doing - nothing - you said that yesterday - am not finished"
So tell me what does it mean to be a Canadian?
A family driving a dump truck with one licence ?
From: Peggy Merritt
Subject: Re: Daily Digest January 5, 2008

Hi Joe: A question why is Gaza full of refugee camps! If the Hamas really cared for their population why don't they undertake to look ofter them instead of buying armaments. Why do they want more territory when they can't look after what they already occupy? Just wondering Peggy

From: Larry Kazdan
Subject: Att: Joe - reply to Stratos

Somehow, putting a lot of diplomatic effort into setting up a UNEPS force that would be used only against South Sea cannibals, or whatever, just doesn't seem worth the bother.
I agree that there are deep problems with UN decision-making and that setting up a United Nations Emergency Peace Service would not solve them.
The fact remains, however, that the demand for UN peacekeeping has mushroomed in the last few years, and there were over 20 missions and 110,000 peacekeepers in the field in early 2008.  A standing UN force would allow new missions to be deployed immediately saving thousands of lives, rather than having to wait one to six months while the UN begs for troops from member countries.

As for the problems with UN decision-making, there are important initiatives in play for that problem as well, although major reforms will take time.  Check out the Campaign for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly  at www.unpacampaign.org

Larry Kazdan

From: "Anne Dickinson"
Subject: Re: Daily Digest January 5, 2008

Hi Joe,
We are asked to imagine what it must be like to have rockets aimed at our home. Because we do not have to
put up with such a bombardment , we are told that we do not have the right to condemn the Israelis for their attack
on Gaza.
 We are not asked to imagine what it must be like for the Gazan's,though they are in even more danger of losing their loved ones.  Evidently they are unworthy of our empathy.
We do not have to deal with these dangers  because we are far too civilized
due to the evolution of our society  though centuries of struggle .
We are now,fortunately, beyond such barbarity.
Perhaps we are forgetting that the Holocaust was unleashed by the most civilized of European nations and not the "Islamists" who are evidently the designated  uncivilized  underclass. 
The Gazans have been under an onerous siege,which  has been permitted to drag on year after year
 partly because the Bush administration has permitted the Israeli hardliners carte balnche in their dealings with the Palestinians.
I believe that this has been to the cost of the Israelis as well as the Palestinians. Even the most hardline Israeli politicians aligned with the settlers, including Ariel Sharon, came to see that there must be a political settlement with the Palestinians, and that the sort of punitive measures we are now seeing have limited value and serve mostly to radicalize the populace..
Perhaps  the new administration in Washington will make a push for something that both sides can live with  though neither may like. We can all hope that this is the last hurrah.of the hardliners, and that the moderates on both sides will now  be permitted to have their voices heard.
Anne Dickinson

From: Larry Kazdan
Subject: Re:  Don't hesitate to tell your MPs what you think,  Preston Manning,  January 05

Don't hesitate to tell your MPs what you think 

Re:  Don't hesitate to tell your MPs what you think,  Preston Manning,  January 05

I can appreciate why Preston Manning wants Canadians to "speak with one voice" (i.e the voice of Preston Manning).  However, if he is really interested in promoting democracy, he might direct his attention away from bad-mouthing a legitimate parliamentary coalition and more towards the dubious activities of avoiding confidence votes for political reasons, trying to eliminate public funding that prevents the rich from buying elections, and stacking the Senate with political has-beens and cronies.
Larry Kazdan ,

From: "Jacob Rempel"
To: "MP:StephaneDion" <Dion.S@parl.gc.ca>
Cc: "MP;DominicLeBlanc" <leblanc.d@parl.gc.ca>,
         "JoyceMurray" <Murray.J@parl.gc.ca>
Subject: GAZA

Unconventional weapons used against Gazans


From: "Rebecca Gingrich"
Subject: [On-Guard] DD

Joe--where to start in reply--re Morgentaler--Harper defends the 'Jewish
faith' but not the Christian Faith that says abortion is wrong. Surely this
has nothing to do with Morgentaler's 'faith', does it?

Our government is schizophrenic over the abortion issue. It shows pictures
of pregnant women on cigarette packages stating that 'smoking will harm your
baby' and yet they legislate that a 'foetus is not a baby'! How does this
make sense? Yes--Harper defends the Jewish faith to the detriment of the
Christian values in this country. But it goes further than that--he defends
the money masters--remember Rothchild's famous statement--"I care not who
makes the laws--it is the ones that control the money that control the

As for Hamas--they ARE a democratically elected government that the world
has chosen to ignore. As to Hamas 'out to destroy Israel--NO--they are out
to keep the land that Israel has stolen from the people of Palestine.
Remember Golda Meier stating that Palestine was a 'country with no people'?
Surely that should have been a red flag for the world but they chose to
ignore those words. So who is trying to wipe whom off the map? If anyone
chose to read the truth rather than the zionist controlled media spin in our
country they would know that it is Israel that broke the peace time and time
again and are today refusing to discuss peace. And this is what our PM
supports and defends?

Interestingly while Harper was stating that Israel abhors hate and violence
and lighting the candle on the menorah, Israel was planning their genocidal
attack on Gaza. He sure has blood on his hands. Why didn't his great
friend Israel tell him what they were planning two days from the love-in in
Calgary? Or did they and he rolled over and played dead?

Egypt is 'governed' by an Israeli/US puppet so what do you expect them to
do? Remember Saddam Hussein was also a US appointed leader until he stood
on his own two feet--look what that got the people of Iraq! Read
'Confessions of an Economic Hitman' to see what happens to those who cross
the US/Israeli cabal after they are installed as 'leaders'.



Subject: [Canada supports Israel!

From: "Robert Ede"
To: "Governor General" <Info@gg.ca>, "Rt Hon Stephen Harper" <pm@pm.gc.ca>,
        "Privy Council Office" <info@pco-bcp.gc.ca>
Subject: FYI - Diary entry on timing of Wm L M King's appointment of the new (merged) Clerk of Privy Council

Wm L M King - Discussing Merger of Clerk Privy Council with PMO

"There is no shame in turning back - when you find yourself on the wrong path"

From: "Brian D. Marlatt"
Subject: What next?  For DD

I am disappointed by the decision to prorogue parliament but it is the legitimate right of the Queen's representative, the Governor General of Canada, to do so. In ordinary times the GG's responsibilties are largely formal and dignified, and must always be above mere partisan politics; in times such as these that underscore the distinction between the Head of State and GG as the representative of the Monarch vs the mere political head of government, the prime minister of the day, more is at stake. This distinction protects us against the irresponsibility of presidencies, preserves the principle of responsible government, safeguards the Canadian constitution and Canadian federal principle - all three endangered by the Harper government's presidential aspirations and disregard for Canadian federalism, hence the need for a new government and a new prime minister.

As to the suggestion that the GG should be guided by polling numbers, what easily comes to mind is the remark by Benjamin Disraeli that there are three kinds of lies: "Lies, damned lies, and statistics!" Polls, even elections, can be driven by lies and damned lies, so it is important that the GG stands-up for the constitution which is the fundamental law of the land. Demagoguery and dictatorship love populuism and the vigliantism; by contrast, democracry has as its cornerstone the rule of law, safeguarded by our institutuions - in this instance the GG but also the courts and an upper chamber appointed to guard us against excesses of partisanship of party or province - and exercised through the election of 308 equal members of parliament to whom the government of the day is responsible, id est responsible government. Democracy is not a push poll.

Just as in the months long precampaign leading up to the "Dion, not a leader" election, Harper's chief of staff, Guy Giorno, urged members of the renamed Reform Party to fill the letters pages of local newspapers and talk radio airwaves with misinformation about the extraordinary circumstance facing us and away from Harper's own responsibility for the apparent crisis. Hardly surprising, then, that an astonished public responded by saying "I wish this would all go away". Had the GG been driven by the "poll of the hour," democracy would have been disrespected. The constitution may have been.

The new constitutional precedent is to be deeply regretted, but it is now a fact. Parliament is prorogued. The government will likely fall. The January 27th budget will be the occasion. Parliament has no confidence in this government. A change of ministry without an election is valid and December's issue was sufficient to allow it. But the session is over. One man rule will continue. Election 2009 is underway, I expect. Harper's disdain for parliament and democracy is the ballot question. Democracy and the economy will be the issues.

Firing Flaherty may seem a way out for the neo Con minority. But Harper's job is on the line. That Harper does not have a mandate to act as a majority and, given his negative campaign, perhaps not a mandate at all is to the point. One man rule is not democracy.

Will Ignatieff be asked to form a government? Or someone other than Mr. Harper on the present government's side of the House? There is precedent for both. In either case former Progressive Conservatives in the Harper government may wish to join whatever coalition results.

From: Jared Milne
To: Catherine_Costen <cathpublish@wildroseinternet.ca>,
         <info@vivelecanada.ca>, Mel Hurtig <melhurtig@shaw.ca>, Mel Hurtig
         <mhurtig@telus.net>, <ddp316@hotmail.com>, <joe.hueglin@bellnet.ca>,
Subject: On the Coalition and the National Unity Crisis

To My Fellow Canadians:
This document contains a summary of a number of arguments both for and against the coalition government that have been made by various parties interested in the debate.  My interest in writing this is to get people who are both for and against the coalition to consider the other side's points of view, and to realize why many on both sides are so angry about this debate.  At the present, I fear that this current crisis is putting a severe strain on our national unity, and it is for this reason that I am hoping that both sides will heed my statement that we must come together to overcome this crisis, and not be ground in our own individual partisan goals.  The document is submitted in a Word 97-2003 document, in both English and French.  I would greatly appreciate it if you would post this text to your mailing lists and blogs, in the hopes of reaching as broad an audience as possible from both sides of the political spectrum. 
If you desire a unilingual document, or one sent in a different format, please let me know and I will be happy to modify it as necessary. 
Sincerely Yours,
Jared Milne. 

An open letter to my fellow Canadians:
        This letter is not meant to criticize or condemn any single political party or political movement.  It is meant to urge Canadians to think about the opposing point of view in the current parliamentary crisis, to build understanding by summarizing the arguments both in favour of and against the coalition government.  At the present time, we as Canadians have been set against one another, when we must come together from all regions, all languages and all races to resolve the terrible problems that confront us.  I am equally dismayed and disappointed by all our current federal political leaders and the missteps they have all made, which have all deepened a crisis and harmed our national unity, putting their personal pride and petty goals before the national interest. 

        Consider first what provoked this political crisis-Stephen Harper's proposal to end public subsidies to political parties based on their electoral performance in his recent economic update.  How can Harper justify an action that the opposition parties were sure to oppose, when the election results made it quite clear that Canadians wanted the parties to all cooperate with one another?  Was he simply short-sighted, or deliberately trying to goad his opponents?  Either response is extremely irresponsible, particularly when the $30 million that would be "saved" from such a move is a tiny fraction of the overall federal budget.  Also, in comparing the actual vote counts for the 2006 and 2008 federal elections, Harper actually lost 168,737 fewer votes-hardly a ringing endorsement and a clear signal that Canadians wanted all the parties to cooperate, not play partisan games with one another. 

        The move is also suspicious by itself.  If Harper is opposed to taxpayer subsidies for political parties, then why did he seek to abolish only one type of subsidy, which just happens to be the one his opposition is most reliant on?  Why doesn't Harper eliminate the reimbursement of electoral expenses, the tax subsidies given for political donations, or other forms of subsidy that all, in one way or another, come out of taxpayers' pockets?  It should be remembered, after all, that we have had public subsidies in one form or another in Canada since 1974, and that Harper's fellow conservative John McCain had no problem accepting such subsidies in the American presidential election, subsidies that were essential to ensure a fair shake on both sides of the contest. 

        Some may argue that they do not want to see their tax dollars going to support political parties they oppose, but this argument cuts both ways.  Many progressives do not like seeing their tax dollars going to support such things as the war in Afghanistan, our military buildup, tax incentives for corporations, the prison system, and other causes that right-wing conservatives are more inclined to support, and yet their tax money goes to support these institutions and causes anyway.  Similarly, many single mothers, working poor, and others who would be more inclined to support the NDP's left-wing policies, cannot afford to make the same kinds of regular donations that wealthier businesspeople, who might benefit more from the Conservatives' pro-business policies, can make to their parties of choice. 

        Finally, it should be remembered that in 2004, after the exposure of Adscam, Stephen Harper wrote a letter to the Governor General, co-signed by Jack Layton and Gilles Duceppe, advising the Governor General of her "constitutional options" and informing her of the consultations being made by the opposition parties.  Harper was, in effect, proposing the exact same thing with the Bloc and the NDP that the Liberals are proposing now.  Would Conservative supporters be as angry about a coalition government if their party had been the one to head it? 

        Some may see these arguments as sufficient reason for a coalition government.  However, the coalition government as proposed by the Liberals under Stéphane Dion brings very serious problems of its own, not the least of which are the national unity ramifications.  How can Dion, whose criticisms of the sovereignist movement were what brought him into federal politics, justify working with the Bloc Québécois now?  It creates an extremely negative perception in the rest of the country, particularly among those who may not realize that not all Bloc supporters are sovereignists.  Any coalition with a political party whose stated goal is the separation of one of Canada's provinces will provoke a negative reaction in the rest of the country by itself…and who is to say what demands the Bloc will make in exchange for its support?  Don't forget, too, that Dion claimed during the election he would never form a coalition, and that Layton attacked him for not knowing how to handle the economy. 

        Arguably even worse for Canadian unity is the backlash this has already provoked in Western Canada.  While not everyone in Alberta or the West in general supports Harper, the Conservative party has its strongest base of support in this part of the country, and is seen by many as the West finally having a strong voice in government after years of alienation.  The coalition is seen by these Westerners as an illegitimate way of taking power away from the rightfully elected government, and as a slap in the face to their part of the country.  While it was never intended this way, Albertans in particular would see this as an attempt to shut them out of the democratic process after overwhelmingly supporting the current prime minister.  All this has done is refuel Western alienation and provoke a backlash against other parts of the country, and against the federal Liberal and NDP parties in general. 

        The question has been raised too about the constitutional workings of government, and it's been argued that the coalition is in fact perfectly legal and in keeping with parliamentary tradition.  Indeed it is, but another part of our parliamentary tradition is the idea of constitutional convention-that set of unwritten rules and expectations that dictate how political actors use their powers in practice.  It is why the federal government no longer uses its powers to reserve or disallow provincial legislation, why the federal government can set national standards for social policy with legislation such as the Canada Health Act, and why the Trudeau government was forced to negotiate with the provinces in the constitutional patriation of the early 1980s. 

        It appears to me that the modern convention that has arisen is, that if a government loses the confidence of the House, an election must be called immediately.  This is what happened after the Paul Martin minority collapsed in 2005, when Harper felt that he could win the resulting election.  Now, it seems, whichever party receives the most seats in the House of Commons is automatically declared the winner, and called on to form a government.  It is true that more than 62% of the population voted against Harper, but all of the other party leaders received even less support than he did.  Going to a coalition was quite unnecessary, given that the opposition forced Harper to back off on the funding issue.  What the opposition parties should be doing is working with the Conservative government, the way the people wanted them to!  Both sides should remember that, in order to avoid the collapse of the Harper government and avoid an election that Canadians absolutely do not want, they must cooperate and compromise, which what they were elected to do in the first place. 

        With no party receiving a clear mandate of support from the voters, and with nearly 40% of the population staying home on election day, to me it seems clear what Canadians want, for their politicians to not play partisan games and cooperate with one another in dealing with our economic, environmental, and social issues.  Harper does not have all the answers in dealing with the economy, nor do Ignatieff, Layton, Duceppe or May.  Their infighting does nothing to rebuild the trust and unity we need to get through this crisis. 

        This applies more broadly to supporters and opponents of the coalition as well.  Our insults and fighting is only making the problem worse-both sides of the argument have equally strong and legitimate reasons for their stances, and condemning one another is only reopening old wounds and grudges that we can't afford to waste our energy on right now. 

        That is why, above all else, it is critically important for both supporters and opponents of the coalition to set aside their differences and cooperate.  This crisis is larger than any single group or party, and the needs of the country must come before individual partisan desires.  Try and see the other side's point of view, and above all, please try and ease off the rhetoric on both sides-it's not getting us anywhere. 

        Canada deserves no less. 

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