Saturday, October 5, 2019


I've been accused of being a Liberal - which is hilarious to me since the only party I ever belonged to and campaigned for was the Federal Progressive Conservative Party.
What calls themselves Conservative in this country are actually Reform agents of destruction.  The lowest form of Repuglicans there are.  Populist.  These are people who don't care about facts or how much damage their policies do as long as long as they're in power and they're supported by Corporate America, the dark sinister side that doesn't want the economic system they're getting rich from upset.
That's not a conspiracy.  That's economic fact.  And I hate them for willing playing games that NAZI Joseph Goebbels invented more than 80 years ago.  I also hate that I have to be partisan to fight them but I'm not Liberal - I'm simply ANYONE BUT CONSERVATIVE.
And look, I know politicians have to think strategically at election, but for one to look a large group of their voters from his own riding in the eye when hearing them air their concerns and flatly state "I'M NOT GOING TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT THAT BECAUSE I DON'T NEED YOUR VOTES TO WIN" is evil.  At the very least a Member of Parliament is supposed to give the illusion they represent everyone in their riding, not just the ones who voted for them.  Scheer has been repeated reported to have done with the Indigenous people in his riding.
And we saw that sort of spitefulness from Harper, a man who only spent taxpayer money on projects in ridings he won or thought he could.  

This is perhaps the easiest one to counter.  People accuse Justin of being the same as Harper, of not caring about ALBERTA, but even though Trudeau will likely lose every seat in Alberta this election AND it's cost him votes in BC and he's taken hits to his environmental credibility HE WILL CONTINUED to push for construction of the SECOND pipeline needed to get Alberta oil to market (NOTE TO ENVIRONMENTALIST: it's not new, just an additional one running beside an already existing pipeline) because he is Prime Minister of CANADA and that includes ALBERTA.
If Harper lost Alberta then they could sink into a fracking hole for all he cared. Modern Conservative spitefulness is another reason we must stop the them from regaining power at all cost.  
Which takes me to the idea of Strategic Voting:
I truly believe that in areas where the Greens could stop the Conservatives that both the NDP and Liberals should bow out - where the NDP could win both the Liberals and Greens should bow out - and where the Liberals could win both the NDP and Greens should bow out - unfortunately that sort of thing is both illegal except for secondary runs by Party Leaders and cuts people off from the representation and voting options that must be allowed in a democracy.
For the sake of brevity let's call the Modern Conservative (so named because they have nothing in common with traditional Conservatives) CINO because they are now nothing save Conservative-In-Name-Only.
Now CINO love their conspiracies and talking points and let's face it, as a group you won't find a hive mind as disciplined in the repetition of bullshit as the CINO.  From the US Version of "Lock Her Up" to the Canadian "Fake Feminist" they're awesome at endlessly repeating the same ill-conceived short sentences while blocking their ears with their fingers and making bleating sheep noises.

But the thing is, almost everything they say is BULLSHIT.  I don't like using profanity.  I feel it typically hides the creative in a sentence.  But I can't find a better word for what comes out of CINO mouth's and keyboard.  And it's not even good bullshit because things won't grow in it, just fester.

I've used this image before, it's a great graphic demonstrating perspective vs truth.  Traditional Conservatives would argue they see the circle, Liberals argue they see the square - neither is wrong, just selective and what many people accuse politicians of being liars about is simply this.  A platform that included both would never get elected. 

We know this because every time a party has tried to run a balanced, fair and all-encompassing platform they've been trounced.  Remember Pierre Trudeau's TRUDEAUMANIA?  His opponent was a man that everyone in the House of Commons considered the most decent, honest and hardest working politician in Canadian history, Robert Stanfield.  He ran a fair and honest campaign and his party got creamed!!

Now I said Traditional Conservative would argue the circle for simplicity.  It's blue.  The Modern Conservative (CINO) wouldn't bother.  They'd go out and gather metrics on which shape voters like best and if the answer to securing and retaining power said "Triangle" then despite the clear and obvious evidence before them a CINO would say it was a "Triangle" and that the Liberals were hypocrites for suggesting it was a square and anyone who thought it was a circle was in league with the UN.
I wish I was making this up, but it's exactly their playbook on nearly everything and if you did even a modicum of research on any issue they've ever made a claim about you'd see it so obviously you'd wonder what had been causing the fog on your brain all these years.
In short, CINO's are not being very clever or subtle about it.

Now I can handle my own against any piece of manure they spread, but most people just aren't that fast so here's Gary's Guide to Blocking CINO Bullshit (soon to be a best selling paperback and then eventually a Musical - Federal Arts Grant funding pending)

Remember "the budget will balance itself"?  Conservatives love to mock that phrase from the 2015 election, except, as usual, it's only part of the quote.  The full quote was: "Stephen Harper has presided over the lowest economic growth since RB Bennett doesn’t obviously tell us anything except that Messrs. Harper and Bennett happened to be prime minister when the global economy went into the dumps..." “the commitment needs to be a commitment to grow the economy and the budget will balance itself”
This is entirely true.  LBJ paid more on the Great Depression and World War II debt than any prior president, fought an escalating Vietnam War AND an escalating program to put MAN ON THE MOON.  He did this because of the Civil Rights Act, which increased pay for Black workers and the Equal Rights Amendment which increased pay for Black and Women workers, who then paid more taxes to the Federal government, thus floating the boat and allowing the budget to balance itself. 
Economics are apparently too complicated for Conservatives to understand which is why they've contributed the highest amount to Canada's debt.

As a leading economist put it, austerity isn't the answer and debt is okay when investment is needed - this is what Trudeau is doing:

But an excellent article about why it's all HARPER'S FAULT is here:

1. Dealing with the last one first, just because a person has a public spat with a few people who happen to be women doesn't make them misogynist until and unless their focus of that conflict is gender based.  PERIOD.
2. The rest is just stupid people misunderstanding the law deliberately.  I'm sorry, but a Globe Journalist has no more comprehension of Canadian Legal Doctrine than the former Insurance Brokerage clerk that handed out license plates one summer and is leading the CINO party. 
And to highlight the case further they provided me this link to a summary written by one of the most esteemed legal experts in Canada.  It's dense so I'll put this one after my brief because most people will have a hard time getting past the headline (which frankly buries the lead a bit)

In short: No judicial review would support the idea that Trudeau broke the law.  Canadian law exists under what's called the Shawcross Doctrine meaning Trudeau was right to want to minimize the impact on the employees of SNC, who were innocent of the crime, WHILE Jody Wilson-Raybould (as Attorney General) and the public prosecutor were wrong NOT TO HAVE CONSIDERED THAT IMPACT. 
The reason this will never go anywhere, even if Scheer becomes PM and tries to make something of it, is because Ethics Commissioner Dion, by his own admission, “did not consider any arguments” on this question and “believe their decisions [Jody and Prosecutor] to be firmly entrenched in the exercise of prosecutorial discretion.”

EXCEPT THAT, under the Shawcross Doctrine of Canadian law prosecutorial discretion is NOT ABSOLUTE!

A prosecutor sitting in her office, making such a decision alone, without broad consultation about numbers of innocent people affected and the intensity of those effects, is failing in her duty to determine the appropriateness of an agreement!

So JWR made the error not getting involved, Trudeau would never be found guilty of undo influence and Ethics Commission Dion further acknowledged, “Simply seeking to influence the decision of another person is insufficient for there to be a contravention of section 9.”

Aside from the fact BC has had one for years, so has Quebec and there's not even any evidence in Canada this is true but I'm just leaving this one to the experts.  Now if you're CINO changes are you don't trust facts or anything from a global entity because you think you know better.  I look forward to future civilizations pulling the oil your body becomes out of the ground for their plastics (PSSST - I'm calling you dinosaurs!):

The Trudeau is a hypocrit ______ is the CINO's favourite default template.
Remember facts don't matter to them, they know you're not going to check on their sources so they find what resonates, what feels true, what the COLBERT REPORT called "Truthiness" and they run with it.

According to the TrudeauMeter (, an independent academic tracking of his 2015 promises Justin has delivered on more things in the last 4 years than were done in the previous 10, is still working on many and even the things he's considered not to have delivered haven't been cancelled, just not completed.
When you consider the 150 year history of mismanagement by the Government of Canada on this issue ANY PROGRESS is to be credited and by his own admission Trudeau says more needs to be done and they are working toward doing it.

I'll also add, that a big impediment to progress is Provincial cooperation where it's needed which has not been forthcoming AND the fact we cannot treat each group of Indigenous people the same without making the same mistakes we're trying to correct.  This is a very complicated, systemic problem.  Anyone thinking there's a magic wand that could've corrected even a fraction of it in just 4 years is CINO.

Another piece of disinformation. During the campaign Ottawa challenging the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal decision ordering the federal government to compensate First Nations children impacted by the on-reserve child welfare system.
The critical part of that sentence is "DURING THE CAMPAIGN".
During an election period, a Caretaker Convention kicks in. The lawyers in the bureaucracy filed this motion because Government has been suspended for the Election. They have to do this in order to protect the next government’s option to challenge the decision if it so chooses. Cabinet hasn’t meeting to decide things.
This is done automatically so, for example, if Scheer forms the next Government, he isn't trapped by something he wouldn't have agreed to, but happened because no one was at the wheel of the ship of state to do something about it.

In each of these the situations are often more complicated than I'm able to communicate, but where I have them I've shared facts.  Seeing as foreign powers are working overtime to disrupt our government it's important to counter anything that isn't based on fact.

To believe otherwise is to submit to propaganda, CINO or otherwise.

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