Saturday, October 5, 2019

WAS versus IS

Rumours are swirling around Conservative boards that another "Trudeau Killer" is about to drop. They were cackling in anticipation of it landing in today's Globe and Mail and then screaming "Fake News" when it didn't show.The coming attack is a lame old-news claim that's been circulating for decades that Trudeau was asked to leave West Point Grey for misbehavior.
Probably the reason it didn't come out is that several reputable Journalists, sniffing at it (or straight up told about it by Sun Media hack Warren Kinsella) contacted the then Dean of WPG and he responded with the attached.
But the fact Andrew Scheer's Conservatives are so desperate for a hit that they're digging into Trudeau's pre-political life, to a period where Trudeau was a playboy, to the period before his brother Michel tragically died and his father passed away - either of those two events being sufficient to wake up a young playboy and get him to re-evaluate his life, find a path and commit to it so continually trying to find dirt there simply demonstrates how desperate Conservatives truly are - highlights that Conservatives are devoid of any real policy or providing any real alternative to Trudeau.
I mean if I were running an election and INSTEAD of talking about the issues NOW or the merit of my policies and plans, SOME IDIOT kept dredging up embarrassing things I did last century, I'd be really miffed.
As an engaged voter I really do wish people would start chanting "WE DON'T CARE" whenever the Conservative do these desperate childish antics.
This isn't High School. Andy isn't trying to be Class President. He wants to run the GOVERNMENT OF CANADA.
And seeing as Conservatives love memes I've created the following which I hope this will help them realize the difference between WAS and IS so they can start focusing on NOW versus THEN.
And speaking of WAS versus IS - did you know as an American citizen ANDREW SCHEER not only had to take the Oath of Allegiance (meaning Trump is HIS president) but is registered for Selective Service with their military?

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