From: alan heisey <>ARCHIVED at
Subject: Re: Daily Digest September 13, 2008
j, whatever has happened to the royal canadians dance band? i think it is very improper for you to just drop them cold after having goaded those innoocents into forming a formal political party? jes askin'! cz
The band continues in its task of maintaining a progressive-conservative presence in the Canadian Federal Political Arena.
There are differing forms of conservatism. One that removes nominated candidates, has all those seeking to stand in nomination make submissions to be vetted, then names as candidate one who was not vetted but has a criminal record and in another riding names a person through holding up a nomination convention for two years with three accepted candidates requesting it is not mine.
No more than being so determined to get rid of the Canadian Wheat Board changes in regulations are made to enable third parties who wish the CWB destroyed to have unlimited spending power as third parties in CWB Director Elections.
Your Leader speaks of conservatism but it is not the conservatism of those that founded Canada: autonomous provinces and a weak Government of Canada this and harmonization with the U.S. of A., not openly after discussion but once again through regulatory changes, is not what the Fathers of Confederation had in mind at all.
There are those with your Party who do not agree with the directions being taken. They hold the belief there will be change over time. .
I hope they are correct, though I see nothing to indicate decision making is flowing in any direction but down.
Thanks for asking how we're doing. Well, thank you, and we anticipate doing better as your Leader's not hidden but very open agenda is put into place should a majority be obtained.
The Progressive Canadian (PC) Party was officially registered with Elections Canada on May 29, 2004 by those devoted to continuing the progressive-conservative philosophy in Canadian politics. The philosophy was first articulated by Edmund Burke in the 18th Century, applied in Canada in the 19th by Sir John A. Macdonald and in the 20th by John George Diefenbaker and Robert Stanfield. It is based on "a disposition to preserve" what is good in the existing order, combined with "an ability to improve." THE PARTY
We provide a political home for those who are comfortable with this balanced approach for dealing with issues. We neither hold fast to the too often idealized benefits of past actions nor rush full tilt into implementing untested theories. Our approach aims to consider all available options for present and future problem solving and action.
Proud of the history, philosophy and actions that define progressive-conservatives, we continued with the constitution Progressive Conservative Party of Canada. A constitution that places decision making power in the Riding Associations and their representatives.
Politics is The Game of Games for its outcome shapes not only many aspects of everyday life but world affairs as well. Too few Canadians actively participate in the political life of our country. You are invited to join a party in which the role of participants is to work in the best interest of the country and not in the sole interest of the party.
Those who went before us built a nation linked by a railway that united us from sea to sea. Preserving this nation of ours through a vision of what Canada can be is our task in this generation.
The purpose of the Progressive Canadian (PC) Party is conserving what is good in our society, while improving our collective well-being through implementing positive change.
Should you agree with this purpose Join with us
Winnipeg, MB, September 10, 2008: A group of farmers will take the Harper government to court, on the grounds that a change the federal government has made to the CWB director elections is illegal.FARMERS TO SUE HARPER GOVERNMENT OVER ALLEGED ILLEGAL CHANGES TO CWB DIRECTOR ELECTIONS
The courts have already proven this government has used illegal tactics not once but twice to try to force its policy on farmers, said Bill Woods, a farmer from Eston, SK, referencing the federal government's failed attempts to remove barley from the CWB mandate and to gag the CWB to prevent it from telling farmers how it works. "We believe the government is again acting illegally, this time gerrymandering with the CWB director elections to favour anti-CWB candidates and their supporters."
Friends of the Canadian Wheat Board, a coalition of farmers and other Canadians in support of democracy and a farmer-controlled CWB, have filed a lawsuit against the government today. The lawsuit argues that the recent government amendment to repeal section 28 of the Regulations Respecting the Election of Directors of the Canadian Wheat Board, which set third-party spending limits, was enacted in an improper manner and that it violates the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Last Friday, the government enacted the regulatory change that has removed the $10,000 spending restriction on advertising expenses for third-party intervenors.
Anders Bruun, legal counsel acting for Friends, said the amendment is grossly unfair. "It pits farmer candidates, who are subject to a $15,000 election spending cap, against third parties who are now permitted to spend unlimited amounts of money without accountability to farmers."
"We're fighting for farmers' rights to make their own decisions regarding the future of their marketing agency, said Lynn Jacobson, a farmer from Enchant, AB. "And we'll continue to resist anyone, any government, any foreign interest, any corporate giant who tries to take this right away from us."
Friends of the Canadian Wheat Board will hold a news tele-conference today at 2:00 p.m. CDT to discuss the legal application it has filed. Media are invited to join the conference by calling 1-800-319-4610.
For more information:Lynn Jacobson (403) 894-5208 or (403) 739-2153
Bill Woods (306) 460-9599 or (306) 962-4477
Anders Bruun, Counsel (204) 233-9522
From: Benji, Regina
Garth under attack….
I'm sorry to say it isn't just Garth it is all of us who are under attack. This is shameful and it happens in other areas of our country too. I find it appalling while I might agree or disagree with your brand of politics I am made to feel less of a person in Canada.
Several elections ago the MP next door to us had signs torn down on his lawn.
It turned out to be the neighbours kids across the street. Needless to say mom and dad did not agree with the MP's politics and worked hard to defeat him. I'm sorry to say he was and is a Harper fan.
I give dad credit for what he did though. He marched his two sons to the MP's door and made them apologize for what they did. I'm sure dad had a hard swallow that day but what he did needed to be done.
I find it terrible we can no longer agree to disagree and get along in life. We have, in my opinion become far too interested in making people see things our way and work to no ends to make it that way.
Yes, I detest Harper and those who are like him. I cannot believe it is okay to tell white lies to get what one wants. I am astounded we are in the midst of an election right now when Stephen Harper was the one who passed a law elections would take place every four years.
I am astounded at the audacity he has to try and tell us Parliament was not working. He was right… if we did not go along with his way of thinking.. Of course things are not going well, in his mind.
We need to remember the Opposition were doing their job. They opposed what the government presented. The government can either effect changes or live with what they want. This does not mean the Opposition must kiss butt.
In my opinion Harper and his crew want Canada to be another State of the USA. The President who can veto anything. The government in the USA is in my opinion not as democratic as ours and we have seen times where the elected reps disagree with the President but have to go along with his actions.
Canadian politics must never be similar to what our American friends live with. God help us if we too end up being just another State.
Garth… my heart goes out to you in our troubled times. The fact these terrorists wont identify themselves should tell us we must protect our values including having the right to run for Parliament for whatever Party we feel would be in our best interests.
Benji, Regina
From: Caspar Davis
Bravo to Michael Watkins for an excellent analysis of the Afghan debacle.
This war is about oil, certainly not about humanity. Women are worse off in much of Afghanistan than they were under the Taliban, and even the patchwork and corrupt Karzai government is disillusioned with the "NATO" "allies".
The US promised to help the Afghan people, instead it empowered the warlords who are every bit as bad as the Taliban, bombed ordinary Afghans including wedding parties, and then turned its attention for no good reason to Iraq.
Had the "allies" gone in with genuine help, building and defending schools and other necessary civilian infrastructure, they might possibly have changed the country for the better. But that has never been the plan or the true reality. Instead they have supported some of the most brutal criminals in the country and seemed quite comfortable inflicting "collateral damages" on ordinary Afghans, thereby creating thousands of implacable enemies of what is clearly yet another Afghan occupation, not a liberation.
Caspar Davis
From: Ray Strachan
Subject: Just another thot Joe
How many Canadians are rejoicing at the news The USA is sending 800 or so more
troops to assist our Boys and Girls in Southern Afghanistan. I personally am
not. The reason being, that The Americans, hardened warriors that they are
will only assist in more killing and murder which will draw more negative
feelings towards Canada and for good reason. And besides that, can we look
forward to more Friendly Fire casualties? Another thing I have noticed, the
USA in particular have berated so called ,insurgents,terrorists, etc ,etc,etc
of not standing up and fighting like, like,like, well "men". But when they
are engaged in a true hand to hand battle what happens? CALL IN THE
BOMBERS,CALL IN THE BOMBERS. Then who gets killed ? Anyone ,whoever,what
the hells the difference, just bomb. Ye Hipocrits. The BAD GUYs dont have
air bombers and that is why they resort to using their own bodies.
Ray Strachan
From: "JB
This is interesting..
Subject: A Very Special Non Political "Political" Jib Jab
From: "John Nesling"
Hi Joe,
I wanted to express my appreciation for Ron Thornton's Sept 13 long post to the DD about the Taliban and Afghanistan. Everything he has written should be common knowledge to anyone who has paid even a minimum amount of attention to newspapers and the stuff of television and radio news broadcasts over the last few years, but it isn't. For example there were no weapons of mass destruction, the Taliban were supported by America to kick out the Russians and their communist remnants. Subsequently the Taliban hosted al Qaeda - Al Qaeda arranged the destruction of the World Trade Centre and other acts of terrorism, but the Taliban's aspirations are national. However, they were diminished by America in the process of getting to al Qaeda, which failed.
Then Bush squandered any progress made in Afghanistan by going into Iraq which had nothing to do with anything. Now al Qaeda has some interest in terrorising the west, but the Taliban simply want us out of Afghanistan. So that is all simple enough, and all reasonably intelligent people should know this much by simply scanning a bit of international news, but these facts become deliberately, wilfully skewed in the hype surrounding them, such that many American people actually believe that the Taliban attacked them on 9/11 under Saddam out of Iraq, which has somehow become synonamous with Afghanistan. This is insidious stuff being foisted upon a gullible public - it has the quality of evil. However, if you were an ordinary American there might well be a strong collective need to believe that stuff. How else explain the enormity of the bloodthirsty enterprise to which you have coommitted your military under the guise of protecting the nation? So much of the problem is psychological.
Now finally - something really frightening: it would seem that people like Sarah Palin may actually believe it, which begs the question of how many other influential Republicans have bought into it. So what about Stephen Harper? He is far too intelligent to believe such garbage, but he supports it. The Republicans are his mentors. Danny Williams was right on the money!
Best wishes. John Nesling
From: "Eugene Parks"
Subject: The election so far
The Liberals want you to think CanaDion green. The conservatives want you to forget 2.5 years of Harpooning government. Premier Danny Williams is puffin anything but conservative (ABC), and Jack Layton wants take on Mr. Harper mono a mono. Elizabeth May wants to debate and be a coalition partner with Mr. CanaDion. Meanwhile, more Listeriosis concerns abound, more people are losing jobs daily, the environment is at serious risk, and Mr. Harper is in court fighting three separate cases. Oddly, the media cannot figure out what issue to use to frame the election. So here is a suggestion, make the ballot box question, what are you going to do for us over the next four years?
From: "Rebecca Gingrich"
Subject: FW: [Decent Canadians still under attack] "I really wish that regular Canadians could see what is going on here"
Exit strategies
Now's the time to get leaders' attention
Premier Ghiz should take advantage of the federal election campaign to present a priority list to the party leaders.
Religious faith should be no bar to politics
Terror trumps poverty
Layton strays from party roots
The wrath of Dan
A soldier remembered
Ask the kids first
It would be wrong to write off Microsoft's new campaign
Irrational pessimism
Anti-Americanism an acceptable prejudice at election time
Sparrow makes timely apology
... And selective outrage
Shunning kids who drop out of school a short-sighted approach to issue
Bush authorizes U.S. troops to raid Taliban's havens in Pakistan
It's an election and nobody's buying
An oily money grab ...
Who said anything about openness and transparency?
Righting the rights
Somewhere in election smog there are valid differences of opinion
Taxpayers, clients gouged on drugs
George Bush's executive disorder
Given its miserable record of intervention in Iraq, US strategy in Afghanistan looks deeply misguided
What should we do in Afghanistan?
The Guardian (09/14/2008)
Afghan gov't: Civilian deaths caused by vendetta
The Associated Press (09/14/2008)
AgFair draws investment, interest in Afghan products
Pajhwok (09/14/2008)
For sale: luxury villa with balcony, pool and Taliban death threat
The Guardian (09/14/2008)
6 Afghan policemen killed in Taliban ambush
Xinhua (09/14/2008)
Pakistan's Dangerous Double Game
Newsweek (09/14/2008)
Obama and the Palin Effect (09/14/2008)
Bomber kills 2 Afghan doctors in U.N. convoy
The Associated Press (09/14/2008)
Feed, don't fight, Afghanistan
Japan Times (09/14/2008
Falling behind
Why Canada is fading on the global economic scene and what policymakers should be doing about it
Layton pledges boost for women's groups
PM bids to calm jitters over majority
POLITICAL OPINION - all 1,065 news articles »
Leadership emerging as key challenge for Dion, poll suggests
Dumping on Dion
The puffin was symbolic of how the Tories smear their opponents
Dion's image challenge for Liberals: poll
Immigration overhaul eyed by Liberals
Displacing Liberals has appeal
Cool the overheated rhetoric on climate change
Two new papers confirm MWP and knock down resurrected 'Hockey Stick'
Afghan war worth fighting . . . but only until 2011
Grits, NDP pulling even?
Duceppe promet de terminer son mandat comme chef du Bloc québécois
Stéphane Dion promet 800 millions $ de plus pour l'immigration
La Déclaration des Nations Unies sur les droits autochtones a un an
NPD - Femmes
Une égalité qui se chiffre
Gilles Duceppe
Faire Bloc contre Harper
Campagne électorale
Bilan de la première semaine
Parti conservateur
Harper courtise les PME
Harper et Dion prennent congé
Duceppe se réconcilie avec les cow-boys
YAHOO In Depth: Federal Election
G & M
The great miscommunicator. MORE...YAHOO In Depth: Federal Election
G & M
A tale of two Quebecs: Montreal and the ROQ. MORE...
Layton's flawed strategy.. MORE...
Grits should fear B.C.'s carbon-tax uneasiness MORE...
Libs scramble to spin carbon-tax double whammy. MORE...
Green shaft, people. MORE...
Harper has purged the Conservative party of its Reform ideals.. MORE...
Putting families on the ballot
It's official. Now that Stephen Harper has taken to wearing sweaters and talking about the kids, now that John McCain is being eclipsed by America's favourite hockey mom, the theme of this election season has been formally declared. MORE...
Cheese, please. MORE...
Party label more like a target. MORE...
Feds have ignored suburban concerns MORE...
Of poop and veggies
Why can't Harper and Dion be themselves: tough, bright policy wonks with courage and an eye on history? MORE...
Afghan war worth fighting . . . but only until 2011
There is a profound contradiction in Canada's approach to the war in Afghanistan. The government and the Liberal opposition insist that our troops can't leave now. MORE...
Our deafening silence on Afghanistan
Have Canadian soldiers been dying in vain in disproportionate numbers in Afghanistan? It's a reasonable question, given that NATO is panicking over the rise of the Taliban and also.. MORE...
Dion targets 'hidden agenda'
Harper tries his hand at comedy
Harper's balancing act
Green Party leader defends Blair Wilson
Dion pitches reform to new Canadians
Harper loses most ground
Dion's weakness a boon for Harper
Bloc facing Tory showdown in key rural constituencies
Displacing Liberals has appeal
Grits, NDP pulling even?
PM props up Manning in Avalon
Harper dismisses Williams
Possible intimidation in Newfoundland VIDEO
Former Fisheries Minister Jim Morgan on possible intimidation
Evaluating Harper's economic performance
Tories not finished getting tough on criminals
Solberg aide wins nomination
Major political parties stake out cyberspace
Campaign Notebook
Afghanistan: Pakistan fury at US cross-border attacks
Dion enjoys no home-turf advantage in Quebec, polls show
Latest CPAC-Nanos Tracking
CP 38, LP 30, NDP 15, BQ 9, GP 8
Tory TV ads a success, poll shows
Layton promises to stop 'rip-offs' at gas pumps
Gas prices keep rising into the weekend
Liberal MP alleges oil industry players colluding
Harper decries gas gouging
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