Thursday, September 18, 2008

Daily Digest September 18, 2008


From: Ron Thornton
Subject: Re: The War in Afghanistan...

Still, I am left with a single question, one I've mentioned here before. To what degree has NATO troops in Afghanistan been responsible for keeping our shores safe from repeat attacks, and would we be opening ourselves up to such future attacks if the troops were removed?

Again, if the answer is "yes", then we should stay the course. If "no", then we should bring our guys and gals back home.

My answer to Ron's question is part (A) None or next to it and (B) No.  In 2011 matters will be little changed.  No winners, continuing losses.  The difference between bringing them home now and as promised by Stephen Harper will be the
lives lost between then and now - little else.


Family responsibilities will have us away from home for a week or so.

If I'm able something will be put out but there's little likelihood.

The following sites will keep you up to date on election happenings.


YAHOO In Depth: Federal Election


G & M


CTV Coverage
CBC Coverage
Sun Media
Canada Votes


From: "Efstratios Psarianos"

Tory dissenters 'idiots, turds' .
The point that the fellows responsible at HQ for the 'in and out' scheme is that strictly speaking it may be LEGAL. But anyone will tell you that using such a potential loophole in the law in order to spend more during an election AND get reimbursed more "election expenses" at the riding level, is UNETHICAL.
I mean, precisely when did the CPC decide to compromise trademark, good economic management?
Personally, I'm all for enthusiasm during political campaigns (I've indulged in some myself at times), but someone seasoned and level-headed should be supervising the excited ones.
Williams takes fight with Harper online
Today, Williams launched
Book 'im, Chin. Danno's gone bad.
Seriously, though, provincial politicians are known for their ingratitude towards their federal colleagues. But this goes waaaaay beyond anything that's to be expected. Sure, thumping one's chest when one is strong feels good, but an essential part of a politician's job is to keep things in perspective. Canada's federal government is an ESSENTIAL backstop to economic anemia in NL when things are bad. It's all very nice to protest against a given federal decision, but tearing up NL's insurance policy in a bid to get more money for itself is open to debate.
On the one hand, I understand Mr. Williams' position ... now that NL has a stronger hand than usual, it's in a better position to negociate an agreement with the federal government. On the other hand, it's STILL weaker than the feds since all that the latter have to do is precisely nothing, by which they'll keep all that they've got already (oil revenues et al). Add to that the feds reducing their cooperation with the NL government (e.g. Mr. Harper's past visits to and announcements in NL, to which Mr. Williams wasn't invited, reduced receptivity to NL issues, etc.), and you've got a bad situation brewing FOR NL.
Paul Martin caved in partially to Mr. Williams' bluster, which cost him respect among non-NL Canadians (and some NLers, I'll bet). But being seen as caving in to threats is death to a politician, and ultimately the threats rebound on he who makes them. Just think about it: Mr. Martin may have got so cheers in NL, which would get him what ... three ridings more than the Liberals already had? (I'm discounting any benefits in the other Atlantic provinces). And that at the price of being seen to be a leader that caves when brought under public pressure? Suuure, THAT'LL win votes.
Lastly, Mr. Williams hasn't limited his attacks to the federal governments alone. He's attacked oil companies to the point that articles in international trade magazines have circulated, in which industry leaders and commentators publicly wondered whether NL was no longer a good place to invest in because of its government's theatrics. So much for good PR ... threatening and insulting partners that one is seeking to attract wins no friends.

From: Ron Thornton
Subject: Re: The War in Afghanistan...

Hi Joe:

You always say, as I do, is that this should be a forum for debate. I'm glad I was able to lend you a hand recently, though only now can I give some considered response to those who shared their views and observations.

Michael Watkins indicated that the Taliban are not foreign fighters, but rather they are nationalists. However, their legitimacy was based on armed force and the intimidation, not the will, of the people. Thus, their overthrow by the same means that brought them to power would seem fair, be it through domestic or foreign forces. Should this nation ever find itself under the sway of such a group, I would not be terribly fussy as to whom liberates me.  I would just want someone, from somewhere, to save my ass.

However, Michael is correct in pointing out that Afghanistan has been a real mess for the past 30 years. Set up as a buffer state between British and Russian interests, it has long seen strife from both internal and foreign sources. Since the Soviet invasion of 1979, it has not enjoyed much stability or peace. Its culture, if one can blanket the population with having a single recognizable culture, most freedom loving folks here would find repugnant. Again, Michael is correct when he reminds us that Afghanistan is less a nation but rather a collection of competing tribes using methods that seem, in something of an understatement, somewhat less than civilized than our own to settle domestic issues.

If I read Michael correctly, if NATO got out of Afghanistan, Afghanis would get their country back, and to hell with any thought given regarding such concepts as democracy and freedoms. Then again, should we care? One problem with American thinking has been in looking at things based on their own values, (with much thought for their own goals and ambitions), but not a lot of consideration for those who live in these lands. However, if your neighbour beats his family and terrorizes it, do you have a responsibility to step in or should you mind your own business?

If the neighbour's actions start to impact on your life, you do have a responsibility to step in to protect your own. The September 2001 attacks did that, and while it may be debated as to who was actually responsible for what took place that day, it remains the spark that created the present military occupation in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Once you are there in force, like the Taliban you can enforce whatever values you want, or at least attempt to do so.

As alluded to by Jacob Rempel, sometimes American actions can come back and bite them in the butt. Hard. Sometimes the enemy of your enemy will not always be your friend, but eventually becomes your own enemy. Sometimes the line gets blurred between national security and corporate profit. Sometimes folks will take kindly to a helping hand and understanding, and sometimes they will take what they can get and still want to remove you from the earth. Sometimes things are not as simple as they seem, but complex as hell.

A most interesting point put forward by Michael, and maybe one we can debate in future, was his statement "It is not our role to impose our way of life on others. For one, it doesn't work. The indigenous people of the area have to largely do that on their own."

Does everyone agree with that statement? We attempt to impose our values domestically, with some measure of success. If NAZI Germany had kept the killing to within their own borders, or at least quit before invading Poland, would the correct course of action been to do nothing and have peace in our time or would it have been to "impose our way of life on others" and stop the atrocities?

Can the war in Afghanistan be won? Again, another interesting point. So, how does one define victory? It would be nice to have a five, ten, twenty point set of objectives we all can see, understand, and ponder as to the odds of success and the cost of failure. All of us should know why we are there and what needs to be accomplished before our men and women can come home.

Still, I am left with a single question, one I've mentioned here before. To what degree has NATO troops in Afghanistan been responsible for keeping our shores safe from repeat attacks, and would we be opening ourselves up to such future attacks if the troops were removed?

Again, if the answer is "yes", then we should stay the course. If "no", then we should bring our guys and gals back home.

My thanks to Michael and Jacob.


From: Caspar Davis

For your information:

September 16, 2008 Edition

Climate Action Fact CheCK
Taxing Pollution Will Wreck Canada's Economy
Economic studies show carbon pricing will spur innovation, investment and jobs in Canada
FACT 1: Economic studies show a carbon price can spur innovation, investment and jobs in Canada.[1] Huge economic opportunities are being created in the low-carbon, clean energy industries as more countries and jurisdictions with large economies move forward with laws and policies to reduce global climate change.
FACT 2: Many countries, including Germany, Sweden and Norway, have implemented a tax on emissions while maintaining strong economies. A carbon tax is one of the most powerful incentives and tools that governments have to encourage companies and households to pollute less and invest in cleaner technologies and practices.
FACT 3: Pricing greenhouse gas emissions through a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade system is supported by the world's leading climate change policy experts and endorsed by several international working groups including the United Nation's Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
FACT 4: The cost of inaction on climate change is staggering. According to British economist Nicholas Stern,[2] the author of a comprehensive report on the economics of climate change, the effects of famine, rising sea levels, storms and other environmental damage will cost the global economy trillions of dollars. Stern found that the overall cost of climate change could be between 5 to 20 percent of the world's gross domestic product if governments fail to act now.
FACT 5: If we act now, Canada will be able to compete in the growing global market for clean, renewable energy and transportation technologies. But delaying the implementation of a carbon pricing policy risks reducing Canada's competitiveness in the economy of the future, not to mention the risk of high costs from climate change itself, adaptation to climate change, and higher emissions.
Climate Action Network is a coalition of Canada's leading environmental groups.
Climate change matters in this election. Addressing climate change is vital for our economy, our health and our future.
For further information: Kristen Ostling, Media Relations

[1] Mark Jaccard & Associates (2007) Cost Curves for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction in Canada: The Kyoto Period and Beyond. United Nations (2007) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Fourth Assessment Report, Working Group III. UK HM Treasury (2006) The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change\

[2] UK HM Treasury (2006) The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change (2006)

From: "Rebecca Gingrich"
Subject:Carbon trading=financial collapse?

This site was posted on SDA--the excerpt below is the fantastic--is Kyoto a
much larger NEP?

Lehman Brothers Close Ties to Gore, Hansen and Carbon Trading
Al Gore's carbon trading business GIM was banked with Lehman Bros. It will
be interesting to see how this will play in the future but I suspect that
this increases the risk of participating in Carbon trading. Merrill Lynch,
was also deeply involved in this business.


Subject: Carbon Disaster

We should worry about a cap-and-trade system

Last Updated: 18th September 2008, 2:36am

Stop worrying about a carbon tax driving up the cost of everything we buy
after this election.

Start worrying about a cap-and-trade carbon market doing the same thing.

Canada will only get a carbon tax if Liberal Leader Stephane Dion wins a
majority government Oct. 14, or a minority in which Green Party Leader
Elizabeth May holds the balance of power -- both unlikely.

By contrast, it's very likely the next Parliament will create a
cap-and-trade system.

To varying degrees, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, NDP Leader Jack Layton,
Bloc Leader Gilles Duceppe, Dion and May all support cap-and-trade, as do
U.S. presidential contenders Barack Obama and John McCain, neither of whom
supports a carbon tax.

The American position will put economic pressure on Canada to adopt a
cap-and-trade system consistent with the U.S. Both countries already have
voluntary carbon markets whose volume would skyrocket under cap-and-trade.

From: "Anne Dickinson"

The comments by the agriculture minister  are disgusting especially considering that his government was held directly responsible in the listeriosis outbreak by no less than the editors of the Canadian Medical Association Journal.
They said the outbreak was 100 percent avoidable and unnecessary and the governments easing of restrictions which started in March in the Maple Leaf Plant, directly contributed to the outbreak.
They went on to say that the inquiry proposed by Harper is a farce  This is some of what they said:
It's not clear who the so-called judge would be. It's absolutely clear there are no public hearings planned, no opportunity for the public to comment or give evidence or ask questions," Mr. Attaran says.

"There is not going to be a public report published at the end, and there's no commitment that the report will be made public to Canadians at large or even to parliament,"he says.

"It seems to us at the journal very clear that what this exercise represents is an attempt to neutralize what's fairly obvious government responsibility for this outbreak, but also to neutralize it in a way that will never let the public know precisely what went wrong."

They went on to say that similar changes are coming in permitting the animal feed mills to police themselves (raising the danger of mad cow disease) and cut back in preparedness for avian flu.If either of those situations got out of hand, it would dwarf the outbreaks caused by the  Walkerton water fiasco and the  listeriosis outbreak. It is very clear that this group do not learn from their mistakes and that blind ideology rules all.

This gang seem to let the disasters that they have unleashed upon the citizens of Ontario, and now Canada at large,rest very easy on their shoulders. These merry quips by Ritz as people were dying were matched by the Health Minister who has attending the Democratic Convention at the time where our Tony reportedly joked about it at a cocktail party. I guess he got used to it after his experience with SARS and the Walkerton Water crises in Ontario.

So here is Harper's team, this gang of viscerally ideological incompetents whose only interest seemed to be partisan spin. Ritz, in the phone questions, was mostly interested in how the crisis would play politically.

Canadians can expect more of the same if the Harperites get into power. The real question is, how much damage can they do if they get in with a majority-or even with a minority ,as Harper must be taken at his word when he says that  he will act as though he has a majority even with a minority.

Anne Dickinson

From: Benji. Regina

Forget for a moment your party allegiance. Think about MP Ritz's words and how they hurt people. I'm appalled to be blunt. I would think a man in his position would carefully watch what he says.

It seems of late MP class 101 is HOW TO APOLOGIZE! I have never seen so many MP's offering their apologies for in essence stupid un-thought words or actions. To make matters even worse while we as electors are expected to take the apology at face value some of those apologies were in my opinion alligator tears to take the heat away from their butt.

In one instance an MP apologized for his errant ways 17 years ago and promised us he would speak with those he hurt. Well, on the factual side of things this MP has shirked his duties in my opinion. Yes, he likely would face verbal blasts from those he hurt BUT that comes with the territory so it seems.

This MP did not have the decency to call to advise he could not make it to an event he had been invited to attend. In my mind so much for his tears.

I wonder seriously about MP Ritz's apology. Why? He in my opinion has little to no respect for anyone who thinks different than he does. Shameful, what has happened to our ability to agree to disagree. What is happening to our right to voice our opinion? At this rate the bullying will put more and more voters behind the wall. It is time to get a grip on our political system.
So far I have the right to disagree with the Prime Minister. I am truly scared given what has been taking place if I don't agree his breech booted troops will make my life even more miserable.


From: "Wendy Forrest"
Subject: 3 Canadian activists on the CFRB's The Richard Syrett Show, September 30. Mark your calendars!

On September 30th at 10 p.m. on The Richard Syrett Show (CFRB 1010 Toronto), 3 young Canadian actvist filmmakers - Steve Davies, Dan Dicks and Jakub Krotochwill spend 90 minutes with Richard talking about their film The Nation's Deathbed .  Lovingly crafted on a shoestring budget, this excellent film discusses the secretive and sovereignty-comprising Security and Prosperity Partnership and the Ottawa/Montebello protest of the Leader's Summit last summer.  
If you haven't seen the film its basically a billboard for CAP and features Connie Fogal, Dee Nicholson, Vijay Sarma and me, plus many other prominent Americans and Canadians such as Linda McQuaig and Peter Julian.  I am so honoured to have been a part of it and I am proud of Steve, Dan & Jakub too.
If possible please listen and/or call in to show your support.  Please forward this widely too.
On the radio in Toronto, its 1010 a.m. on the dial.  Or listen on the internet at  Click on Listen Live.  The phone numbers to call are:  in Toronto 416 872-1010 or *talk on your cell; and 1-800-561-CFRB (2372).
Here's to Canadians everywhere who are aware and fighting back.  Power to the people!  Vive le Canada!
Wendy Forrest

What is the Security & Prosperity Partnership? Watch: The Nation's Deathbed

"I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, and free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind."

-John Diefenbaker
From the Canadian Bill of Rights, July 1, 1960.



Fuel, sweat and tears

Let's get moving

One plank comes to the fore

Hurricane Danny churns

Stopping DUIs

Liberals and the NDP tackle the GP shortage

The Khadr conundrum

Recession talk is justified

Campaign creativity can beat money

Fake foods to blame for kids getting too heavy

Don't panic just yet


No one is 'safe' when bullets fly

Maybe politicians should pay for their own gas

Science lurches and we learn

Scope of the listeria probe

New Canadians treated unfairly by government

'Dirty oil' beats bloody oil

VAUXHALL ADVANCE - Selection process must be fair

Terror in the name of Islam: what purpose does it serve?

A step in the right direction


US wants $20bn to fund Afghanistan effort
· Thousands more soldiers will head for country
· Allies who do not send troops should give money

NATO in Afghanistan
NATO is a key component of the international community's engagement in Afghanistan, assisting the Afghan authorities in providing security and stability, paving the way for reconstruction and effective governance.

US general faces new Afghan challenge

Tariq Ali, Has the U.S. Invasion of Pakistan Begun?

Pakistan 'not told' of US strike
Pakistan was not warned about a suspected US missile strike in the north-west on Wednesday, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has said.

Attacks in Pakistan 'stupid, futile'
Belligerent Bush's incursions could strengthen terrorists

Gates: US reviewing its Afghanistan war strategy

Russia envoy warns NATO on air space to Afghanistan
Reuters (09/18/2008)
Attacks on aid challenge Afghan reconstruction
Reuters (09/18/2008)
Time to Rethink Tactics Against Taleban
IWPR (09/18/2008)
New breed of Taliban replaces old guard
The Telegraph, UK (09/18/2008)
Washington Is Risking War with Pakistan
TIME (09/18/2008)
Karzai ally killed in battle with NATO troops
The Associated Press (09/18/2008)

The CEO Poll: Who's the best man?
"Given the gross lack of good faith from the U.S. in the application of NAFTA to softwood lumber and other commodities, how could we possibly negotiate any other trade agreements with the U.S. when we obviously can't trust them to honour their written commitments?"

Canadian journalists show a lack of integrity on NAU agenda

Gerald Kennedy's time as Liberal statesman has arrived against NAU-supporting Stephane Dion

U.S. FOIA documents suggest American interests now interfering in Canadian federal election 2008

Jack Layton's NDP opts to protect Stephen Harper government from public outcry against NAU agenda

The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America presents a threat to Canada's vital independence

Video: Labour leaders prove Stephen Harper government conceals NAU agenda in federal election

Video: Labour leaders prove Stephen Harper government conceals NAU agenda in federal election

Scared economy is frightening

Canada-EU trade proposal rivals NAFTA scope

Georgia and Ukraine 'shouldn't join Nato'


Charest flexing his nationalist muscles

Harper and Charest at loggerheads on the issue of fiscal imbalance

Joke a firing offence: Dion

Court ruling deals blow to Liberals' plans for tape

Harper defends minister who made listeriosis jokes

Harper, Layton offer competing pledges for seniors

Leaders feud over family
Dion and Layton unveil major child-care plans; PM rejects big spending and goes on the attack

Q and A with candidates running in MUN's riding

Chretien to Harper: We balanced books, not Tories


Conservatives "locked in" for win: pollster

Conservatives outgun separatists in Quebec poll

For Liberals, it should be 'the economy, stupid'

Tories hold high ground in Battle for Quebec (deux)

Harper's police state

Fresh gaffes mar Harper campaign

MP mum on project builder

Peacekeeping vets fume at Tories for denying them their medals

Conservative dreamers

Abortion logic?

Stephen Harper should explain why he rejects Taiwan's UN hopes

'Values' voters search for a home

Sifting through smears and bias

Canada needs clear energy plan

Government alone can't keep our food safe

Cutting and running

Canada desperately needs an energy policy

Unscripted Election

Charest plonge dans la campagne et écorche Harper, aux prises avec d'autres soucis

Harper et Charest à couteaux tirés sur la question du déséquilibre fiscal

Parti québécois
Pauline Marois revigorée

Les conservateurs en baisse, les libéraux n'en profitent pas

Duceppe continue d'exiger des excuses de Jason Kenney

Dion dévoile un plan de 70 milliards pour les infrastructures

La bataille électorale sur le front de l'Afghanistan

Liberals gain traction in key Ontario, Quebec ridings MORE...

Afghan war costs $22 Billion, so far: study.. MORE...

The worst Liberal campaign ever .. MORE...

A big-team approach may turn the game around for Dion MORE...

Liberals eating their own young -- again MORE...

Grits call on 'stars' to boost struggling Dion MORE...

Pollster talks majority MORE...

Tories' down-home campaign raiding Down Under, down-south ideas. MORE...

Canadian politics a puzzling process MORE....

Carbon disaster MORE...

Tories' losing fight in T.O. MORE...

Charest flexing his nationalist muscles MORE...

Hurricane Danny churns MORE...

Economic uncertainty helping Harper. MORE...

That's all you'll hear of the Cadman affair till after the election MORE...

Harper says he'd protect Quebec's on-air identity. MORE...

The Da Vinci Vote MORE...

Harper is murky. Artists shouldn't be. MORE...
Conservative candidate calls Harpernomics "horrible" : Report

Harper stands by embattled agriculture minister

Now it's Ritz 'peeing in the wind'

Latest CPAC-Nanos Tracking
CP 39, LP 30, NDP 18, BQ 7, GP 6

PQ to step up efforts to help Bloc fight Tories

Tories apologize for "sober" remark to aboriginal protester

Aboriginals: Tory aide's 'sober' remark a racist slur

Infant with listeriosis dies in Manitoba

Gates Says U.S. Is Reviewing Afghanistan Strategy

Government will act to stabilize financial markets: Bush

Harper under pressure to apologize over minister's listeriosis jokes

Will Ritz's apology satisfy Harper?

Minister forced to apologize for 'tasteless' listeria jokes

Flaherty: U.S. financial woes affecting Canada

Heckling incident highlights lack of security for May

Dion urged to adopt Chrétien's winning formula

Green Shift a throwback to NEP: Wall

Tories take big hit in key Quebec ridings, poll shows

Canadians not keen on any of leaders

Cadman tape silenced by court delay

Human rights law has 'gone mad'

CRTC chairmanship to switch between French, English: Harper

Liberals' student plan a 'bold move'

Liberals, NDP release multibillion-dollar plans to create childcare spots

Tory funding pledge secures anti-poverty programs

NDP looking to finally break through in Quebec

Bloc not intolerant, Duceppe insists

Military medal rules 'callous,' family says

Ottawa failed to protect customers from gouging, consumer agency says


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