Pay attention during the campaign
t's official: Let the race begin
Poverty issue still percolating
Fixed-date vote election roadkill
Alternative view on a commodity
The phony war is over, let the conflict begin
The winner takes on the provinces
Defending the faith
Signs of our changing times
Time to have Green Party in the debate
Harper's running on flawed record
Like it or not, get set to vote
Role in Afghanistan should come up during campaign
Stephane vs. Stephen
Federal vote
What's at stake for our region
SUDBURY STAR -Afghanistan front and centre Editorial (add your comment)
Afghanistan must be key election issue
Leaders on the line
Look at drudgery of another ballot in global context
Don't let money influence CWB elections
Amendment by evolution at risk
An election about nothing? - Lack of burning issues could
Dion's Green Shift a fight for the future of politics
Ten key issues for the campaign
Six Nations reject Ottawa's $26-million offer over Welland Canal flooding
Nato tightens rules of engagement to limit further civilian casualties in Aghanistan
Precision, what precision?
They call it 'precision' bombing, but it is killing so many civilians that the US and Nato risk losing the battle for hearts and minds in Afghanistan
Pakistan threatens to retaliate against US§ionid=351020401
At Least 23 Killed as US Drones Attack School in North Waziristan
US targets Haqqani Network in North Waziristan
More than 20 are reported killed in a strike against a compound run by Siraj Haqqani.
This is the seventh reported strike inside Pakistan in nine days.
Haqqani's main madrassa hit in North Waziristan attack
September 8: Bill Roggio discusses the latest strikes in Pakistan and the implications of the brief closure of the Khyber border crossing.
Gruesome video shows dead Afghan children after U.S. raid on village
The Associated Press (09/08/2008)
Road blast kills six Afghan civilians: governor
AFP (09/07/2008)
Human Rights Watch warns of backlash to rising Afghan deaths
AFP (09/07/2008)
Wolesi Jirga comission drafts Taliban-style bill
Pajhwok (09/07/2008)
Environmentalists sue over Canadian timber agreement
Puzzling economy awaits new PM
US warship confronts Russian military in 'tinderbox' port
US to establish naval base in Georgia§ionid=351020606
'Pak a battleground for war on terror'§ionid=351020401
Hard to see which programs help newcomers, study finds
Election shelves report on war costs
Changing the meat industry means higher prices
Government alone can't keep our food safe
Let's think modern infrastructure, not carbon tax
La chef du Parti vert Elizabeth May est exclue des débats des chefs à la télé
Dion se lance sur un terrain de prédilection de Harper, et l'accuse de mentir
Dion s'en prend à Stephen Harper, qu'il accuse de travestir la vérité
Les fédéralistes peuvent trouver leur compte au sein du Bloc, dit Duceppe
Parti conservateur
Familles, je vous aime
Parti libéral du Canada
Feu nourri contre Harper
Dépenses électorales
Duceppe somme Harper de respecter la loi
Une candidate du PCC membre de l'Opus Dei
Le Québec sur la ligne de départ
Voir aussi
- Au-delà des promesses
- Derrière le choix d'un leader
- Un duel Bloc-PLC à Montréal
- Parti libéral - Des vedettes rares et un avion vieillot
- Harper-Dion: les grandes divergences
- Retour du débat classique gauche-droite
May exclue des débats: Dion blâme les autres chefs
Layton veut un moratoire sur l'exploitation des sables bitumineux
Le Parti libéral parvient à un règlement avec Green Shift
Afghanistan - Une bombe artisanale tue un soldat canadien...
En bref - Maxime Bernier parle
La Teoria Conspiratoria
Canada Dissolves Government: PM employs loophole in potential power grab
Liberals losing ground in key ridings, poll shows MORE...
Arts and culture cuts not playing well in Quebec, could affect Quebec area: opposition
Canada Dissolves Government: PM employs loophole in potential power grab
Liberals losing ground in key ridings, poll shows MORE...
But Tories are playing to their Conservative base and the perception that liberal arts communities don't need wasteful government funding.
By Simon Doyle
Published September 8th, 2008
Last Parliament bitter, acrimonious, and longest minority government in history
'A tone of bitterness in Parliament and in the country matched only by the 1960s minority governments,' says Granatstein.
By Cynthia Münster
Published September 8th, 2008
Election call will kill 35 bills on Order Paper in 39th Parliament
Parliament's dissolution will kill copyright law bill, Senate reforms, political bank loan rules, tax credits for Canadian films, Indian oil and gas bill, and more.
By Bea Vongdouangchanh
Published September 8th, 2008
Strong Tory lead puts the 'majority' question to electorate
Conservatives' media spin 'has been huge in terms of dollars spent in the last week,' says pollster Tim Woolstencroft.
By Harris MacLeod
Published September 8th, 2008
Lobbyists prepare for election, analyse campaign for top clients
Hundreds of lobbyists will be involved in analysing the election, but won't be focused on the horse race.
By Simon Doyle
Published September 8th, 2008
War rooms 'crucial' in 40th election campaign
Tom Flanagan says pressure is 'so intense' and hours so long that sometimes it can impair war roomers' judgment.
By Abbas Rana
Published September 8th, 2008
Harper hits B.C. Premier over carbon tax MORE...
he Canadian Word for Hiccup is Dion: MORE...
Tories set to gain from Bloc's loss MORE...
Simultaneous campaigns - completely different political cultures. MORE...
The invisible man MORE...
For Harper, time to strike before things get worse MORE...
The advantage – and risk – is Harper's MORE..
Harper's image may trump Tory troubles MORE...
Just who are these guys, anyway?. MORE...
Here's how Dion could've been PM MORE...
Harper invests in low-risk strategy MORE...
They're off – and running in ways you never imagined MORE...
Dion's 'green' folly an opportunity for Harper MORE...
Bringing the campaign battle to Dion's backyard. MORE...
Harper's running on flawed record MORE...
Some media balk over state-of-the-art Tory broadcast studio MORE...
Dion Ex Machina MORE...
Let's see some excitement, people MORE...
Afghanistan toll will mount unless new strategy is found. MORE...
Campaign in Brief, Day 2: Attack!
Forced To Go To Polls, Harper Says
Green leader blames Harper, Layton for being barred from debates
Harper has record to defend this time
Don Martin: Elizabeth May has received a blessing in disguise
Don Martin: Liberal campaign shows all the signs of poverty, poor planning
John Ivison: Harper eases through opening steps in a difficult dance
Election shelves report on war costs
Bush to announce troop reshuffle
Greens out of leaders debate
Greens head to court to land slot in TV debate
Tory staffer to run against N.S. MP Casey
No Tory opposition for colourful Quebec independent MP
Liberal Party settles Green Shift name dispute
Tories enjoyed healthy lead at start of campaign
Ex-privacy czar committed frauds: Crown
PQ leader recovering from successful appendix surgery
Harper soft on assault weapons: Dion
PM urges crackdown on violent crime, not gun control laws
Dion proposes ban on military-style assault rifles
Harper goes Hollywood
Dion accuses Harper of lying about policies
N.L. accuses PM of trying to 'subdue' province
La Presse Poll ...Tories on path to majority
Bloggers skeptical of Harper majority poll
Fortier resigns from Senate to run for Tories
Harper calls Liberal policies 'untested schemes'
Tories launch pre-dawn attack on Dion
Federalists welcome to vote for the Bloc: Duceppe
McGuinty shies away from Dion endorsement
Harper downplays chance of majority
Strong Tory lead puts the 'majority' question to electorate
Avoiding the M-word at all costs
War rooms 'crucial' in 40th election campaign
Russians 'agree Georgia deadline'
Flaherty heads south
Does this election call break Harper's own law?
Lockheed will land $1B frigate contract
MacKay demands NDP drop candidate over military remarks
Conservatives have edge as campaign starts: poll
Tories seize lead in key ridings, poll shows
Dion warns Canadians Harper not trustworthy
Hearing problem hurts grasp of 'music' of English, Dion says
Maverick journalist takes Conservative nod in St. John's East
Stock markets surge after bailout of U.S. mortgage giants
US Government takes control of Fannie, Freddie
Strategists put their money on economy
Puzzling economy awaits new PM
What the leaders must do to win
Arts and culture cuts not playing well in Quebec
PM makes his urban bid
If Tories pucker, will Toronto kiss?
Who will stand up for hard-hit Ontario?
Don't trust PM to speak for Quebecers: Bloc chief
Fuel use of Liberal campaign jet under attack
3,119 Quebecers voted for nothing
Greens have wide protest streak: poll
Last Parliament bitter, acrimonious
How our Parliament stacks up against its British and U.S. counterparts
New hotline to target misdeeds by immigrant consultants
Joe Volpe disturbed by Pearson fuel flap
Green Shift brave, far-sighted idea
Questions from 2006 will go unanswered
Drumbeats of division
Tories' face tough grilling at first early-morning news conference
Harper courts women's votes
Canadians 'closer to Liberal values,' Trudeau says
Duceppe appeals to non-Tory federalists
May calls for guaranteed liveable income
Layton takes aim at Dion on immigration
As I wrote to Real below it's too late to write anything serious tonight.Do take a look at the video in this article and as well consider what is in process with there being six attacks across the Pakistan border in seven days.
Video Shows US Carnage In Afghanistan
Harrowing video film backs Afghan villagers' claims of carnage caused by US troops
Tom Coghlan in Kabul
These are the images that have forced the Pentagon into a rare U-turn. Until yesterday the US military had insisted that only seven civilians were killed in Nawabad on the night of August 21.
«¤»¥«¤»«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»Tom Coghlan in Kabul
These are the images that have forced the Pentagon into a rare U-turn. Until yesterday the US military had insisted that only seven civilians were killed in Nawabad on the night of August 21.
Robert Ede"=
To: "Joe Hueglin Daily Digest" <>
Subject: And the Winner is Harper
And the Winner is Harper
Dear Ed.,
Electing a majority Reform V3.01 + their Mulroney-esque closetful of ADQ/PQ provincial auton-atons is a recipe for the Balkanization of Canada.
Canadians may be familiar with Harper, and appreciate his "leadership" but they forget he's really powerless to legislate without 50%+1 - give him that sliver power and he'll act more absolutely and more arbitrarily than any Lib/PC PM. we've ever seen.
From: "Anne Dickinson"
It was entertaining to watch the various party leaders stake out their territory this morning.
Elizabeth May provided a needed jolt of caffeine,Dion was earnest and a little awkward and Jack
Layton looks to be raring to go. Duceppe was desperately trying to shore up his support.
Steven Harpers speech along with his interview at Harrington Lake with Lloyd Robertson, and his muzak backed Good Ol Steve ads brought hypocrisy and political cynicism to dizzying new heights.
Harper fears the campaign might get personal and nasty? This after a continual barrage of negative ads filled with personal attacks on Stephan Dion.? Surely not!
And as Harper says-if it goes negative and personal it will be hard on his family. I guess he assumes that Dion's family were not hurt by the ugly personal campaign the Conservatives have had going against him for months?
This nearly tops his claim that the election had to be called because the Opposition were not permitting
government business to go ahead when in fact it is the governing Conservative Party that distributed a 200 page manual to its members on how to disrupt and stall Parliamentary committees.
The Conservative Party is obviously bereft of any ideas-or at least any they intend to share with Canadians, so they are hastily going to the public just before their chickens come home to roost, using absurd and transparently dishonest excuses to beat their own new election law. It will be interesting to see if these tactics work and the country falls for it.
Anne Dickinson
"Real Gagne" <
Subject: Re: Daily Digest September 6, 2008
The quote you posted at the beginning of today's digest would be an almost perfect description of the Liberal Party of Canada.
Sorry. I ain't buying.
(Too late to respond at the moment )
"Yet evidence persists that Canadians are ready for a party of moderate social conservatism -- term limits on abortions, civil unions for gays; and moderate red toryism -- government intervention if necessary but not necessarily government intervention, institutional (social and political) integrity, strong central government that relates directly to individual Canadians; economic and political independence. "
===================================From: Ron Thornton
Subject: Some observations early in the election...
Hey Joe:
In picking through the news today, the man who wants to be PM really nailed the incumbent with a zinger and unveiled to the public once and for all that the leader of the Conservative Party has a conservative ideology. Next week, he plans to uncover for our eyes the conspiracy that has allowed only a Catholic to head the Roman Catholic Church for centuries.
After that, he plans to disclose how the issue of man-caused Global Warming is a bogus concept meant to do nothing for the environment but a whole lot to transfer wealth to corrupt dictatorships, line the pockets of those attempting to peddle an illogical product, and try to make the irrelevant something other than what they are. Okay, you got me. I'm just being silly now.
Yes, Team Liberal seems to have the right stuff to lead this nation. If you want hypocrites, no better than the guys who plan to fly the skies during this campaign in a jet that to their own way of thinking is a smudge pot compared to the more environmentally friendly versions the Conservatives and the NDP will be in. They are so prepared for this election they claimed to want until they got it that their mode of transportation won't even be ready for another week. It is not that they have to drag the sucker in from some far distant point, as the airline in question doesn't even fly outside of Quebec. The Liberal planners went with Air Inuit's lone jet, but should their 30-year old greenhouse gasser have any problems, they do have a Wells-Fargo stagecoach sitting as backup. I'm just afraid no one has thought of acquiring the horses to power the thing.
To be fair, Dion does remind me of two former Prime Ministers of Canada. Unfortunately, their names are John Turner and Kim Campbell. Still, there are some who would vote for the man. It is just unfortunate those 12 to 16-year old children are still being denied the vote. Maybe a Prime Minister Dion can change that.
From: John Kruithof
Subject: Debates without the Green Party
The moment it was clear it opposed Elizabeth May's participation in televised debates, I telephoned the Conservative Party Headquarters, stopped my modest monthly contributions, cancelled my membership, and for good measure berated the Party for its stance on this issue. I would have liked to see the Green Party's contribution to the substance of the debates. Now I probably won't even bother watching.
John Kruithof
Ottawa South
From: Suan H.Booiman
To: Canadian Auto Workers Ken Lewenza's President
Cc: Global BCTV Noon News Hour
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2008 2:18 PM
Subject: we vote NDP, that is an order
September 8, ,2008
Mr.Ken Lewenza,
President Canadian Automobile Workers,
Listening to your comments and orders on the CBC to your members, it is not
surprising to hear a so-called socialist democracy acting like dictators.
Have you clear documentation from all your members, many of them forced
membership to hold a job, that provides you with all the legal data that all
members support your political standing?
Of course you would not disclose that either way as that would put limits on the
cradle to grave organization "we want". Did you ever stop to think that the
American automakers have seen the writing on the wall since the arrival of
the Volkswagen followed by the Japanese cars.
To bad that the 80 million Harper handed to Ford came so late according to
your philosophy, but what is it going to do, build new cars that fit the
greener than grass tree huggers views.
Where is your recommendation to create jobs with new designed cars done
by your organization to help the socialistic dream to safe the environment as
long as some one else does it.
North America is driven by the way the USA economics goes, if you like it or
not, they failed to understand that spending money endless without creating
some return will end up in bankruptcy, Economics I.
Yours truly,
Suan H.Booiman
From: Jason Hickman
Subject: And so it ends - Unsubscribe.
I've been a faithful reader of the DD and "Below 30" for years, even after the creation of the CPC and the subsequent creation of the Prog.Canadian Party caused us to go our separate ways, politically. Despite the often harsh tone taken by many of the commentators taking part in "Below 30" towards the CPC, its leader and its supporters, I usually enjoyed seeing the DD in my in-box.
Until today. The lengthy screed concerning 9/11 in today's DD was, for me, the last straw. Am I shutting out "debate"? Perhaps. But then, I would say the same thing, that is, "there are some points of view that I need not entertain,", if I was confronted with paragraph after paragraph about how the Holocaust was created and/or exploited by "zionists" as some sort of plot: . What you've sent is (barely) one step above that, in my opinion.
If you wish to respond, and there is no obligation on your part to do so as far as I'm concerned, please do so by e-mail. Do not telephone me.
From: "Anne Dickinson"
Subject: Re: Daily Digest September 7, 2008
A documentary on this subject called The Third Tower is airing tonight at 10 PM on CBC Newsworld.
All the conspiracy theories around the assassination of Kennedy for instance have been ridiculed and many of them were preposterous, nevertheless no matter what happened or didn't happen on the grassy knoll, the assassin was shot ,allowed to be shot, by a low level mafia soldier who claimed he didn't like to think of the suffering of Jackie Kennedy. Right from the start it was clear that Oswald was being silenced ,and that there was some mafia involvement.
I think nowadays there is general acceptance that whether or not Oswald was a lone gunman, he was not acting alone and that there was some involvement by the mafia and some figures from the Cuban expatriate community.
.Many of us saw those planes slam into the towers in real time so this conspiracy may be a hard sell.Things are not always what they seem, so we should certainly consider and weigh the evidence.
Anne Dickinson
To:, ...snip...,
From: Caspar Davis
Subject: Leaders' Debate
Cc: Elizabeth May <elizabeth.may ...snip... Sawatzky <>
Dear Messrs. Harper, Dion, Layton, and Duceppe,
If you believe that there is more to a democratic election than the opportunity for your party to increase its number of seats, I challenge each of you to declare that you will not participate in the leaders' debate unless the leader of the Green Party is included.
It is outrageous that the decision to include or exclude party leaders from the debate is left to a group of unelected and unaccountable corporate executives. There is no excuse in a purported democracy for the exclusion of the leader of a party that is supported by more than ten per cent of Canadians and is running candidates in every riding in the country.
The criteria for inclusion in the debate should be fixed by law, and should be the same as the qualifications for federal party funding. In the meantime, you have an opportunity to demonstrate that you are committed to the democratic process by refusing to participate in the debate unless the Green Party leader is included
From: "Brian D. Marlatt"
Subject: Parliament is not 'dysfunctional': reader - The Hill Times - Newspaper Online.
Subject: RE: Stratos . . .
From: "Efstratios Psarianos"
To: "Joe Hueglin" <>
Hi, Joe.
At first sight, I can't say that I agree with unlimited third-party spending since this kind of thing strikes directly against political parties' autonomy from pressure groups, which is a great strength of our parliamentary democracy (witness the opposite in the US' republican-Presidential system). Then again, I don't know anything about how CWB elections are run, etc., so I can't comment beyond this.
That being said ... I've been thinking about how to give third parties some access to the public arena during elections/referenda/whatever at the federal, CWB, Crown Corporation level.
For a long time, I've wondered if it would be desirable and feasible to give parties a level playing field through state-sponsored and state-administered publicity. The idea would be to give each eligible party the chance to produce a campaign document that would meet a universal specification (number of pages, no illegal stuff, etc.). These documents would be incorporated into a voter kit sent to households where at least one voter is listed as residing in.
For the upcoming federal election, this would amount to the CPC, the LPC, the NDP, the Bloc (?), and perhaps even the Greens, each being eligible to provide a colour document say up to 15-20 pages long. Printers mandated by the Federal Electoral Commission (or whatever it's called) would print up these documents, which would be mailed out in one package to each electoral household. That way, everyone in Canada would get the same party-crafted documents, and every document would arrive at a given household at the same time (so no "strategic timing" of document delivery).
As concerns third parties, they'd either have to organize a party eligible for inclusion in the mass-mail electoral service (with eligibility criteria to be determined) or co-opt an eligible party into including its views in the latter's campaign document. Third parties would thus have a way to get their points across, without it being particularly easy for them to do so.
These are the advantages that I see in doing this:
1. For federal elections, individual ridings in which a given party whose riding associations can't raise funds and manpower easily would get government-provided, riding-wide "basic campaign coverage". Riding associations get to do what they usually do, subject to spending limits (perhaps lowered because of a big chunk of work having been done for them).
2. Third parties would get "basic campaign coverage" if they either form a political party eligible for it or if they co-opt an eligible one into providing some of its campaign-document space (i.e., into integrating the third party's material into the political party's campaign document). The latter would amount to the political party making the third party's position its own. Except for allowed inclusion in basic coverage, third parties would not be allowed to spend.
3. For the CWB and other Crown Corporations, some way of determining who gets basic coverage would have to be worked out. But
Overall, the ideas listed above would make it possible for third parties to be heard by proving their relevance to either the Federal Electoral Commission or to a party eligible for basic coverage. Relevance to the Commission would mean forming a political party that would be deemed eligible for basic coverage by satisfying certain criteria. Relevance to a political party would mean either getting it to grant campaign-document space, in which case the political party would be sanctioning (and perhaps modifying) the third party's position, or by the third party taking over the political one, in which case it could legitimately claim the latter's eligibility for basic coverage. In this manner, political parties would be as autonomous as they are now from third parties, but third parties would have new motivation for either taking over political ones (which they can already do, and which would be no easier than it is now) or making kissy-face with them (by embedding their campaign materials in a political party's campaign documents). Third parties' ability to getting their views read nationwide (or CWB-wide, or whatever) would be limited by the limited length of a political party's campaign document.
So Joe, what say ...
- interesting idea?
- or what?
As ever, comments are welcome. Cheers!
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