What follows is not at the present time in any Canadian newspaper to my knowledge.ARCHIVED at
Would you have the Government support the U.S. direction or not?
Dear Editor,
"Pakistani troops have fired shots into the air to stop US troops crossing into the South Waziristan region of Pakistan, local officials say." (1) Will Canada support this American initiative or not?
Pakistan is being invaded by American troops. One possible result is a action that will cut off the supplies flowing through Pakistan that sustain the military activities of the Americans and their allies. (2)
The Government of Canada has been saying "Me too" to American initiatives. Supporting American anti-missile bases in Poland on the Russian borders; recognizing the independence of Kosovo against U.N. resolutions; backing the American's in seeking to have Georgia become a member of N.A.T.O.; echoing the U.S. position that Georgia was correct in invading South Ossetia and Russia wrong in intervening.
Pashtun tribal chiefs in the areas attacked met and have stated ""If America doesn't stop attacks in tribal areas, we will prepare a lashkar [army] to attack US forces in Afghanistan," and as well ""We will also seek support from the tribal elders in Afghanistan to fight jointly against America." (3)
The 40 million members of the Pashtun tribes are in continuing feuds among themselves.. They act together only when threatened by external forces. Should the Americans persist in their policy of attacking into Afghanistan's tribal areas and the tribes that have been neutral take action be assured there will be no differentiation made between Canadian and American Forces.
The Government of Canada is duty bound not to support this American initiative thereby placing our troops in increased danger but rather to press for negotiations. (4)
(1) Pakistan soldiers 'confront US'
Pakistani troops have fired shots into the air to stop US troops crossing into the South Waziristan region of Pakistan, local officials say.
(2) Pakistan closes Torkham border crossing, shuts down NATO's supply line
(3) Pakistani tribal chiefs threaten to join Taliban
(4) A wishlist for Afghanistan
Jason Burke sets out some strategies the west should, but most likely won't pursue to establish peace and stability
US forces the terror issue with Pakistan
Report: US helicopters fired on while crossing Pakistani border
Pakistani troops fire on US soldiers near Afghan border, reports say
From: "Bob Ewart" To: <>
Subject: Fw: Purge of the Reformers
Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2008 5:17 PM
Subject: Re: Purge of the Reformers
Lee should recall where he stood on this issue when at the REFORM PARTY conference in Ottawa (one which was originally planned for Edmonton) he and all the REFORM MPs backed Preston Manning "Manning's "Unite The Right" movement. It was that decision that started the destruction of Reform. I want all faithful Reformers to pass this on to all of their friends and Reform supporters. The Conservative Party of Canada only exists today because of their decisions of support for Manning. I know this for I was there along with several other real Reformers who were totally disheartened and deluded by their choice. We tried to save OUR PARTY, but to no avail for we were on foreign soil where the enemies of Reform had us outnumbered. That was the strategy of taking the conference from Edmonton to Ottawa, "Divide and Conquer". Almost all party riding associations opposed the move, still their delegates, excepting a few, voted to support it. Out of fear, cowardice or some other emotion unknown to myself.
The result as we all know was the demise of Preston Manning, and the selection of Stockwell Day. Who I might add never earned the selection but outsold memberships and got the support of disgruntled reformers such as myself. My vote was more of a rejection of Manning than an endorsement of Day.
At first I thought Stephen Harper to be the one who would save Reform and introduce those reforms and laws that Canada so gravely needs. I suggest Canada is on the same track as the Roman Empire some two thousand years ago. If Harper wont turn the system around watch out for you will be shuttering your windows and barricading your doors. You probably have me earmarked as an alarmist right now, but I consider this a greater threat to our security and well being than "Global Warming, Energy Crises or World War".
You are now thinking what do these issues have to do with Reform morphing into Conservative Party Of Canada? Well take a moment to reflect. Did not Reform have embodied in it's Policies and Principles to attack those things which we deemed threatening to Canada and our people? Did we not recognize that the Liberal way was wrong? Now don't you recognize what I am saying? Just ask yourselves.
Bob Ewart
Edmonton, AB
Lee Morrison's article:
Harper has purged the Conservative party of its Reform ideals
A limited discussion on Free Dominion:
From: "Real Gagne"
Out of all the stuff in the DD today one statement by Benji, in Regina, should in my view be written in bold letters on all our computer screens so that we remember to refrain from demonizing those who disagree with us:
*"I find it terrible that we can no longer agree to disagree and get along in life. We have, in my opinion become far too interested in making people see things our way and work to no end to make it that way."
*He's right, of course. And in my view a a lot of what passes for comment in the DD these days violates that sensible dictum.
Thanks Real.
Unfortunately too true.
From: "Judy Lewis"
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before, but are your readers familiar with the discussion of 'conservatism' vs 'progressivism' in George Lakoff's books – Don't Think of an Elephant and The Political Mind: Why You Can't Understand 21st Century American Politics with an 18th Century Brain? According to Lakoff, 'conservatism has been re-defined by the 'neo-cons and is now more about 'the authority of the strong father' (eerily similar to the God of the Old Testament, with whom there can be no argument if one wants to be considered 'worthy'). "The nurturing family' which allows for more egalitarianism and cooperation, empathy and accountability, is the other pole – that of the 'progressives'. 'The 'conservatives' have been polishing their brand of spin for decades, while the innocents in the 'progressive' wing have been counting on the 'truth' to win over the public, not realizing that what has to be sold is a value system 'frame' to underpin the message.
The result of all this is the mess we see now – the triumph of self-interest over long-term benefits for world citizens.
Judy Lewis
From: "Rene Moreau"
re; PWC buys up mortgages, Tara Perkins, B4, Sept.3rd, 2008
Since the mortgage business business is in turmoil in the States, to see this particular title was interesting, to say the least. So, I called the company, Pacific and Western Bank of Canada, in Calgary, at 1-888-666-5913. I was told by management that there is no connection to any entities south of the border, or any other banks, except for a connection to Canada Mortgage and Housing, which is connected to the government in that the government insures the loans for mortgages. Much like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were meant to do, as a government entity before they were taken over by the banks, I believe. Correct me if I'm wrong here.
Now, if an American company wanted to download some nefarious paper mortgages, created in the U.S., to unsuspecting foreign entities, like Canadian, what better way than to set up a branch in Canada and tell the staff that Pacific and Western Bank of Canada is a Canadian Bank, registered six years ago. They could then take on some of those bad American mortgages among the Canadian mortgages, saying they didn't know they were American. Wonders of wonders, they would be guaranteed by OUR government, and us Canadian, taxpayers. Neat eh?
Now, if the company insists they are Canadian, you check right?
At 1-800-350-3557, if you call, you will find a company that answers the phone as credit card services. You will find, if you ask, that that company is Pacific Western Bank in the States.
Since currently, this kind of thing really needs checking, I am passing it on. So that others can check. Many will say that this is of no consequence and forget it, and many will.
An ancient Greek once said, and I don't have his name, that scepticism is the best defence when your enemy holds all the cards, or words to that effect.
Don't you think it worth checking?
Rene Moreau (416-489-8347)rene
From: "Wendy Forrest"
Subject: Harper would relax foreign-ownership rules
Any surprise here? It all started in the 70's with the Bank of Canada, then when Brian Mulroney disbanded FIRA: the Foreign Investment Review Agency and subjected us to the Free Trade Agreement. The original Conservative party of Sir John A. Macdonald and Georges Etienne Cartier is long gone.
Harper would relax foreign-ownership rules
HALIFAX, Nova Scotia (UPI) -- Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Thursday a Conservative government would relax foreign-ownership rules, including for airlines and uranium mining.
"We will significantly increase the threshold for foreign investments, as
such benefits must be of net benefit to Canada," Harper told the Halifax,
Nova Scotia, Chamber of Commerce.
Only deals worth more than $1 billion would be subject to federal review, up
from the current threshold of $295 million, said Harper, who is campaigning
ahead of the Canadian general election Oct. 14.
A Conservative government would also ease foreign companies' ability to
invest in Canadian airlines, he told the audience.
Rules currently let foreign companies own up to 25 percent of domestic
carriers but would increase to 49 percent, subject to "bilateral
negotiations" with other nations, the Toronto Star quoted Harper as saying.
Harper would also relax restrictions on ownership of Canadian uranium
mining, he said.
From: Lois Williams
Subject: Re: Canada: Peace Maker and Paramedic
Good morning Joe,
In the local newspaper, Kamloops The Daily News, dated September 10, 2008, one of the headlines reads TARGET: CANADA Taliban urges next Canadian PM to pull troops out of Afghanistan. The article is by Tobi Cohen, The Canadian Press. You may have seen it already.
I have also recently read a book titled "Because They Hate, A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America" written by Brigitte Gabriel who "lost her childhood to Militant Islam, when militant Muslims from throughout the Middle East poured into Lebanon and declared jihad against the Lebanese Christians. Because they Hate warns that the United States is threatened by fundamentalist Islamic theology in the same way Lebanon was - radical Islam will stop at nothing short of domination of all non-Muslim countries. Fiercely articulate and passionately committed, Because They Hate tells Gabriel's personal story as well as outlines the history, social movements, and religious divisions that have led to this critical historical conflict."
What are the possibilities that the war in Afghanistan will spill over on to this continent? Should we expect another 911?
I also prefer to see Canada's role in the world as peacemaker as indicated in the article below. I'm not in agreement with a lot of things that the Americans do or don't do (or Canadians for that matter). However, I am aware that if the United States "goes down" so will Canada.
Lois Williams
From: "Edward A. Speeers"
Relative to the last sentence in this April 22 Daily Digest the one man who is an "interested party"
Relative to the last sentence in this April 22 Daily Digest the one man who is an "interested party" enabled to share his "insights" is the one man whom both the Liberals and the Conservatives are desperately trying to keep out of Parliament, namely , David Orchard of Saskatchewan.
I have heard David speak on several occasions. His ideas need to be heard and discussed. They indicate the possibility of a better Canada, where we are not caught in the web of the United States as at present, as shown in the lumber situation, the arbitrary changes in the export pork industry, the beef industry and now new import duties as part of the latest challenge of the Canadian Wheat.
Ted Speers
Edward A. Speers, Ph.D., P.Eng.
From: "John Halonen"
Canada and the Afghanistan War
"If the void is to be filled by those who do very much want to do us harm, then please explain your thoughts on what should be our exit strategy and what we might expect to be the consequences of our retreat."
There is real merit in this discussion, yet one thing for sure is that if we continue to send Canadians to war in Afghanistan "More Canadians will continue to DIE fighting a tribal war thousands of miles away from home."
Could we beef up our intelligence ( likely at a reduced financial cost ) to recognize what really is happening elsewhere and become more prepared as to our future?
Could we discount the individuals that claim human rights are being abused ( this is currently happening elsewhere in our world ) and look at this subject more broadly. Today the starving in Sudan of millions needs particular attention.
Our Government leaders for the most part seem to be swayed by specific interests rather than the interests of "Canadians".
I, for one think we need a real constructive review of our direction in Afghanistan. This has no similarity to World War II, and any politician using that as a vehicle to explain their position is lacking credibility ( this is pointed directly against Stephan Harper in his offensive like commercial ) .
If Canada "retreated?" while boosting up our surveillance efforts on those wishing us harm it will likely cause less deaths ( both Canadians & Afghanistan citizens ). Both of these items seem quite positive in my eyes. Now we have Canadian soldiers and Afghanistan citizens that will no longer be alive to review our future direction.
Today the Taliban have publicly stated that more Canadians will be targeted because of our current decision. Something has to change as it will either be more deaths or agreeing that others have the right to live with views different than ourselves.
From: "Suan H.Booiman"
Subject: speech
Joe a good speech, it was Robert Stanfield that recommended the division
of the country in two founding nations, historically not correct. With Trudeau's
two official languages the country has been politically corrupted, costing
the tax-payers billions. The question remains "for what?" All this has and is
the reason that many support more power to the provinces, because it is
Central Canada that refuses to understand. Mulroney was one of the
masterminds to provide Quebec with more than any other province,
politically and financially. Today Canada is a country without principles
because of Trudeau policies, the one that drove around Montreal in a
German Uniform.
Let's stick to important matters
No need for public hearings on this issue
Banning cellphone use while driving should be a matter of public safety, not public opinion.
Harper weary of Afghanistan
Ensure rights are understood
A solitary glimmer of hope on the bleak Mideast landscape
Indefensible apathy
Uninspiring election needs spark
Biggest Election Issue Is Apathy
Buying time on the Khadr file
Greens Better Off As Outsiders
Election should not be ignoring health care
People lie, and opinion polls are no exception
Make arts funding an election issue
More concerns on Tasers
When to zap
Nuclear deal has ominous implications
Health care:
Time for a real debate
SUDBURY STAR -Harper should rise above the fray
Harper wrong to set deadline for pullout
Politics plagued by public cynicism
When does a 'gaffe' matter?
A healthy probe
The Arctic heats up
Birthplace of Canadian democracy looks like Tory deathbed
Place poverty on election agenda
Premiers cross line
Wise to study ways to expand provincial trade
In science, you never know where the answers will come from
Election douses bill to help volunteer firefighters
Millions can't read this
Addict payments require probe
Natives threaten pipeline blockades
Pakistani tribal chiefs threaten to join Taliban
Pakistan soldiers 'confront US'
Pakistani troops have fired shots into the air to stop US troops crossing into the South Waziristan region of Pakistan, local officials say.
US forces the terror issue with Pakistan
Report: US helicopters fired on while crossing Pakistani border
Pakistani troops fire on US soldiers near Afghan border, reports say
A wishlist for Afghanistan
Jason Burke sets out some strategies the west should, but most likely won't pursue to establish peace and stability
MacKay staunch defender of troops sometimes
Carbon tariffs pose risk of trade war, OECD told
The Pentagon's cubicle mercenaries
During the George W Bush years, American war fighting has been privatized and the Pentagon largely turned over to corporate contractors, hired guns, hired hands, private cubicle mercenaries and private sub-contracting warriors, who raked in US$151 billion in 2006. What's left is "a Pentagon bloated almost beyond recognition and crippled by its dependence on private military corporations".
Bed bugs a growing problem in large Canadian cities
Compassionate justice
Vulnerable press loses ground at gallery
Race between Liberals and NDP the one to watch, says leading pollster
Tories' well-oiled 'gaffe-prone' machine more focused on PM's image, say reporters
Dion plays on rift between Harper and Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams
Amidst the noise, real policy differences are emerging
Campaign gaffes suggest Tories aren't invincible
Feds may need GG's special warrants to move billions of dollars in supplementary estimates
Ethanol, biodiesel have tanks full of caveats
TV network consortium does not plan to set rules on who's in leaders' debates
Low-income voters look to province
Cheap food is not safe food
Three questions for Ontario candidates
Culture buffs should pay their own way
Canada's youth need better support to plan careers
For food safety, it's McCain for PM
It's time to go Nuclear
Back to school in Kabul
Ottawa's 'leaders' ignore cities
Les droits de femmes refont surface à la 8e journée de la campagne
Le Québec peut aider le Canada en freinant Harper, plaide Gilles Duceppe
Des militaires après 2011?
Campagne électorale
Premier forum des chefs sur Internet
Parti libéral
Coderre attaque sa campagne, et Harper
Gilles Duceppe
Faire Bloc contre Harper
Des circonscriptions clés
Une semaine en promesses
YAHOO In Depth: Federal Election
G & M
Dion has little time left to get his act together.. MORE...YAHOO In Depth: Federal Election
G & M
Stephen Harper: the tactics, the leadership (Part 1). MORE...
Stephen Harper: the tactics, the leadership (Part 2) MORE...
Sparrow will stop at nothing. MORE...
Pols reject accountability MORE...
Tories try to turn P. E. I. tide.. MORE...
Smart partner smoothes way in Dion's bumpy race.. MORE...
The great miscommunicator. MORE...
'Conservative' In Name Only. MORE...
Letting Elizabeth May elbow her way into the major leagues is a disgrace.. MORE...
After cancelled by-election, some candidates 'a bit grumpy' MORE...
Criminal justice? Not in Canada MORE..
The 57 Ridings that can Change Election's Outcome
Conservative messages undergo 'severe' editing
Religious right using Tories to push agenda: priest
Harper considered 'nastiest' leader in swing ridings
'What happened here is not democracy'
Biofuels news tightly controlled: report
Oilsands under fire in U.K.
Financial fears may be key to victory
Race between Liberals and NDP the one to watch, says leading pollster
Carbon tariffs pose risk of trade war, OECD told
No easy win for Liberals on economy
Voters don't buy new Dion image
Green leader great out of gate: poll
Tories to put NDP, Greens on hot seat
Tories' well-oiled 'gaffe-prone' machine more focused on PM's image
Rocky start behind Dion
Layton keeps PM in sights
Parties fall short online
Taliban cheer Harper's pledge to withdraw troops by 2011
Layton wants out fast
It's not a sprint, Liberals caution
Tories could be victims of their poll success
Elizabeth May banking on a colour change
Latest Tory ad slams Bloc's track record
Voters ambivalent about economy, role of parties
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