Minister Ritz In National TV Agriculture Debate on Monday§ion_id=1073&template_id=1073&lang=e
There are differences of opinion concerning the single desk policy that has all Western Canadian wheat farmers product marketed through the Canadian Wheat Board .ARCHIVED at
Minister Ritz In National TV Agriculture Debate on Monday§ion_id=1073&template_id=1073&lang=e
This issue is not presented to-day for your consider but rather the methodology being used by the current Government of Canada to
achieve its goal of ending the Canadian Wheat Board role as it presently stands.
Two-thirds of the directors of the CWB are elected, Canadian Wheat Board 2008 election of directors
Is it fair or foul ball changes are unilaterally introduced to influence the outcome of the election of five directors that are in process?
Few receiving the Digest are affected by the issue.
All are affected by what is considered as fair means to attaining an end of Government it's been frustrated in achieving by the courts.
Regulations respecting the Election of Directors of the Canadian Wheat Board were changed September 4th, 2008 to remove the previous $10,000 spending restriction on advertising expenses in place for third-party intervenors. The changes were made by an Order In Council September 4th , 2008 as follows:
The Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) is a farmer-controlled organization that markets wheat and barley grown by western Canadian producers. Based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, the CWB is the largest single seller of wheat and barley in the world, holding more than 20 per cent of the international market.
In a Cabinet briefing document dated August 10, 2006, made public by lawyers representing the CWB during a court hearing in Winnipeg, the Harper Government spelled out a methodical, step-by-step plan to dismantle the Canadian Wheat Board's (CWB) single desk for wheat and barley. ( Harper's premeditated destruction of the CWB spelled out in secret cabinet documents )
Noted within the cabinet document was a decision that should "as few as three elected directors who favour marketing choice," be elected it "would constitute a majority of the board of directors".
Despite the CWB response to the election spending proposal that third party spending be maintained at $10 000.00 the Order in Council providing for unlimited spending went forward. It is likely that the cabinet decision reflected their position that the private sector buyers, who can achieve tremendous market control if the CWB's power is curtailed, should be given an advantage in promoting their interests through their huge financial power.
Regulations have been rejigged to achieve the cabinet's goal.
The critical question? Is this fair play or foul?
A second change made without consultation
September 15,2008 Prepared by: Art Macklin
Anders Bruun
Legal Challenge to Removal of Producers from the CWB Voters List
Section 3.02 of the Canadian Wheat Board Act states "Ten directors are elected by producers in accordance with sections 3.06 to 3.08 and the regulations""Producer" and "actual producer" are defined in the CWB Act. An "actual producer" is a "producer actually engaged in the production of grain." A "producer" is defined to include "as well as an actual producer, any person entitled, as landlord, vendor or mortgagee, to the grain grown by an actual producer or to any share therein." Thus, production of grain or entitlement to a share of production are essential requirements which constitute the definition of "producer"
Delivery to either the CWB or to the non-board market are not factors relevant to the definition of producer. In fact there are numerous circumstances where a person could have delivered grain and not qualify as a producer eg. someone pays off a debt with grain and the creditor then delivers the grain, a speculator buys grain to sell later, someone who was formerly a producer has had grain in storage for a number of years and decides to sell it, someone trades grain for other goods or services to give a few examples.
Subsection 6 (1) of the CWB Election Regulations states "Subject to subsection (2),every producer is entitled to be on the voters list in respect of the electoral in which they produce grain." This is a mandatory provision.
Subsection 6 (2) states "A producer who produces grain in more than one electoral district may only be included in one voters list, which is chosen by the producer."
Section 7 of the CWB Election Regulations states "the corporation shall provide the election coordinator with a list of producers who were named in a permit book on the day the list is sent or who were named in a permit book during the previous crop year." This is a mandatory provision.
However Minister Ritz' order of July 23,2008 directs that producers who have not delivered to the CWB in the previous or current crop year be listed in a separate list and "should not automatically be included in the voters list". The Minister does not have lawful authority to issue this order.
Minister Ritz' order indicates that he is purporting to exercise authority given to him under subsection 3.07 of the CWB Act. Subsection 3.07 permits the Minister to give instructions to the CWB on such matters as employing persons to conduct the election,to pay their fees and expenses and to pay the costs of the election. The authority contained in subsection 3.07 is specifically exercisable only " Subject to the regulations…" Thus subsection 6 (1) of the CWB Election Regulations quoted above trumps the ministerial order made under subsection 3.07 of the CWB Act.
Issuance of Permit Books
Subsection 26 (1) of the CWB Act states "Subject to this Act, a producer may require the Corporation to issue a permit book authorizing delivery of grain produced on the land comprising the farm of the producer."
Subection 26 (4) of the CWB Act states "No permit book shall be issued to any person other than a producer."
This requires the CWB to make sure that all producers in possession of a permit book or named in a permit book are in fact producers.
Sections 3 to 8 of the CWB Regulations state the procedures by which a producer obtains a permit book. Producers must state the grains they produce, the land it is produced on, where they intend to deliver and numerous other detailed information on their farm operation. An applicant for a permit book shall then "verify his application by a statutory declaration."
Producers named in a permit book have gone through a rigorous process to qualify for a permit book and are entitled to receive a ballot in the director elections automatically. Minister Ritz' order bars these producers from automatic inclusion on the voters list, which they are entitled to, and forces them to follow an awkward bureaucratic process in order to vote
In addition, Minister Ritz' order permits people who own grain and sell it to an elevator to qualify for a ballot. Such persons could include creditors who have been given grain to pay a bill, farm suppliers of all kinds and lending institution to give a few examples. The Act and Regulations do not permit the Minister to make this order.
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