Thursday, September 4, 2008

Daily Digest September 4, 2008



Flaws? Yes, please  

Hearn heading into the sunset?

Mr. Harper appears ready to roll the dice
The PM's claim that he needs a fresh mandate just doesn't seem credible.

Oh, the cynicism of the tax-and-spend Tories

Let the Greens into the debate

Conservative conversion

Let Elizabeth May be heard

Our schools must be safe

Harper's calculus

Trees: A natural weapon in battle on climate change

And the election games begin

Restrict Tasers, don't ban them

Tough spot for RCMP

Harper hot for election -- Canadians less so

Riding away from rudeness

Dion reveals his strategy is shifting

A method to his madness? Look south for PM's reasoning on election

While America looks to the left, Canadians asked to keep to right

A failing grade on disaster plans



Pentagon leak says U.S. troops raided inside Pakistan

Report: US airstrike kills four in North Waziristan

Taliban trophy photos horrify France

Pakistan fury over 'US assault'
Pakistan summons the US ambassador over an alleged cross-border raid which officials say killed at least 15 villagers.
Afghan anti-drugs judge is killed
BBC (09/04/2008)
Would 'mini-surge' tame Afghanistan?
Chicago Tribune (09/04/2008)
Taliban Rebels Approach Kabul Gates: Afghan Senate Secretary
Trend News (09/04/2008)
Big turbine delivered to Afghan aid project
The Associated Press (09/04/2008)
Khan 'fails to honour' Ramadan power pledge
Quqnoos (09/04/2008)
ISI behind abduction of Japanese worker, alleges Afghanistan
Dawn, Pakistan (09/04/2008)
Iran may be bombastic, but Pakistan has the Bomb
The Jerusalem Post (09/04/2008)
Karzai promises punishment for Afghan civil casualties
Reuters (09/04/2008)
Khalilzad Cites 'Fog of War' in Afghan Tolls
The Washington Post (09/04/2008)

Cdns think Afghan mission too costly: poll

The failure of two empires

U.S. 'stands in solidarity with people of Georgia': Cheney

Northwest Passage northern route opens

N.S. health minister wants Ottawa to help with medical records

Tories' campaign gives a boost to NDP

Why Stephen Harper is good news for McGunity

Harper recruits nationalists

Conservatives, Bloc in virtual tie in Quebec, poll finds

Some evangelists campaigning

Coalition of Independent Candidates Contacts Governor General

Liberals want Ritz to resign over listeriosis outbreak

Election will be costly for taxpayers, volunteers

Casey up against his own cash

Liberals want agriculture minister to resign over listeriosis outbreak

Canada's Liberals call for farm minister to resign

Liberals call for resignation of agriculture minister

Allain says he'll run for Tories in Moncton riding

Williams seeks ABC allegiance from MHAs -

  Liberals adjourn caucus retreat early to prepare for Sunday election call

Liberals eclipse Conservatives in attracting female candidates  

Rumours mute byelection advance poll turnout  

Tories unveil ads showing Harper's softer side

Harper testifies he authorized offer to Cadman
PM offers two versions of how he learned of MP's financial distress

Alleged bribe to Cadman 'preposterous,' PM says

Target Harper, Liberal pollster advises caucus

Quebec finance minister ready to back Tories
$4 billon more from Ottawa.

Conservatives open vault with billions in new spending

PM betrayed Canada, Dion says
Liberal attacks Harper for failing to prepare the country to handle economic slowdown

Liberals push to add Green Party to debates

Candidate appointments a hard, safe sell

In putting his best foot forward Dion better watch his backside

Our election is about which party can manage the economy

Harper's opportunistic rush to the polls

PM should think twice about early election call

NDP aims for second

Harper is not just being modest

Dion drops the gloves as match begins

New Green Shift initiatives not a retreat, Dion says

This campaign will come down to one geeky guy

Tories paying lip service to Toronto won't collect much on election day

Go negative, Stéphane, or lose

Mysteries remain unsolved

PM changes tune on need for fixed date

Do the Tories fear Elizabeth May?

Election call could cost taxpayers extra millions: Elections Canada

Most believe Afghan mission's price too high: poll

Spending like it's election time  

Federal dollars flow  

Tories change gears with auto aid

Flagging files 'sensitive' can lead to unfair delays, information czar says

CSIS watchdog to examine handling of Khadr case

Grant cut called 'vengeful' act by Baird

Loss of Arctic ice shelves "astounding'

Get rid of the sham fixed election dates

Canada's North: 50 years of neglect are enough

Farmer control of wheat board too vital to risk

Military manoeuvres
Before we put soldiers in harm's way in Afghanistan, we should be sure it's for a useful purpose, not a costly white elephant

It's difficult for our nation to soldier on blindly when we don't even know what a victory in Afghanistan is - or even more bluntly - can we win?

Tainted meat story is no surprise to me

Spend money on kids, not elite athletes

Extra! Extra! The arts don't matter!

Chill out on Arctic strategy

Stephen Harper déclencherait une campagne électorale dès dimanche

Le Bloc est le seul parti capable de faire échec à Harper, selon Duceppe

Deux tiers des Canadiens pensent que la mission en Afghanistan est trop coûteuse

Le Canada instaure un dispositif pour contrer la contrebande de cigarettes

Listériose: les libéraux réclament la démission du ministre Ritz

Harper a dit ne rien savoir d'une police d'assurance offerte à Chuck Cadman

Dion dit avoir entendu les Canadiens et bonifie son Tournant vert

Élections fédérales
Aux urnes en octobre

Élections fédérales
Un premier coup de sonde

Politique fédérale
Trois départs chez les conservateurs

Parti libéral du Canada
La contre-attaque s'organise

Élections fédérales
Des évangélistes en campagne

Harper recrute des nationalistes

Les libéraux ont le moral à zéro

Les Canadiens trouvent la mission en Afghanistan trop coûteuse

La Teoria Conspiratoria


CBC: CON 38% LIB 28% NDP 19% BQ 8% GRN 7%

Well sports fans looks like its all over 'cept the victory parties.

Just what changes will a Conservative Party of Canada bring about?

Thoughts anyone?


From: Keith Coghlan
Subject: RE: Daily Digest September 2, 2008

                     Hope all is well your way........... looks like we are headed for a general election.
Wonder what happen to the fixed election date law........... oh well Harper not that big on following
any laws or guidelines.

Wonder why the Conservatives did not us the slogan "Leadership you can Trust"
I guess the last 2.5 years of Harper government has blow that  one away.
I am hoping that we will see some Progressive Canadian Candidates out there for people to vote for
and give people a choice.
I dont understand some of the talking points of the Conservative for this election.

Dions "carbon tax" will increase the cost of living.... well seems to me that the cost of everything has
gone up during the Harper years. The cost of gasoline and food item for sure... Sure Harper campaign
on that please.

We are winning the war in Afghanistan, would love to hear Harper explain that one.

We need Democartic reform of the Senate yet Harper does not want to allow Elizabeth May into the
TV debates............. what is Harper's idea of Democratic politics...

Love the ads shown on the TV' with Harper and some of his cabinet talking. Do you really think
most people believe that Harper takes input from the Cabinet , most of his government term has
show it to be a one man show.
Its going to be great and I am hoping we end up with anyone but Harper.

The Republican north government has run its course.
Take care and if you have any information on the Progressive Canadian party in this
election let me know.
Keith Coghlan
Belleville Ontario

From: "Anne Dickinson"
Subject: Re: Daily Digest September 3, 2008

I was interested to see that Andre Bachand will be running for the Conservatives.
During the PC Leadership convention won by Peter MacKay, Bachand was very impressive.
After he fell out of the race he supported Mackay but seemed to have been
left out of the loop when Mackay moved to have the PC Party swallowed up by the Alliance.
I am not sure what it means that he is running, but he used to be pretty close to Jean Charest.Do any of the DD readers in Quebec have any ideas about this?
As far as permitting  Elizabeth May to take part in the debates, yes please, bring her on. She is smart and entertaining and will not be bullied. If she is not included, the debates will be unbearably tedious  with each of the leaders running thorugh his well worn schtick. We should get a crackling debate with May who is very fast on her feet and knows her stuff.
I am sure the idea of a quick witted and fierce debater like May is a Conservative nightmare, and likely one for the Liberals and NDP too, partly because it shows just how tedious  and stuck into their predictable roles  they are. The rest of us will be well served to have her in the debates, it might help to  keep us all awake too.
Anne Dickinson

From: "Suan H.Booiman"
Subject: add to the list of billions

September 4, 2008

Harper's election campaign

QUEBEC - Quebec and Ottawa have finalized a wide-ranging $4 billion
deal for infrastructure projects, signed Wednesday and just days before
a potential federal election call.  The joke that came with the message:

Federal Transport Minister Lawrence Cannon downplayed the election buzz
and said during the announcement in Quebec City that the deal with Quebec
has nothing to do with an impending election call.

1.1 billion 2.5 billion obvious more to come.

Will tell when I find more, so encouraging.



Subject: choice

Reading the comments about what is wrong with the CP of C would be interesting
to read what they need to do to make it right, as the old Dutch saying goes:
"The best sailors stand ashore".
Neither do I agree with what Harper does, but would not give up to provide
something positive "it concerns our Country".
My biggest problem is Quebec, time for them to do as Harper created "be a
State" and manage their own affairs without English hand-outs, no money
for harbour improvement, no interest free loans for Bombardier, no more
money for Trudeau's bilingualism, to name a few.
You said you would fight anyone that would break up Canada so here is your
change to show where you do stand as the cradle to grave system does not work.
No am not here to break up Canada but will fight forever (82 years) to get rid
of the corruption of the pure-laine Quebec.

From: "Efstratios Psarianos"
Subject: Election time ...

An early appointment with electoral destiny

Sep 4th 2008 | OTTAWA
From The Economist print edition

Stephen Harper decides that patience should not be the Conservatives' virtue

"A PRINCE never lacks legitimate reasons to break his promise." Stephen Harper, Canada's Conservative prime minister, is poised to test this bit of Machiavellian political theory. Having championed legislation last year to fix election dates at four-year intervals, thus curtailing the ability of future governments to call a vote when victory seemed most assured, Mr Harper is now about to ignore his own law and announce a general election within days. With no overarching issue preoccupying voters still awakening from their summer slumber and with four by-elections set for September, which a general election would pre-empt, Mr Harper presumably has strong reasons for wanting to face the electorate a year before the set date of October 19th 2009. But what are they?

From: "Rebecca Gingrich"
Subject: loan' to Ford from Feds

Good thing the Canadian taxpayer, via Harper, just gave Ford $80M in
loans--now when they go bankrupt they won't have to pay it back. Meanwhile
we have no healthcare!

From: "Richard Konopada"
Subject: RE: Daily Digest September 3, 2008

Joe, in a way the slogan "On Your Side" is appropriate for the Conservative Party as the Party and the Prime Minister is definitely on your side if you support the neocons of the Republican Party.   With an election just around the corner and the polls saying that there may be the possibility of a Conservative majority, God help the Canada we know and love if this party has a blank cheque  to reveal their true colours to Canadians.
Richard Konopada
Brampton, On.

From: Keith Coghlan
Subject: Harper Democracy

Is it just me or do the Harper Conservatives seen to be very confusing?

I love the stands they take on issues and how crazy they sound.

This is the man who is complaining that the opposition parties are stopping his agenda in Parliament.
Who takes about  the need for democratic reforms in the Canadian government institutions.
One of these institutions being the Canadian Senate, Harper blames the Liberals for blocking
reforms to the Senate.
Then Harper spokes persons come out a say that the Green party should not have their
Leader in the TV debates for the upcoming election. The Green Party ran over 300 candidates
in the 2006 election and received around 665,000 votes. Thats not good enough for Harper,
wheres your comment to democratic reform MR Harper.

Or is this a issue like most of the Harper issues that its based on what is the best for Harper.

Not based on what the real need for reform to the system is.

This Prime Minister has one vision and its his own.........

So now he wants a majority so you can over control even more MP's , telling them
what to do , not listening to the issues they bring from their voters.

This election is all about the Harper need to go to the polls before any political changes
as a result of the American election.

Because once that American election takes place its going to make Harper look
even more out of touch with what other leaders and nations are doing.
Keith Coghlan
Belleville Ontario

From: Rubie Britton
Subject: Gentle Thoughts.
Gentle Thoughts for Today--
        Birds of a feather flock together … and crap on your car.
When I'm feeling down, I like to whistle. It makes the neighbor's dog run to the end of his chain and gag himself.
        A penny saved is a government oversight.
The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right time, but also to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.
        The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight, because by then your body and your fat have gotten to be really good friends.
The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement .
        He who hesitates is probably right.
Did you ever notice: The Roman Numerals for forty (40) are ' XL.'
        If you think there is good in everybody, you haven't met everybody.
If you can smile when things go wrong , you have someone in mind to blame.
        The sole purpose of a child's middle name is so he can tell when he's really in trouble.
There's always a lot to b e thankful for if you take time to look for it. For example I am sitting here thinking how nice it is that wrinkles don't hurt .
        Did you ever notice: When you put the 2 words 'The' and 'IRS' together it spells 'Theirs.'
Aging: Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it.
        The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for.
Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me, I want people to know 'why' I look this way.
        I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved.
When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back to youth, think of Algebra.
        You know you are getting old when everything either dries up or leaks.
One of the many things no one tells you about aging is that it is such a nice change from being young.
        Ah, being young is beautiful, but being old is comfortable.
First you forget names, then you forget faces. Then you forget to pull up your zipper. It's worse when you forget to pull it down.
        Long ago when men cursed and beat the ground with sticks, it was called witchcraft. Today, it's called golf.

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